Geese form unique families within the herd with several females and one male. This circumstance pleases poultry farmers, since for the sake of reproduction of the livestock they do not have to waste feeding extra birds for several years. How many geese should be left for one gander so that he is satisfied and at the same time not exhausted? What factors influence its effectiveness?
How many geese, on average, should be left per gander?
This question cannot be answered unambiguously. In addition to the fact that the owner is inclined to leave the best individuals for the tribe, the geese themselves actively participate in the selection. The relationships that have developed within it play a certain role in the formation of the parent herd.According to statistics, the number of females for one gander ranges from 1 to 5. But at good moments in life, the male also covers 8-10 individuals of the opposite sex. This pace does not last long as it exhausts the gander. For a permanent relationship, he stays with his favorites.
To appreciate a gander, you need to watch it. After all, there are individuals who are satisfied with one friend. Fertility is inherited by the producer. Therefore, having several young males in the herd, the owner takes a closer look at who pays more attention to the opposite sex than others.
Factors influencing the quantity
Studies have shown that the sexual behavior of a male has reasons that can often be corrected by the owner. These include:
- age;
- breed;
- nutrition;
- conditions of detention;
- relationships in the herd;
- adding new individuals to the group.
Ganders become capable of breeding from 7 months. They can choose from females older than 8 months and up to 4-6 years old. The owner selects older geese for slaughter. The male remains sexually active for 3-4 years.
Ganders of heavy meat breeds are not particularly interested in the opposite sex. 2-3 females that they trample is a good indicator. It happens that there are no ganders in the herd that come into contact with more than 1 female. If you don’t want to feed a lot of them in vain, buy active ones from another farm, checking their abilities with your own eyes.
Then the problem arises with family ties, leading to degeneration and even deformities. Every 3 years, when changing ganders, you have to resort to strangers, acquired, preferably, in another area. Otherwise, you will have to change all the geese, which is more expensive. Although, at the same time, calm in the herd would be preserved, and the activity of the ganders at the sight of new ones would increase. Some of them could be sent for meat.
The diet of healthy birds is balanced. Well-being affects the reproductive functions of the body. Also added to the feed are additives that stimulate the production and activity of sperm, such as a chlorella suspension. It can be found in mixed feed. Free access to the reservoir also increases the vitality of geese.