Description and characteristics of Ural gray and white geese, breeding

Ural gray geese are considered a relatively young breed, which is the result of the work of domestic scientists. It took about 7 years of testing and experimentation to breed these birds. Representatives of this breed are characterized by high parameters of fertility and endurance. In addition, these geese are considered very unpretentious. Birds are especially in demand in the Urals and Siberia.

Main characteristics and description

These birds were bred on the basis of wild geese nesting in the Ural region - in the vicinity of the city of Shadrinsk. There are 2 main varieties of such birds - white and gray.

White variety

This breed is characterized by the following features:

  • compact head;
  • short legs;
  • smooth beak without a hump;
  • medium body;
  • short tail with a pointed tip;
  • a small fold on the belly - characteristic of all geese;
  • short neck - considered the main characteristic feature and is associated with the presence of 16 vertebrae;
  • High-density hard down and branched feathers that help retain heat.

A distinctive feature of birds is the lack of need for water, which is an advantage when compared with other breeds of waterfowl.

Gray variety

These birds have excellent parameters, which made them very popular among all poultry farmers. Gray geese are characterized by the following features:

  • large body;
  • no need for additional care;
  • rapid increase in body weight;
  • high productivity parameters.

Gray Ural geese were obtained on the basis of Toulouse and Romen birds. During the work, a long and careful selection was carried out. In this case, individuals were selected according to individual parameters, productivity, weight gain and preservation of high quality fluff. The characteristic features of this species of birds include the following:

  • well-fed body;
  • large, rounded chest;
  • short neck;
  • wide back;
  • short and strong legs;
  • gray feathers, white breast and belly.

Gray geese are characterized by a rapid increase in body weight in the first months. Thanks to this, already at 5 months young birds reach a weight of 5 kilograms. Adult males weigh 7 kilograms, and females - 6-6.5.In addition, females produce 25-30 eggs throughout the year. Birds are considered excellent parents for goslings.

What are their pros and cons

Ural gray goose

Advantages and disadvantages
rapid development and increase in body weight;
low maintenance requirements;
simplicity of content;
high egg production parameters;
good health and resistance to pathologies;
developed parental instinct.
specific taste of meat;
long and stiff feathers that cannot be used for stuffing pillows or other products;
high food costs in the winter season.

Rules for keeping and caring for Ural geese

Ural gray geese are undemanding to living conditions. They are characterized by a thick layer of fat and warm plumage. This prevents the birds from freezing even in the most severe frosts. Therefore, it is permissible to make a poultry house from available materials. To increase egg production parameters, it is important to provide room heating. Lighting is used to increase daylight hours.

The creation of perches, feeders and drinking bowls is of no small importance. It is important for females to make comfortable nests. It is definitely worth installing containers with sand in the poultry house. Geese will be able to bathe and clean their feathers in them. This is considered an excellent prevention of parasite infection.

Geese should not be kept in confined spaces all the time. It is important to take the birds out for a walk once a day. To do this, it is recommended to make a pen in the fresh air. It is definitely worthwhile to provide a canopy on the walking area. It provides shelter from rain and snow.

How to make a proper diet

Ural geese are undemanding when it comes to nutrition. In summer, birds can independently obtain food for themselves - roots and grass. As a supplement to the winter diet, it is permissible to use ready-made feed or make it yourself.In any case, the diet should be varied. Therefore, the following components should be mixed into dry cereal mixtures based on barley, corn and wheat:

  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • minerals;
  • boiled vegetables - it is best to use potatoes, beets, carrots.

The number of meals should be calculated taking into account the frequency of walking. If geese walk 2 times a day, they should be fed twice. If you stay in the enclosure all the time, you will need 3-4 meals.

Ural gray goose

Bird breeding rules

Ural geese are characterized by a pronounced maternal instinct. Therefore, the need to use an incubator arises only on large farms. In small farms, the use of additional devices is not required. In this case, it is much easier to place several high-quality eggs under the goose and be patient.

In this case, it is enough for the farmer to provide the female with adequate nutrition and access to water.

Diseases and their causes

Despite their strong immunity, Ural geese sometimes encounter various pathologies. The main cause of illness is considered to be violation of the rules of care. The development of pathologies is associated with the following factors:

  1. Raising geese in unsanitary conditions. The risk of disease increases with insufficient cleaning of the premises, rare changes of water in drinking bowls or bathing containers.
  2. Uncomfortable conditions. If the aviary is not properly equipped, birds may encounter increased dampness, drafts or low temperatures.
  3. Poor nutrition. Geese can get sick if they have a monotonous and unbalanced diet. Also, the risk of developing pathologies increases if birds drink stale water.

All bird diseases are divided into 2 categories - contagious and non-contagious.The first group includes viral, bacterial, fungal infections. Geese often encounter aspergillosis. Symptoms of this pathology include general weakness, loss of appetite, and severe thirst.

Typically, the causes of infection with aspergillosis are considered to be poor quality food and water, contact with new birds that have not been quarantined. To avoid problems, it is important to keep the poultry house clean, promptly change feed, water and bedding, and disinfect the premises with a solution of copper sulfate.

The causes of non-communicable pathologies are considered to be violations of conditions of detention and care. Poor nutrition also leads to them. To avoid such problems, it is worth introducing vitamins and minerals into your diet. Such drugs should be selected by a veterinarian. These supplements help strengthen the immune system, maintain normal health, and normalize body tone. During the season, it is recommended to give birds a lot of vegetables and herbs.

To prevent pathologies, chicks should be given a solution of potassium permanganate with a concentration of 0.1%, mixing it with glucose. Ural gray geese are highly productive and have strong immunity. Under the right conditions and a balanced diet, birds practically do not get sick and gain weight well.
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