What is the reason and what to do if turkeys sit on their legs, treatment and prevention

Many farmers are engaged in breeding turkeys. These birds are capable of gaining a lot of weight, which makes raising them a very profitable process. At the same time, sometimes poultry farmers are interested in why turkeys sit on their legs and what needs to be done in this case. First of all, it is important to establish the provoking factor. The cause of the problems may be a violation of the conditions of detention or the development of dangerous pathologies.

Why Turkeys Fall on Their Legs and Treatment Methods

Turkeys falling on their feet is considered a very common phenomenon, which can be due to the influence of various factors.

Inadequate care conditions

Most often, the cause of problems is a violation of the conditions of detention. Turkeys may fall on their feet in the following cases:

  • cramped poultry house and lack of walking areas;
  • traumatic damage to the skin of the legs;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • violations in the diet, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • high humidity and low temperature in the poultry house.

If the conditions of detention are violated, a weakening of the immune system is observed, which provokes the occurrence of diseases and deviations in bone development. When raising turkeys, it is important to avoid mistakes. If birds experience a decrease in motor activity or lameness, action must be taken immediately. Otherwise, the process may become irreversible.


This is a very dangerous pathology that negatively affects the health of birds and their development. The cause of arthritis is considered to be a large amount of protein in the feed. With this pathology, birds have twisted joints and deformed legs. This leads to severe impairment of motor activity.

To treat the pathology, it is recommended to use antibiotics and antiviral drugs. In this case, Polymyxin or Ampicillin is prescribed. Therapy lasts 5 days. In this case, medications are recommended to be given with food or administered intramuscularly. Thorough cleaning of the room and replacement of bedding is of no small importance.

Newcastle disease

Falling on one's feet is often caused by Newcastle disease. This disease is also called pseudoplague. It is provoked by viruses that cause damage to the nervous system and digestive organs.

turkeys sit on their feet

The disease spreads through infected food, tools, and bedding.Also sources of infection are sick birds or rodents. In 60-90%, the pathology leads to death. As the disease progresses, an increase in temperature, loss of appetite, weakness, and decreased motor activity are observed. Birds also develop copious discharge from the beak, eyes, and nose. Turkeys often sneeze, they experience diarrhea, paralysis of the legs, and exhaustion. Vaccination helps prevent the disease.


Typhoid fever is considered a dangerous viral disease that affects turkey poults or adult birds. The infection spreads through food, water, and tools. There is also a risk of infection from sick birds. The probability of death reaches 70%.

When pathology appears, there is a risk of white diarrhea, depression, and problems with coordination of movements. Birds do not feel hungry and lower their wings.

Infected individuals are sent for slaughter. Healthy birds that have been in contact with sick birds should be treated with antibacterial drugs from the tetracycline category. They are recommended to be combined with sulfonamides. Usually "Furaltodon" or "Furazolidone" is used. For prevention, birds need to be vaccinated.


The cause of rheumatism is disturbances in nutrition or maintenance. Most often, the provoking factor is damp bedding or a cold floor. The presence of drafts in the poultry house can also cause inflammation of the joints.

The pathology is characterized by rapid development. At the same time, the birds begin to limp, are in a depressed state, and refuse physical activity. Pathology can be treated with warm foot baths. They are made from nettle decoction. An aqueous solution of mumiyo should be administered orally. Normalization of living conditions is of no small importance.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

Dangerous microorganisms lead to the development of pathology. The disease usually develops when the immune system is weakened. Respiratory mycoplasmosis is transmitted by airborne droplets. Young birds are more susceptible to it.

turkeys sit on their feet

As the pathology develops, the eyes turn red and nasal discharge appears. After this, the turkeys begin to cough, lose their appetite, and look untidy. Their legs are twisted. Subsequently, they completely refuse. To avoid the disease, it is recommended to vaccinate in a timely manner. The use of vitamins for birds is of no small importance.


If a turkey falls on its feet, synovitis may be suspected. At the same time, the birds make loud sounds. Additional symptoms of the disease include lameness, weakness, swelling of the joints, and diarrhea. Antibacterial drugs are used to treat pathology. Veterinarians advise using "Tilan 200". The drug is administered intramuscularly into the chest area.

Infectious bursitis

With bursitis, inflammation of the intestines, joints and bursa of Fabricius occurs. In this case, birds suffer from diarrhea, hemorrhages in muscle tissue, and impaired kidney function. Birds often fall on their feet.

The pathology cannot be treated. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately destroy the birds and treat the premises.

Postnatal pullorosis

In acute or chronic course of the pathology, inflammation of the joints is observed. At the same time, the birds sit on their feet. The disease cannot be treated. Therefore, it is recommended to destroy infected birds immediately.

To maintain the health of the remaining livestock, it is worth doing a general cleaning of the premises using disinfectants.

Marek's disease

The cause of this pathology is considered to be a herpes infection. It affects the nervous and lymphoid systems and spreads from infected individuals. As the disease develops, exhaustion, respiratory failure, paralysis of the legs, and paresis are observed. The disease cannot be cured. For prevention, vaccination is carried out.

turkeys sit on their feet

Preventive measures

To avoid falling turkeys, you should follow these rules:

  • Vaccination on time;
  • feed birds correctly;
  • adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • control humidity and temperature parameters;
  • give the birds vitamins.

Turkeys falling on their feet may be due to violation of living conditions or the development of dangerous pathologies. Many of them cannot be treated. Therefore, special attention should be paid to prevention.

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