Perches are provided in turkey houses so that the birds can sit on them during breaks between other activities. Perches are made from durable materials, since the birds are large. Turkey poultry houses should be equipped with poles extending along the perimeter of the room. Each bird should be provided with free space. The design of the structure can be selected taking into account the characteristics of the premises and the number of livestock.
- Requirements for a turkey poultry
- Where is the best place to place it?
- Required tools and materials
- Project and drawings
- For turkey poults
- For adult turkeys
- Recommendations for construction depending on quantity
- 100 heads
- 50 goals
- 20 goals
- 10 goals
- Building a room with your own hands
- Foundation and floor
- Walls and roof
- Windows and doors
- Poultry house arrangement
- Lighting, heating and ventilation
- Arrangement of perches and nests
- Installation of feeders and drinkers
- Features of arranging a room for turkey poults
- Creating an enclosure for walking
Requirements for a turkey poultry
A turkey coop is a building designed to house turkeys and turkey hens. Birds of this species are much larger than chickens and ducks, so the space for keeping them must take these features into account. Experienced farmers advise building a separate house for turkeys and not keeping them together with other types of poultry.
A version of a homemade poultry house is shown in the video:
There are a number of requirements for the construction of a turkey poultry house:
- The indoor air temperature ranges from -5 to +23. In this case, the humidity level is set at 60 to 65 percent. Violation of the conditions associated with setting the temperature or humidity levels leads to an increase in the number of diseases among the livestock.
- The inside is kept dry and free of draft winds, since a constant draft provokes a cold in the bird. In this case, ventilation should be provided and the room should be ventilated regularly to get rid of stagnant odors.
- The turkey poultry space is divided into 2 sections: for males and females. A separate output is provided for each section.
- Inside the turkey poultry, sanitary and hygienic conditions are created that meet basic requirements. Bedding and nests are cleaned several times weekly, ensuring that bedding materials remain dry.
- Attention is paid to the lighting device.Additional light lamps are hung under the ceiling of the poultry house, since during winter and autumn birds are recommended to extend daylight hours to 12-13 hours.
- The turkey house is provided with drinking and feeding equipment. They must be installed at a height that is comfortable for birds. Each turkey enjoys free access to drinking bowls throughout the day.
- Perches and nests occupy separate space. As a rule, a strong ladder leads to the nest if it is located on a hill. Perches are provided with the expectation that there will be free space allocated for each bird.
- Adult turkeys need to be equipped with manholes between sections. Holes in the walls are additionally processed, irregularities and nicks are removed and sanded with a plane if necessary.
- When building a poultry house, they provide for a separate vestibule designed to retain heat inside the room, and also add a run nearby so that the birds have the opportunity to go outside in the warm season.
Attention! Young and adult birds are kept separately from each other.
An example of a turkey poultry is shown in the video:
Where is the best place to place it?
The turkey poultry is placed on a piece of land near other buildings.
This protects the walls of the poultry house from drafts and prevents a decrease in indoor temperatures. The location for the poultry house is selected according to the following criteria:
- flat terrain;
- lack of high groundwater;
- elimination of tilt;
- eliminating height differences between sections.
Information! Birds are able to fly over small obstacles if they are startled by noise or other pets.
Required tools and materials
Durable wood is used for poultry houses.Before construction, the wood is carefully checked; the use of materials with defects or damage is excluded. The premises are placed on a foundation; various materials will be needed for this. Check list:
- timber boards;
- poles;
- material for pouring the foundation, laying floors;
- fittings;
- sand and water for cementing;
- waterproofing material;
- pipes;
- metal corners.
Tools needed for construction:
- measuring devices;
- Building tools;
- shovel.
Project and drawings
Before construction, it is necessary to design the room on paper. In this case, the age characteristics of the group of birds should be taken into account.
For turkey poults
Chicks are housed separately from adults. For 5 turkey poults, 1 square meter is enough. This means that up to 30 chicks can be placed in a room of 6 square meters.
The turkey house for the chicks is built in advance, with a small enclosure for walking. Experienced installers advise not to increase the height of the walls, but to make the room low. This method helps to save energy and reduces heating costs. It should be taken into account that for young birds the temperature in the room is maintained 5-10 degrees higher than in the turkey poultry area for adult birds.
For adult turkeys
Adults need more space. In addition, perches and nests must be built for adult birds.
A turkey house for keeping adult birds is built with a vestibule. The vestibule is the space that is located in front of the entrance to the main room. The presence of a vestibule helps keep the heat inside the main house and prevents cold air from entering when the door is opened, which is especially important when the air temperature drops outside.
Recommendations for construction depending on quantity
To place the livestock inside the turkey poultry, it is recommended to focus on the number of heads. Small turkey poultry houses house one species; on an industrial scale, premises are built that are designed to house several species of birds.
100 heads
For 100 birds, a room is built in which the birds will be permanently located, so each bird is allocated more space. For 100 birds, a room with an area of 240 square meters will be needed.
50 goals
To keep 50 heads, the area of the room is 2 times smaller, that is, 120 square meters. It is recommended to build a turkey house with 2 sections and separate paddocks on different sides.
20 goals
For 20 heads you will need an area of 48 square meters intended for housing. In this case, it is necessary to provide 30 square meters nearby for poultry walking.
10 goals
For 10 heads, it is enough to build a room with an area of 24 square meters, while 15 square meters are provided for walking. You can place 10 heads together with other species of birds, but it is necessary to provide separate sections for each species.
Building a room with your own hands
In a household setting, a turkey poultry house is built independently. The basis for a capital structure is the foundation floor. For temporary placement, prefabricated structures can be installed.
Foundation and floor
For a new room it is necessary to pour the foundation. In an old barn that is chosen for keeping turkeys, the floors must be insulated and reinforced.
The foundation is poured in stages:
- Dig a trench 0.5 meters wide. The area is marked with a rope and buried pegs.
- Gravel or sand is placed at the bottom of the dug trench.The laying layer is made at least 15 centimeters.
- Formwork 30 centimeters high is installed above the ground.
- Reinforcement is installed in the trench and secured with wire and formwork.
- Gradually, prepared concrete is poured into the trench layer by layer.
- To prevent the formation of voids, tamping is done. The last layer of fill is leveled using special devices.
After the concrete has completely hardened, construction of the floor begins. To do this, the concrete is covered with a layer of bitumen, then the boards begin to be laid according to the scheme.
Walls and roof
The walls are erected from wood or timber. The room can be built from brick, but it should be taken into account that the material needs additional processing.
If the poultry house is made of boards, then before using the material, it is checked for defects. The wood for the walls is stained with special compounds so that after construction mold does not develop, which has a detrimental effect on the health of the birds kept. The most popular option chosen when building walls is frame assembly. This is a fast and economical way to build.
The roof is covered with any available material, but it is better not to skimp on insulation and vapor barrier. These methods help keep your indoors warm in winter. Vapor barrier for turkey poultry is mandatory, since the birds will emit a lot of moisture during their life.
Attention! Builders recommend insulating the walls of the poultry house with mineral wool.
Windows and doors
It is necessary to make a window opening in the turkey house. For a small room, it is customary to cut a window next to the door. For a room designed for 25-30 heads, 2 or more windows are made. All door and window openings are additionally insulated with mineral wool.
In addition, birds need holes. Manholes are openings that allow birds to move from one room to another through prepared and processed holes in the walls. Manholes are made at a small height from the floor, and small steps are attached to them.
The finished turkey poultry may look like this:
Poultry house arrangement
The finished poultry house is equipped taking into account the peculiarities of its maintenance. To get maximum profit from the livestock, it is necessary to create conditions that are comfortable for the growth and development of turkeys.
Lighting, heating and ventilation
Turkeys are provided with up to 13 hours of light. This is necessary so that the birds gain weight and do not become infected with infectious diseases.
In summer, turkeys receive enough light on the run, and in winter, they are provided with artificial lighting indoors.
Table for turning on electricity in a turkey poultry house:
in winter | In summer |
from 6 a.m. until full dawn, and after 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. | On cloudy days for several hours, as well as in the evenings, after 10 p.m. |
Information! The optimal indicator is 10 watts per 1 square meter.
Ventilation is arranged as a flow-exhaust installation. The pipes must be located at different levels.
A built-in ventilation system is necessary when keeping foreign breeds. The characteristics of local breeds make it possible to keep them in the presence of windows with vents located on different walls of the poultry house.
Turkeys are resistant to low temperatures. An indicator that is not considered critical is -3 or -5 degrees. If the air temperature drops, the birds may get sick. To ensure a comfortable temperature, special heating devices are provided in the turkey poultry house.
Arrangement of perches and nests
Turkey perches must be durable.The weight of birds varies from 4 to 15 kilograms, so the materials used should be oriented towards this.
One adult turkey should be provided with 0.4 to 0.5 meters of perch space. Most often, perches are built in the form of a staircase structure. This means that the bottom step is at the minimum permissible height from the floor level, and the topmost step can be located under the ceiling of the room.
The lowest perch pole for young animals, if they are not kept in cages, is installed at a height of 0.5 meters from the floor. The maximum permissible height for arranging a perch is 1.2 meters.
Turkey nests are made from wooden boxes. A convenient option for keeping livestock is to build nests in the form of a beehive. This means that the drawers are placed sideways on top of each other. A small staircase leads to each box.
Socket example:
Bedding is placed inside the nests and changed periodically. Turkeys are clean and careful when hatching chicks; they do not like strangers approaching them, so nests should be cleaned especially carefully and accurately.
Installation of feeders and drinkers
Drinkers and feeders are installed 40 centimeters from the floor. The material for feeders and drinkers may be different. The modern approach assumes that feeders and drinking bowls can be equipped from scraps of plastic hollow pipes.
Before installation, feeders are disinfected with a solution of manganese permanganate; after installation, the cleanliness of the containers is monitored daily.
Information! For young turkey chicks, it is important to make feeders and drinkers at such a level that the chick cannot get wet, as this leads to the subsequent death of the turkey chick.
Features of arranging a room for turkey poults
In the first weeks of life, turkey poults are kept in a brooder. This is a special small space made of a wooden frame and mesh with mandatory lighting.
The lamp, which is installed inside, provides the necessary lighting and temperature indicators.
An example is shown in the video:
The floor of the brooder is covered with bedding or covered with sand. The bedding or sand is changed daily. From the second week of life, sawdust can be used as bedding, which has been scalded in advance with boiling water. Feeders for turkey chicks should be soft and safe so that the chick cannot get hurt.
Reference! The housing density is calculated using the formula: 5 chicks per 1 square meter.
Walking is planned from the third week of existence. A specially fenced area is used for walking. Small perches up to 15 centimeters high from the ground are installed in the walking area. There should be 10 centimeters of free space per chick on the perch.
Creating an enclosure for walking
Some turkey breeds require mandatory regular walking. To do this, a pen is built next to the turkey poultry, which is specially fenced with a fence 1.7-2 meters high. Turkeys are capable of rising into the air when danger approaches or when there is unexpected noise. They can fly over a low obstacle and end up out of sight of the owner. One of the options for arranging a walking area is to create an area closed at the top. To create a roof, durable polyethylene or thin poles are used.
The enclosure is built from mesh materials. Such walls let air in and create a feeling of open space.When calculating the area of the pen for walking, it is taken into account that one turkey needs 1.5 meters of free space.
The birds must be able to return to the turkey house to roost, so the run and the main room are connected by an open passage.
A possible option is shown in the video:
The purpose of walking is to provide turkeys with access to additional food sources. Breeders recommend making pen structures portable. This will allow the fence to be moved to another location after the area is no longer suitable for use. Turkeys feed on grass while walking and hunt for insects.