Once the seeds have successfully sprouted, you don’t want to lose the harvest. Beginning and experienced vegetable growers are trying to understand why zucchini leaves turn yellow. What is the reason for this phenomenon, how to help the culture and save the plants.
Why do zucchini turn yellow?
There may be several reasons; first of all, you should determine exactly why the leaves turned yellow. And then work to eliminate them. To do this, carefully inspect the zucchini in the garden and begin processing when the slightest signs of yellowing appear.But it is better to carry out preventive work in time to prevent the crop from being destroyed.
In the open ground
One of the reasons for yellowing of leaves is improper planting location. The culture loves well-lit areas, but no more than 4-5 hours a day. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the leaves become damaged and begin to turn yellow. Summer residents recommend carefully selecting a place for the beds or planting corn nearby; it will protect the plants from the scorching sun.
Another reason is powdery mildew, which affects not only the adult plant, but also the zucchini seedlings. A lack of nitrogen also causes the bushes to begin to turn yellow. The tips of the leaves suffer, then the entire leaf blade dries out.
When the temperature drops, the leaves also turn yellow. In order to avoid this, the crop should be planted no earlier than June.
In the greenhouse
Zucchini turns yellow not only in open ground, but also in closed ground. The reasons are the same. Sometimes this happens because the plantings are thickened. This happens due to lack of light. Spider mites, attacking beds with zucchini, slowly destroy the plant. The leaves begin to turn yellow in spots, then dry out completely.
Don't be afraid if the leaves turn yellow at the end of the growing season. This is a natural process of plant aging. Nothing wrong with that.
Irrigation pattern violation
Zucchini often turn yellow due to lack of proper watering. Compliance with certain requirements will help avoid many problems.
- Watering should only be done in the morning and evening; the water should be warm and settled.
- The number of waterings is less frequent than for cucumbers, but more abundant. It is enough to water once a week, the soil should be wet to a depth of 30-40 cm.
- Carry out drip watering, but in its absence, water strictly at the root. Avoid getting moisture on the leaves. The use of mulch is encouraged.
Proper watering will help preserve plants and increase yield. No need to ignore the rules.
What to do if seedlings turn yellow?
The tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow first. You can save the seedlings at this moment. It is enough to feed the plants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. But if all the leaves dry out, then it is best to plant new seeds.
The soil is prepared in advance and treated with a manganese solution. The seedlings should not dry out. By implementing these rules, yellowing is prevented.
Why did the fruits turn yellow?
Another concern for summer residents is that the zucchini themselves on the bush turn yellow. The reason for this is excess moisture. You should carefully monitor the condition of the plants after watering.
Excess moisture stops the development and fruiting of the plant.
If the harvest is not harvested in a timely manner, the zucchini begins to turn yellow. This happens because the fruits become overripe, the skin becomes rough, and the taste deteriorates. In addition, timely collected zucchini allows the plant to form new ovaries.
Powdery mildew
When plants are affected by this disease, treatment must be carried out immediately. Since a diseased plant will soon infect the entire area. If the leaves deteriorate, this is a signal for immediate action.
The first step is to immediately remove the areas of the bush affected by the virus. And treat the rest of the plant with special preparations to treat the disease. If a vegetable grower wants to do without the use of chemicals, folk methods of control are used. Infusions of garlic, onion, celandine, and others.
But any disease is better to prevent than to cure. Therefore, summer residents recommend treating plants in advance to avoid infection and spread of the disease. In addition, carry out common agricultural practices, loosening, weeding, and fertilizing.
Fighting spider mites
The advantage is that the pest can be detected immediately. Then immediately treat the plants. A cobweb appears on the leaves, which is easy to notice; just turn the leaf over with the back side up.
Insect control is carried out in 2 ways, chemical and folk. The first method is more effective, the second is safer.
- A solution of wood ash and soap. 1 kg of ash, 10 liters of water, 200 g of grated soap. Spray every other day until the pest disappears.
- Potato tops. The infusion is prepared only from healthy tops. Chopped stems are poured with water and left for 7 days. Spray the bushes every day until the insect disappears.
- Garlic, chamomile and wood ash. 4 heads of garlic, 1 kg of ash, 10 liters of chamomile decoction. Infuse for a week. Process 3 times. To prepare a chamomile decoction you will need 200 g of dried flowers.
Folk remedies are more preferable, since chemicals do not remain in the fruits of plants.
What to feed for prevention?
First of all, replenish the lack of nitrogen and feed the plants with organic matter. Then treat against insect pests. Water the plants with infusions of onion peels and garlic.
Irrigation with the following substances is recommended:
- urea;
- boric acid;
- copper sulfate.
Treat 1-2 times until ovaries form, the interval between feedings is 1-2 weeks.
The culture is quite good at organic matter, so when planting plants it is fertilized with humus.Adding it to the wells saturates it with useful substances.
Zucchini is low maintenance and unpretentious. They are used very widely in cooking. A summer resident will not go wrong if he decides to grow a crop on his plot. It is enough to carry out simple care techniques and the harvest will not keep you waiting.