Description and characteristics of Tambov gray geese and breeding

The Tambov gray geese breed is included in the group of meat breeds. Due to its high productivity, the breed is popular not only in Russia and nearby countries, but also in foreign countries. Let's consider the description and characteristics of Tambov geese, the pros and cons of the breed, how to keep and care for the birds, and what to feed. It would be a good idea to learn how to breed and breed geese at home.

History of appearance

Selection work to develop the Tambov breed was carried out in the 30s. 20th century in Ukraine. The new variety was bred from the Romny and Toulouse breeds.During the Great Patriotic War, geese were exported to the Tambov region, where the creation of the breed was completed. Thus, in the Tambov breed there are 2 intra-breed types - Ukrainian and Tambov geese. Representatives of both types have gray feathers.

For breeding stock, birds were selected that were able to quickly gain weight, were distinguished by their vitality and fertility, and could be fed with low nutritional feed. Gray geese are now used to breed new breeds that are characterized by productivity and adaptation to the conditions of different climatic zones.

Description and characteristics of Tambov geese

Tambov geese are large, with a strong build, they have a long body, a muscular chest, a medium-length neck, and a large head. Thick beak, red-orange color, metatarsus of the same color. A pronounced fold is visible on the belly of the birds. The feather is gray, darker on the back than on the head, top of the neck and chest. The belly is covered with white feather. The weight of ganders of the Tambov breed is 7-9.5 kg, geese - 6-6.5 kg. Females lay 3-4 dozen eggs, each weighing 160-180 g. The hatchability of goslings is 75%. Tambov geese are used by breeders as improvers, and good quality hybrid offspring are obtained from them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages
growth rate of goslings, at 2.5 months they accumulate 4.5 kg of weight;
can be fattened specifically for fatty liver;
can be grown without a pond;
can be kept on pasture;
The geese themselves plant and raise the goslings.

There are no shortcomings in ganders and geese of the Tambov breed.

Keeping and caring for birds

Geese of the Tambov selection are raised in a poultry house, in which they should have plenty of space.For each bird, you need to allocate an area of ​​at least 0.5 m2. It is necessary to keep the room dry, warm and bright. It should be light even on winter days. This is necessary for the geese to lay eggs.

There should be no cracks in the walls and ceiling to prevent drafts from forming, which could cause the geese to catch a cold. But the cold is not so scary for them; they can tolerate cold snaps while living in a poultry house. But there should be a layer of bedding on the floor. Straw, hay dust, dry peat, sawdust or shavings can be used as bedding material. The litter must be fresh, clean and dry; bacteria and viruses multiply in wet conditions.

Ventilation of the room must also be provided. As bird droppings decompose, they release ammonia, which geese breathe. The ventilation system must remove fumes from the poultry house. Therefore, it must work smoothly. If there is no system, then you need to ventilate the goose barn manually - open the door and windows.

Tambov gray goose

Tambov geese love walks and active movement. Thanks to physical activity and fresh air, they become stronger, healthier, and grow faster. Therefore, geese need to be taken out for a walk in the pen every day. The birds should spend 8-10 hours there. In summer, they can be kept in the pen all day and only driven back into the barn in the evening.

Feeding rules

For the winter, it is better to store food for geese for future use. This way they will cost less and will always be at hand. Both in winter and in summer, philistines are prepared for the birds from grain, grated root vegetables and vegetables. Bone meal, fish waste, premixes, chalk and salt are added to them. The consistency of the mash should be moist. Fresh green grass is added to them. This feed ingredient is required, since geese are herbivorous birds.

If there is a pond near the yard, you can drive the geese there. Aquatic vegetation and living creatures will become good food on which birds can gain weight.

Geese can nibble grass on the pasture, so many poultry farmers do not mow the grass, but simply graze the flock in the nearest meadow. In the evening, feed with mash once. Before laying eggs, geese are fed with vitamin preparations and premixes. The mixtures prepare the body for a period when a lot of energy and nutrients will be expended.

The goslings are first fed a mixture of boiled eggs, cottage cheese, small grains, and chopped greens. When it is 1.5 weeks old, they begin to feed grated root vegetables and vegetables. By 1.5 months they are switched to an adult diet. Poultry is raised for fattening for up to 5 months.

There is a scheme feeding Tambov geese on poultry feed. The compound feed is easy to use, the composition is selected and adjusted so that the mixture can fully satisfy the goose body’s need for nutrients. When feeding with combined feeds, the geese's drinking bowls must be constantly filled with water.

Breeding and rearing

Tambov geese can incubate eggs themselves; up to 15 eggs are placed under them. After hatching, not only mothers, but also fathers take care of the brood. Goose families should be made up of purebred representatives of the breed; for 1 male there should be, on average, 6-7 females. When crossed with other breeds, Tambov goslings are obtained that have the characteristics of both parents; they are often tenacious and quicker than their purebred relatives.

Tambov gray goose

Frequent illnesses

Geese of the Tambov breed are healthy, strong, and resistant to cold.They rarely get sick if they live in a clean, bright, warm and ventilated room.

But if the rules of maintenance and care are not followed, then birds often suffer from infectious diseases. Without prevention and treatment, they can kill the entire population.

To prevent the occurrence and spread of infection in the flock, you must remember to clean and change bedding, wash and disinfect equipment. If signs of impairment or distress are observed, a veterinarian should be consulted. The doctor will be able to select the appropriate treatment and determine how long it should last.

Digestive disorders and metabolic pathologies arise as a result of improper feeding. To eliminate the cause, you need to review your diet and adjust it in favor of light but nutritious food.

Tambov gray geese were bred in Ukraine and Russia, but are popular in many regions with different climates. Birds are valued by professionals and amateur poultry farmers for their rapid growth, vitality, and egg production. The breed can be raised for meat for yourself or for sale in industrial or private mini-farms, and you can also obtain eggs for your own consumption.
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