Varieties and drawings of geese feeders, how to make them yourself

Choosing a feeder for geese is one of the main tasks of a poultry owner. Only properly manufactured equipment purchased from a specialized store will save feed and simplify the process of cleaning the premises. To make it easier to decide on equipment for the poultry house, it is worth considering what types of feeders for geese there are, what requirements are imposed on them.

Requirements for feeders

Before you get feeders for geese, you need to know what criteria they must meet in order for the bird to feed and develop normally. Among the main requirements are:

  1. Ease of use. Containers for feed mixtures should not create discomfort - neither for birds nor for humans.
  2. Easy to clean. The containers used must be periodically washed and disinfected so as not to become a source of disease for geese.
  3. Sufficient degree of stability. You need to use containers as feeders that do not tip over during operation, but are securely held in a static position.
  4. Safety. Feeding equipment must not harm the health of poultry. Otherwise, she may be injured, remain hungry and die.

Particular attention must be paid to the choice of materials from which the feeder will be made. For dry food, the best solution is to use wooden containers. But for wet formulations, metal containers are suitable.

To avoid causing problems with the digestive tract in geese, milk formula is stored in plastic containers. Metal tanks are not suitable here. High-quality plastic is a universal option; it is used for all types of feed. In addition, it is not subject to corrosive changes.

The size of the feeder also plays an important role in choosing the right feeding device. Since geese love to scatter food and rummage around in it, choosing the best, it is worth installing tanks that they cannot crawl into. For the younger generation, containers with a height of 5-10 cm are sufficient, and for adults – 15-25 cm. Nursery-type containers are prepared for grass. One head will require 15 cubic meters. cm of the total container volume.The main thing is that the feeders are always clean.

Plastic containers are the simplest and most affordable way to feed poultry

When choosing a container for feeding poultry, you should give preference to reliable and durable designs that match the specific type of mixture. If the food is dry, then to save product and space, you should use containers that can be fixed on the wall. It is recommended to pay special attention to the capacity of the feeder; it should contain the daily amount of feed.

Types and features of devices

To properly keep geese at home, you need feeders that are convenient and practical to use. The materials from which they are made are environmentally friendly and durable. Depending on the type of feed, there are different devices adapted for a specific type of mash.

For bulk mixtures

To make a container for bulk mixtures with your own hands, just knock together a rectangular structure from wide (2 pcs.) and narrow (2 pcs.) slats. Install plugs on both sides using two small slats. For greater durability, “legs” made of thin strips are mounted at the bottom of these plugs. A round bar is attached to the top of the rectangular structure, and it is fixed above the side elements. The main advantage of such a device is that geese do not have the opportunity to get inside to the food.

Plastic containers are the simplest and most affordable way to feed poultry

For wet food

For wet mash for domestic livestock, a special device is required that will not deteriorate or rust. The optimal solution here would be a plastic or galvanized pipe. Its diameter is from 25 cm.

Making your own equipment for geese is not difficult if you cut the workpiece in half and plug the sides, welding them using electric welding. It is possible to get two feeding devices from one pipe.The advantages of this method are ease of manufacture and efficiency of use.

If there are a lot of used car tires in the yard, then you can safely put them into use. The principle of making feeders is as follows:

  • Prepare the tire.

goose feeder

  • Using a grinder, cut off the top part.

goose feeder

  • Place a container of suitable diameter inside.

goose feeder

For young animals

To feed the younger generation, any container is enough. As they grow older, the type and size of the structure should be changed to a more suitable one. It is optimal to assemble a container made of wood, 6 cm high. For ease of transportation of the feeder, a 14 cm long rail is mounted to the side parts. Among the positive aspects of such devices for goslings are:

  • the ability to make it yourself using improvised materials;
  • keeping feed pure;
  • accessibility when filling with mash;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • convenience when feeding young animals.

Drawings and dimensions

To simplify the process of making a device for feeding geese, you must first make a drawing, decide on the dimensions and prepare suitable materials.

goose feeder

What materials will be needed?

Anyone can assemble a feeder at home. The main thing is to have in stock:

  • plastic/metal barrel;
  • hacksaw for working with metal;
  • fragments of a plastic sewer pipe with an angle of 90 °C;
  • hot melt adhesive.

Plastic containers are the simplest and most affordable way to feed poultry

You can make a bunker-type device in two variations:

  1. Hanging, where there is a compartment and a tray for containing food.
  2. Above ground, made from a barrel and a turn of a sewer pipe. It is installed in the opening, which was prepared in advance in the container.Unlike the first modification, here you can fill in a larger volume of the mixture, and it is also more convenient to use.

How to make a goose feeder with your own hands

The bunker device consists of a compartment where the feed is stored and an outlet for its dosed supply. To assemble it correctly, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • Mark the plastic container in accordance with the diameter of the sewer pipe used. The mark should be 30-40 cm from the bottom of the container, otherwise it will be inconvenient for the geese to eat food from such a height.

goose feeder

  • Prepare fragments of the sewer pipe and cut them along the corner of the elbow.

plastic pipe

  • Cut an opening in a plastic container according to the diameter of the pipe. Install it into the resulting hole.

goose feeder

  • Using hot melt glue, process the edges of the pipe. This simple technique will allow it not to turn while feeding the bird. Hot-melt adhesive will also eliminate the possibility of moisture penetrating inside the container with dry food.

goose feeder

If desired, you can increase the level of moisture protection of the feed. To do this, you will need to install a canopy made of metal or plastic. The optimal distance from the edge of the pipe to the canopy is 10 cm. All that remains is to pour the nutritional composition for the growth and development of poultry into the finished feeder.

You can make the necessary equipment for geese from a 5 liter plastic bottle. A circle of small diameter is cut out in the bottom of the container into which the food will be poured, and holes for ropes are made along the edges with a hot nail. The bottle is turned upside down, hung, and a basin is placed under it. This simple design greatly simplifies the process of feeding geese.

Plastic containers are the simplest and most affordable way to feed poultry

The herbal device is made of wood, which is absolutely safe for animals.For green fodder it is not necessary to use a trough. This can be a regular device made of slats, but it is recommended to clean them so that there are no burrs.

It is very simple to make a device for feeding poultry with your own hands. When choosing suitable equipment, first of all, you should take into account the number of geese on the farm and the type of food. The main thing is that in order not to expose the livestock to the risk of getting sick, both feeders and drinking bowls should always be kept clean and periodically disinfected.
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