Black geese belong to a breed of wild bird called geese. A rare species of Anseriformes lives in natural conditions in cold latitudes in Siberia, Yakutia, and the coastal zone of the Arctic Ocean. Hunting and food shortages threatened the existence of the population. Artificial breeding of brant geese, capable of adapting to life in a poultry yard, partly helps solve the problem of extinction of the species.
Description and characteristics of the black breed
Black geese are members of the duck family and are smaller in size than the usual domestic geese.Externally, the birds are similar to ducks, but differ in identical external characteristics among males and females, an elongated neck and habits characteristic of geese. The head, beak and neck of the birds are black. The main plumage of the body is black or dark gray, turning into dark brown, light brown or gray on the wings and abdomen, and into white in the under-tail region.
A characteristic feature is a narrow strip of white feathers located around the upper part of the neck. The short legs are distinguished by a dark color to match the dominant color of the plumage.
Advantages and disadvantages
The breed has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when breeding birds.
Acclimatized in cold latitudes, brent geese are capricious birds, prone to migration and frequent changes of habitat. To breed geese on a farm, it is necessary to provide the birds with favorable conditions and provide places for swimming and grazing.
Features of maintenance, feeding and care
Black geese adapt to farm conditions and get along well with domestic waterfowl. One of the main conditions of keeping is the presence of a reservoir where the geese spend a lot of time.Birds also mate on the water.
Geese's resistance to cold allows them to be kept in an aviary with a canopy for almost the entire season. To provide the livestock with constant access to water, a swimming area is usually set up on the territory of the pen. A grazing area with a low grass carpet is also required. The basis of the diet is plant foods. In addition, geese eat aquatic crustaceans and small fish.
At home, the menu includes:
- fresh herbs;
- corn;
- seaweed;
- vegetables.
The young animals are fed with boiled eggs, given fresh grass, and offered sprouted grain. A universal feed mixture for poultry is suitable for feeding black geese; in addition, they provide granules intended for waterfowl.
To prevent hypovitaminosis, vitamin and mineral complexes are added to the feed.
Breeding birds and their possible diseases
The mating season for black geese begins in June. The formed couple becomes inseparable. The male attracts the female with characteristic movements and becomes aggressive towards other males. During breeding, the couple is moved to a separate enclosure. A wicker or wooden nest is placed in a secluded place. The female insulates it with her own down and lays, on average, 4-5 eggs; in rare cases, the clutch contains up to 8 eggs. Hatching of the offspring takes from 24 to 26 days. The incubation method of breeding is also used.
From the first hours of life, goslings are independent, mobile and need regular feeding at intervals of every 2 hours. In nature, chicks remain with their parents until they reach sexual maturity, which occurs at 2-3 years.
Black geese are distinguished by their endurance and good health, but violation of maintenance requirements, an unbalanced diet and contact with infected birds can cause the development of infectious, somatic, and parasitic diseases.
Possible diseases of geese:
- salmonellosis;
- coccidiosis;
- colibacillosis;
- pasteurellosis;
- aspergillosis;
- stomatitis;
- helminthic infestations;
- arachnoenthomosis.
To prevent infections in the poultry yard, it is necessary to promptly clean the area, treat feeders, drinking bowls, and clean artificial reservoirs. Geese are vaccinated against a number of infections. The livestock should be regularly inspected and sick individuals should be isolated.