Instructions for use of Cassius and herbicide composition, dosage and analogues

Herbicides against annual and perennial weeds help protect agricultural crops from clogging and oppression by unwanted vegetation. Let's consider the rules for treating corn and potatoes with "Cassius" - a selective herbicide, its effect and purpose, dosage and consumption per hectare, what it can be combined with, what it can be replaced with and how to store it.

Composition and release form of the herbicide "Cassius"

"Cassius" contains rimsulfuron as an active ingredient in an amount of 250 g per kg.The manufacturer, JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim, produces the drug in the form of a water-soluble powder, in polymer jars with a capacity of 0.5 kg.

Purpose of the product

"Cassius" is a systemic herbicide that has a selective effect. Designed for the destruction of 1-year and perennial 2-lobed and cereal weeds in areas with corn and potatoes. Used in agriculture, fields and farm plots, not used in private household plots.

Principle of operation

Rimsulfuron stops the synthesis of acetolactate synthase, as a result, cell division at the growth points of the aerial parts and in the roots stops. The drug solution is absorbed mainly by leaves, for this reason its effectiveness is not affected by the level of moisture in the soil.

The herbicide "Cassius" acts quickly - after just a few hours, weed growth stops, symptoms of inhibition - chlorosis, anthocyanin coloring, deformation of shoots and leaves, tissue necrosis - begin to appear 2-3 days after treatment. The weeds die completely within 5-15 days. The protective effect lasts throughout the growing season.

Cassius herbicide

Dosage and rules of use

Spraying of corn is carried out when the plants have 2-6 leaves, the weeds will be in the early stages of development. Application rate – 0.04 l per hectare. For wheatgrass and cereal weeds, corn is sprayed when the weeds are 10-15 cm high, the application rate is 0.05 liters per hectare. When sprayed 2 times with “Cassius” mixed with 0.02 l of surfactant “Satellite” on the 1st and 2nd waves of weeds, with an interval between treatments of 1.5-3 weeks, the application rate is 0.03 l per ha. Spend 200-300 liters per hectare, waiting period - 60 days.

Potatoes are treated in a mixture with the surfactant “Satellite” after hilling, when the weeds have 1-4 leaves, wheatgrass will grow to a height of 10-15 cm. Application rate – 0.05 l per ha, consumption – 200-300 l per ha . With 2-fold treatment with “Cassius” on 2 waves of weeds (after hilling and on weeds at the 1-4 leaf stage), the application rate and solution consumption are the same as for corn.

Cassius herbicide

Safety precautions when working with the drug

"Cassius" is a herbicide with class 3 hazard for humans and bees. You need to work with low-toxic drugs in protective clothing, with the obligatory use of a respirator, goggles and gloves. When mixing the solution and spraying, do not remove protective equipment, do not eat, drink, or smoke. After finishing work, wash your hands and face with soap.

If there are signs of poisoning - mild irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, inhibition of movement - consult a doctor. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse with warm running water for 15 minutes.

Product compatibility

The Cassius herbicide is effective when used in its pure form, but to enhance the effect in areas with corn, it is recommended to mix it with pesticides based on 2,4-D, and in areas with potatoes - with Zontran.

For general use, first test mix a small amount of both drugs in a separate container. If the solution has changed its physical and chemical properties (color, temperature has changed, sediment has formed, bubbling is noted), the two products cannot be used together.

Cassius herbicide

Herbicide storage

Conditions for transportation and storage of “Cassius” – temperature range from -25 °C to +35 °C. Store the pesticide in dark, dry warehouses, next to other agricultural products, in industrial packaging.Limit the access of animals and children to the premises, do not store medicines, food, or animal feed in it.

The shelf life of the herbicide "Cassius" is 2 years. After the storage time has expired, the drug should be disposed of. Store the diluted solution for no more than a day, after which it greatly loses its effectiveness. It is recommended to dilute the solution in the volume required for use within one working day. Pour the remaining liquid onto an area not used for planting.

Cassius herbicide

What can be replaced?

For use in agriculture, the following products are considered analogues of the herbicide “Cassius”: “Altis”, “Arkan”, “Arpad”, “Basis”, “Grims”, “Dendy”, “Kordus” and “Kordus Plus”, “Mais” , “Prefect”, “Rangoli-Tyrant”, “Rimanol”, “Remus”, “Rimex”, “Romulus”, “Taurus”, “Thesis”, “Titus” and “Titus Plus”, “Trimmer”, “Cicero” ", "Chantus", "Escudo". All of them contain rimsulfuron as an active ingredient.

"Cassius" is a systemic herbicide for use in agriculture. It is used to treat corn and potato crops against annual and perennial weeds. Destroys many types of 2-lobed and cereal weeds, including those with a highly developed root system, such as wheatgrass. Treatment of weeds in the early stages of development can replace pre-sowing treatment of the area with herbicides. The drug is not phytotoxic if used in the recommended dosage, does not interfere with crop rotation, and resistance is not observed. Shows active action regardless of weather conditions. Low toxicity for animals and insects. It is economically consumed, which makes it economically advantageous to use it on large areas sown with corn or planted with potatoes.The death of weeds occurs quickly - after 1-2 weeks, so they do not have time to interfere with the growth of cultivated plants. The biological effect of herbicide treatment continues throughout the growing season until harvest.
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