Growing a good crop of grain is not an easy task, but it is no less difficult to maintain its quality, protect it in storage and during transportation from insect pests. For this purpose, various agrochemical preparations are used that affect insects, but do not change the quality of the products. The use of Phosphine TAB allows you to protect cereals and flour on the way from producer to consumer.
Active substance and release form
The product is produced in tablets and is an effective fumigant designed to destroy insect pests that attack the grain of various crops and flour and cereals made from it.
Belongs to the chemical class of inorganic substances. The active ingredient of the drug is aluminum phosphide, which is contained in the product at a concentration of 560 grams/kg. Each tablet of the drug weighs 3 grams. They are packaged in a sealed metal bottle containing 333 tablets and weighing 1 kilogram. The bottle label contains detailed information about the name, purpose of the drug and how to use it.
Spectrum and mechanism of action of Phosphine TAB
Cereals, flour and cereals are affected by many types of insect pests. "Phosphine" saves from:
- bread grinders;
- granary weevils;
- small flour beetle;
- Surinamese mucoeds;
- grain moth;
- mill moth;
- red short-whiskered mucoeaters;
- red-legged ham beetles;
- nylon beetles;
- flour mites.
“Phosphine” is used to treat barns and storage facilities, elevators, the holds of ships transporting products, and railway cars involved in their transportation. Various types of grain are processed, flour and cereals are stored under plastic film, ship holds in which different types of grain are transported.
The duration of exposure of insects to the gas released is determined by the amount of the active substance of the drug in the air.The product of phosphine concentration and exposure time (PEC), which is destructive for latent forms of pests and openly living colonies, is 25 grams/hour per square meter of area. Openly living insects are destroyed at a much lower concentration - 7 grams/hour per square meter.
It causes paralysis of the nervous system, first the adults die, and as exposure progresses, the larvae die.
Advantages and disadvantages
In addition to the high effectiveness of the drug, its advantages include:
- ease of use;
- the ability to influence insects located in hard-to-reach places;
- convenience of packaging;
- no influence on the quality and commercial performance of products.
The product is a continuous action drug and does not have selectivity. The disadvantages of the drug include:
- extreme toxicity of the gas released by the tablets;
- lack of prolonged action.
After the room is completely ventilated, the effect of the drug stops.
Important: you should not increase the recommended concentration of the product or reduce the degassing time of the premises. When choosing a product, you must work with it strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Instructions for use of insecticide
“Phosphine” is used when there are a significant number of insects on the treated objects. When processing warehouses with grain packaged in bags, mixed feed, flour or cereals, tablets of the drug are laid out over the entire area of the room.
When fumigating unpackaged grain in storage facilities and elevators, the fumigant is introduced with a dispenser into the grains moving along the conveyor. Due to the high toxicity of the drug when interacting with air, it is necessary to quickly spread out the tablets and, tightly closing the doors, leave the room.
Drug consumption | Processed object or product | Removable pests | Processing method and features |
5 grams/cubic meter area | Empty granaries before loading | Any cereal insects except mites | The drug is kept in a granary for 5 days. After ventilation, before personnel enter the room, it is necessary to measure the maximum permissible concentration of the drug in the air (MPC). Work is permitted if the residual concentration of the substance in the air is below the MPC values. |
6 grams per cubic meter of area | Enterprises of the food and grain processing industry | All types of insect pests of cereals, grains, flour, except mites | Keep the drug indoors for 2 days, then ventilate for 2 days. PKE – 7 grams/hour per square meter.
Personnel are allowed to enter the workplace if the concentration of the drug is below the MPC (maximum permissible concentration). It is necessary to take measurements. Sale of products - if traces of the fumigant are below the minimum acceptable level (MAL). |
2.4 grams/cubic meter area | Processing of holds on domestic bulk carriers and tankers when loading grain and its derivatives in foreign ports. Foreign ships when unloading products in domestic ports. | All types of cereal and flour pests, except mites | Aged for at least 10 days using phytoexplofumigation technology. Degassing during the voyage and at the roadstead. Inspection and unloading of products with a phosphine concentration above the surface of the grain, at a height of 0.5 to 1 meter - no higher than 0.1 milligram per meter. The concentration in the intergranular space when immersed deep into the grain by 0.3 meters is no more than 50 milligrams per meter. Permission of personnel to carry out work when the phosphine concentration is below the maximum permissible concentration.Sales of products with fumigator residues below the MRL.
Inspection and unloading in domestic ports in accordance with the instructions for fumigation of grain with phosphine-based preparations on ships during voyage, approved in 1992. |
9 grams/ton | Processing of bulk grain in storage facilities. Consignment – no more than 200 tons, embankment height – no more than 2.5 meters. Or placed in bags under polyethylene. | Any cereal insects except mites | Withstand 5 days, ventilation - from 10 days. Work of personnel - no earlier than 10 days after monitoring the values of the maximum concentration of a substance in the air (MPC). Sales of products at a value less than MRL (minimum permissible level). |
6 grams/cubic meter | Storage facilities with cereals and flour, packaged or under polyethylene. | All types of cereal and flour insect pests, except mites | Exposition – 5 days. Ventilation – at least 2 days. Personnel admission - at least after 2 days, having previously measured the maximum permissible concentration. Sales of the product with a residual phosphine concentration below the MRL. |
The air in the room being treated must be heated to +15 °C.
Precautionary measures
The substance is extremely toxic to humans and has a hazard class of 1. All work with the drug is carried out by specially trained personnel who have undergone safety training and received permission to carry out work.
All work is carried out in special suits, with full respiratory and vision protection (gas masks). Degassing is also carried out by specialists; the team is equipped with instruments for measuring MPC and MRL.
Help with poisoning
In severe cases of intoxication, loss of consciousness and convulsions are possible.It is necessary to take the victim out into fresh air, remove him from the protective suit, lay him down and call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, the victim is given a solution of copper sulfate (1%) to drink, a teaspoon every 5 minutes. Or a solution of potassium permanganate 0.03%, a tablespoon every 5 minutes. Give her water until she vomits, then give her a saline laxative.
Important: it is unacceptable to give the victim milk or other protein products. The victim's pulse and blood pressure should be checked.
Interaction with other substances
“Phosphine” is used exclusively as an independent fumigant and is not mixed with other drugs.
Storing the product
The drug is stored in hermetically sealed original packaging. In special rooms that exclude the entry of unauthorized persons.
Similar drugs
Identical in terms of the active substance are: “Ginn TAB”, “Alfin TAB”, “Katfos TAB”, “Quikfos TAB”.