Description of the 8 best breeds of white geese for home keeping, breeding

Wild white geese – migratory birds, common in the circumpolar and polar regions of the Northern Hemisphere, in Russia, Canada, the USA (winters in California) and Greenland. But in agriculture, another representative of the genus with plumage of a similar color is used. It is a white domestic goose that has several different breeds with similar appearance but different characteristics.

Features of white breeds

At first glance, the breeds are similar, but they have dozens of differences in the following points:

  1. Belonging to the meat or egg direction. Some are grown for fatty liver, which can reach a weight of 500-600 grams. It is used to create a traditional French delicacy - foie gras.
  2. Body mass. If a wild white goose barely reaches 4 kilograms, then its domestic relative, depending on the breed, can weigh from 5 to 10 and a record 12 kilograms.
  3. Egg production. This figure ranges from 25 to 70 eggs.
  4. The hatchability of chicks from clutch is also strikingly different: 50-80%.

Despite these differences, all breeds of white geese have similar characteristics and common features. They are united not only by the same color, but also by the rapid growth of the chicks, rapid weight gain, and belonging to the meat type, since these birds are extremely rarely used in a highly specialized manner - only for obtaining eggs.

This is due not only to the fact that goose eggs are rarely used for food, but also to the meager number of clutches per year. Even the best laying hens do not lay more than 90 eggs, and this is extremely small compared to representatives of other types of poultry.

Best representatives

Based on many years, and sometimes centuries, of selection, breeds of white geese have been developed that have a number of excellent qualities. Thanks to them, birds are widespread and grown in almost all countries on our planet.

Adler geese

Adler geese

The ancestors of this breed had too fatty meat and a meager number of eggs in the clutch. To improve their performance, they were crossed with Solnechnogorsk and large grays. The resulting hybrid was called Adler, after its original roots.

Advantages and disadvantages
The weight of a gander is up to 7 kilograms, a goose’s weight is up to 5-6 kilograms.
Rapid growth of goslings. At two months their weight reaches 3-4 kilograms.
High survival rate of offspring.
Excellent taste of meat.
Frequent refusal of incubation.
Low number of eggs - about 30 eggs per year.
Hatchability – 50%.

The birds are adapted to hot climates and are common in the Krasnodar region.


Governor's geese

Chicks have a grayish spot, while adults of the breed are pure white. They have a wide back, a small head, legs and beak of an orange hue. The birds are not large, but they are active.

Advantages and disadvantages
Fast weight gain.
The male weighs up to 5 kilograms, the goose - up to 4.
Ganders are able to “serve” many more females than males of other breeds.
No more than 45 eggs are laid per year.
Not the heaviest weight compared to other varieties.
Successful cultivation requires special conditions and a balanced diet.

Danish legart

Danish legart

These are large white geese, bred relatively recently, belonging to the meat category. It is recommended that poultry farmers with experience keep them, because the breed requires a special approach and knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages
The weight of a gander is up to 8 kilograms, a goose’s weight is up to 7.
At 60 days, goslings weigh up to 4 kilograms.
Unpretentiousness in maintenance and nutrition.
Suitable for obtaining juicy lean meat and fluff - up to half a kilogram from one individual.
Low egg production - no more than 30 pieces.
Chick survival rate is 65%.

Italian whites

Italian whites

These are solid, snow-white birds with bright orange beaks and feet. They are popular because they have useful qualities and characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages
The body weight of a male is up to 7 kilograms, a goose is up to 6.
The liver reaches 500 grams or more, so such geese are fattened not only for meat.
Early maturing - chicks weigh 4 kilograms at 2 months.
Egg production – minimum 45 eggs per year.
They can show aggression towards other birds, especially ducks, but this, to one degree or another, is characteristic of all representatives of the goose tribe.

Italian white geese are a productive breed, suitable even for a beginner in poultry breeding.

Ural whites

Ural whites

Geese of this breed are also often called Shadrinsky, according to the place where they were obtained. Even though there are Ural white geese For several centuries now, the breed has not become widespread.

Advantages and disadvantages
Rapid growth and weight gain
Unpretentiousness in food and maintenance.
Adaptation to the conditions of the Urals.
Geese are wonderful hens, diligently raising their offspring.
The weight of a goose is no more than 6 kilograms, a goose’s weight is up to 5.
Low egg production - no more than 20 eggs.
Low productivity.
Not the best exterior.

The most important feature of white geese of this breed is their adaptability to living in the rather harsh conditions of the Ural region. But it is precisely this quality that makes the breed at the same time rare.



This breed of geese was bred on the basis of endemic ones, especially for industrial cultivation and breeding.

Advantages and disadvantages
Excellent quality meat and tender, easily digestible fat.
Accelerated growth - at 60 days the goslings weigh from 3 to 4 kilograms.
Ganders weigh 6.5 kilograms as adults, and geese weigh a kilogram less.
The breed is suitable for specialized fattening to produce foie gras. The liver of Rhine geese weighs up to 400 grams.
Egg production – 50 eggs per season.This is much more than most other breeds of white geese.
Weakly expressed brooding instinct.
The need for balanced feeding to obtain liver.



Geese of this breed can be white or gray (brownish, with a characteristic feather pattern, especially on the wings and sides, with a wide gray stripe along the neck). Both varieties are distinguished by excellent qualities, but the white variety is considered more valuable.

These are birds with a massive body, a long neck, a fairly large head with a specific bump on the forehead and a skin pouch under the beak.

Advantages and disadvantages
One of the best meat breeds. Males reach 12 kilograms, adult females - 8. Two-month-old goslings can weigh up to 5 kilograms or more.
You can feed geese not only with mixtures - they actively graze in the fresh air.
Disease resistance.
Geese require proper feeding, as they are massive birds, and excess food will lead to excess fat accumulation.


Emden goose

These geese were bred in Germany, have a massive body with a flat back, a dewlap under the beak and a fat fold on the stomach. The beak and legs are orange, the plumage is pure white. These birds are bred for their meat.

Advantages and disadvantages
The weight of a goose is 10 kilograms, an adult female weighs 8 kilograms.
Egg production – 30 pieces per season.
Rapid weight gain.
The need to let geese freely graze is due to the fact that birds indoors are more prone to disease, and the meat loses its taste. It is better for those birds that graze on grass and receive complex nutrition.

The variety of breeds of white geese with specific qualities and characteristics makes it possible to choose a suitable option for rearing on an industrial scale, on farms and in private plots.
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