Instructions for use and composition of insecticide 30 Plus, dosage and analogues

Many species of insects that harm gardens overwinter under bark or in fallen leaves become active again with the onset of spring. At this time they are destroyed with insecticides. Let's consider the composition and active substance "30 Plus", the principle of action, purpose, use according to the instructions. Rules and terms of storage of the product, drugs that can be used to replace it.

Active substance and formulation

The “30 Plus” product contains petroleum jelly in the amount of 760 g. It is produced in the form of a mineral-oil emulsion, bottled in bottles of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.5 liters. According to the method of penetration it belongs to contact pesticides, and according to its effect on pests it belongs to acaricides, insecticides and ovicides.

The principle of operation of the product

During spraying, the oil ends up on the plants and hits the pests, forming a thin film. Vaseline oil acts on larvae and eggs, and partly on adult insects. The film greatly disrupts the air and water balance, which is why the pests die within 0.5-1 days. Protection lasts 5-10 days.

Purpose of the drug "30 Plus"

To protect agricultural crops from various types of pests. Protects fruit and berry bushes, grapes, ornamental plants, citrus fruits. Serves for spraying in early spring, before buds open, or at the stage of relative plant dormancy. The product destroys pests in their wintering stages. The list includes species such as scale insects, mites, false scale insects, copperheads, moths, aphids, scale insects; Citrus fruits are also sprayed against whiteflies.

insecticide 30 Plus

Instructions for use

Treatment with the “30 Plus” insecticide is carried out in early spring, before the buds bloom on the plants, when the temperature rises above +4 °C. On ornamental crops, spraying against scale insects is carried out in the summer, when 1st and 2nd generations of larvae appear.

Shake the oil before use. To prepare the emulsion, add oil to water and stir. Spray the branches and trunks of bushes and trees with the solution. Shake the solution during spraying and do not use it for more than 2 hours after preparation.

For processing, choose dry weather, without wind. Moisten the bark surface evenly with the solution.It is enough to do only 1 treatment, 2 on ornamental plants: the first in the spring, the second when scale insects appear.

Application rate (in l per ha):

  • fruit, bushes and ornamental plants – 40-100;
  • citrus and ornamental fruits in summer – 20-50;
  • grapes – 12-37.

insecticide 30 Plus

Consumption of “30 Plus” for trees is 1000-1500 l per hectare, for bushes and grapes - 800-1200 l, citrus fruits - 2000-4000 l, for ornamental plants - 800-1500 l, in summer - 1000-1500 l.

In private household plots, the application rate is 5 g per 10 liters. They treat the same crops against the same pests, spending 2-5 liters per tree, up to 2 liters per bush, 4-10 liters per tree for citrus fruits, 10 liters per acre for decorative plants and 2-5 liters for grapes. on the bush. One-time processing.

Due to the complete environmental safety and non-toxicity of the “30 Plus” product, there is no waiting period. You can work on the treated area after 2 days.

Safety precaution when using

Vaseline oil is non-toxic and safe for humans, animals, bees and insects, and plants. The toxicity class of the drug is defined as 3 for humans and bees. But it can be dangerous for fish and aquatic life, so it should not be used in areas located near water bodies.

insecticide 30 Plus

To prepare the “30 Plus” emulsion, you cannot use food-grade utensils. Carry out spraying without strangers, use protective clothing, wear goggles, a respirator, and rubber gloves. While work is in progress, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, or eat. After work, you must thoroughly wash your face and hands with soapy water and rinse your mouth with clean water. Wash off splashes that get on the skin with water, rinse your eyes if the solution gets into them.

What can you combine with?

"30 Plus" can be combined with drugs, except those that contain sulfur.It is considered an excellent base for tank mixtures; when mixed together, it reduces product consumption and enhances efficiency. “30 Plus” is also used against diseases of fruit trees; they are sprayed with a mixture of this insecticide and copper sulfate. General use with FOS is allowed.

When mixing products whose compatibility is unknown, you must first conduct a test mixing in a separate container. Take a few ml of both drugs, mix and check if they react. If the initial chemical or physical characteristics of the liquids change, the products must not be mixed.

insecticide 30 Plus

Insecticide storage rules

"30 Plus" can be stored for 2 years. All this time it must be kept in original, undamaged bottles, with the lids tightly closed. The drug has a shorter shelf life in unsealed containers. Storage conditions: temperature - from -25 °C to +25 °C, darkened, well-ventilated and always dry room. Other agricultural chemicals and fertilizers can be stored in the same warehouse. Do not save the working solution.

What can be replaced?

For use in agriculture, “30 Plus” has no analogues for the active substance. For use in private households, you can choose one of the insecticides with petroleum jelly: “Profilaktin”, “Profilaktin Light” or “Profilaktin Bio”. They are produced in the form of an aqueous emulsion.

“30 Plus” does not contain synthetic substances that are strong on the body and has a unique way of acting on insect pests. Used to prevent the development of insects from wintering stages. To do this, plants are sprayed in the spring, before their activity begins. To ensure that all pests are killed as a result of the treatment, spraying must be carried out promptly and thoroughly: the entire surface of the bark of a tree or bush must be wetted.If everything is done correctly, a single treatment will be enough for the pests to disappear.
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