Dimensions of the room for indo-ducks and how to arrange a poultry house with your own hands

Breeding poultry involves creating comfortable conditions for keeping birds. It is necessary to find out the requirements for arranging a room for Indian ducks. First, it is advised to find a suitable site and draw up a building diagram. Materials for the construction and insulation of walls are selected taking into account the weather conditions of the area. The dimensions of the poultry house are calculated according to zootechnical recommendations.

General requirements for a poultry house

If you plan to breed indo-ducks throughout the year, a permanent pen for the birds is built. The livestock should not freeze when it gets cold.Recommendations for arranging the premises:

  1. The height of the building should be at level 2, and the windows should be a meter from the floor.
  2. Negative air temperature inside the poultry house will lead to illness in ducks. And during hatching of eggs, a temperature of 20 °C is provided.
  3. The pen is equipped with a perch and feeders. Drinking containers should not be too deep to prevent birds from bathing. In cold weather this will become dangerous.
  4. Artificial lighting must be provided. Too short daylight hours are harmful to livestock.
  5. The air in the room should circulate freely, but drafts are unacceptable.
  6. Nests are made for females.

A cold barn is not suitable for Indian ducks. These birds are more sensitive to temperature changes than other bird species. When building a pen, the floors and walls are immediately insulated.

Dimensions and drawings

When drawing up a project, the number of livestock is taken into account; the area of ​​the building depends on this indicator. It is recommended to allocate 1 square meter for 1, maximum 3 adult indo-ducks. Crowding leads to conflicts among birds and negatively affects productivity.

Before starting work, draw a diagram of the room. All important points are noted on the plan. Indicate the location of windows, mark feeding areas and areas with drinking bowls, as well as nests.

The dimensions of the equipment and the area for the free movement of birds are determined in advance. For a herd of 12 turkey ducks, a pen 5 meters long and about 4 meters wide is recommended. An enclosed space and an enclosure for walking are placed under a common roof.

At the entrance to the poultry house, a vestibule is arranged to prevent cold air from entering the building during frosts. It is enough if the width of the extension is 1.75 meters.But sometimes the separation buffer is made more spacious so that there is enough space for storing feed. When the number of livestock is more than 12 individuals, all dimensions of the room are increased.

What can it be made from?

To set up a room for indo-ducks, it is better to use wood. At different stages of construction you will need:

Type of work Type of materials
Foundation structure Cement – ​​140 kg, reinforcement – ​​22 m, wire – 3.5 m
Harness 22 m wooden beams
Flooring Boards (18 pcs.) and beams (4 m)
Sheathing OSB boards with a thickness of at least 8 mm
Roof Slate and edged board
Aviary Metal profile and mesh

Particular attention is paid to the quality of the wood. The material chosen is dry and without flaws.

duck room

How to make a poultry house with your own hands

You can make housing for Indian ducks yourself. Main stages of work:

  1. Clearing the land of debris, leaves and branches.
  2. Marking the area of ​​the building using pegs.
  3. Excavation of soil for supports.
  4. Installation of a columnar foundation.
  5. Tying the beams and laying the structure on supports.

Wooden parts must be treated with an antiseptic. Further:

  1. Vertical supports are attached to the foundation.
  2. Insulate the floor.
  3. Perform internal wall cladding. Cardboard or mineral wool is used for insulation.
  4. Install windows. You can use old frames. The cracks are sealed using polyurethane foam.

The construction of the poultry house is completed with roofing work. If the plan does not provide for an attic, a shed roof is made. Make sure that there are no gaps through which water will seep into the room in case of precipitation.

Indo-ducks need to organize a space for walking. The fence is made from available material. Cutting boards, mesh or slate are suitable.It is recommended to build an aviary under a common roof with the main room and provide free access from the enclosed space to fresh air. Birds do not require a special pond; for swimming, you can simply install a trough.

Arrangement of a place of residence for indo-ducks

To make Indians feel comfortable indoors, the interior space is divided into several zones.


Food containers are installed near the wall, close to the vertical surface. Feeders are easy to make yourself. You can put together a long trough from boards or use a piece of plastic pipe. Indo-ducks should not be able to get into the food section with their paws. In stores, if desired, you can purchase specialized containers. The feeders are not filled completely, but only a third.

Drinking bowls

Each Indian duck consumes over half a liter of liquid per day. Therefore, drinking bowls are placed indoors and they are ensured that they are constantly filled with water. Experienced farmers do not recommend using basins or other open containers for these purposes. Contamination and spillage of contents is inevitable. It is better to make a drinking bottle from a plastic bottle or buy it in a store. The device is installed at a height of 20 centimeters.


Perches for indo-ducks are placed along the walls. You can equip a resting place for birds using a wooden beam or board up to 20 centimeters wide. The height of the bench should be about 15 centimeters.


For laying hens, nests are built indoors. In shape they resemble a square box with 40-centimeter sides. For the structure you will need boards, beams and OSB:

  1. First, cut the slats to the required length.
  2. Using the timber as a support, the planks are attached with self-tapping screws.
  3. A low threshold is nailed on the entrance side.
  4. The bottom is covered with soft straw or a mixture of ash and sawdust.
  5. The top is covered with an OSB sheet.

Nests for indo-ducks are installed in the shaded part of the room. The structure should rise slightly above the floor.

It is not difficult to arrange a room for indo-ducks yourself. Comfortable conditions will have a positive effect on the productivity of birds and the ability to reproduce offspring. The number of livestock can be easily increased.

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