Why do zucchini taste bitter in the garden and what to do?

Sometimes after harvesting, some gardeners notice that zucchini has an unpleasant bitter taste. There are several reasons that can answer the question of why zucchini is bitter, but they are not always obvious. To understand the factors influencing the taste of a vegetable, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible mistakes that were made when growing it. It would also be a good idea for gardeners to become familiar with techniques that allow them to save their crops in the event of such an unforeseen situation.

What gives zucchini its bitterness?

The main reason why zucchini tastes bitter is because it contains cucurbitacins. These substances accumulate in all crops belonging to the pumpkin family. Basically, a plant crop begins to actively accumulate such substances when extreme conditions are formed, for example: with a lack or excessive amount of water or nutrients. Also, a change in the quality of zucchini and the appearance of a bitter taste may be due to damage to the plant by various pathologies and growth in low light conditions.

bitter zucchini

Cucurbitacins are not toxic substances. Interestingly, they are even useful. These substances have a targeted effect against tumors and parasites. Due to these properties, cucurbitacins are used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine.

Despite this, if zucchini is bitter, many summer residents are in no hurry to eat and serve them; in this case, you need to know in advance about the factors influencing the change in the taste of the vegetable in order to avoid their appearance.

Neighborhood of cultures

In most cases, bitter zucchini grows in the garden when the wrong neighboring plant crops are located near them. Bitterness occurs due to cross-pollination of related plants. So, zucchini tastes bitter if it was grown near a decorative pumpkin. Despite its beautiful attractive appearance, it bears fruit with inedible pumpkins, which affect the squash’s taste. Also, the crop may taste bitter if it was grown near the following plants:

proximity of cultures

  • parsley;
  • radishes;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes;
  • radish;
  • pumpkins.

To avoid changes in the taste of the vegetable, it should be planted in beds located close to peas, onions, spinach, and bush beans.

taste qualities

Watering mode

In addition to the wrong neighbors, other growing conditions can also affect the taste of zucchini. Among them are the provision of improper watering. If a summer resident moistens the soil without adhering to a certain regime, nitrogen compounds begin to accumulate in the leaves and fruits of the vegetable, giving them a bitter taste. Also, bitter zucchini can grow during prolonged rain that begins after a drought.

You can preserve the taste of the vegetable, as well as its beneficial properties, by properly watering the crop. To do this, you must follow the rules:

watering mode

  • watering should be carried out regularly;
  • for irrigation it is necessary to use water that has stood in the sun, and it should not be contaminated;
  • watering young zucchiniso that they do not become bitter, every day until the leaves close, and after they cover the ground, the amount of moisture introduced is reduced.

If the weather is hot, the plant crop should be watered after 2-3 days. If it is cloudy outside, one watering will be required every 5-6 days. The liquid should be poured under the root; it is not recommended to irrigate the foliage. If the greens begin to wither, they need to be watered using a watering can. You can replace it with a hose by putting a fine-mesh nozzle on it.

be carried out regularly

Lighting and rules for feeding zucchini

Another reason why zucchini can be bitter is improper feeding of the plant, as well as the lack of optimal lighting conditions. Zucchini is very sensitive to light, so to grow it you need to choose a place in your dacha that is located on the sunny side. At the same time, the selected area should be free of drafts and strong winds. Also, fruits can react sharply to shortening daylight hours.

feeding zucchini

In addition to lighting, zucchini also needs to be provided with proper fertilizing. In this case, fertilizers should be applied throughout the entire growing season. The plant crop responds best to the addition of organic matter. When zucchini are fed in this manner, they form large fruits and actively develop.

As a fertilizer, it is recommended to use mullein diluted with water, as well as a three-day fermented herbal infusion. When the plant begins to form ovaries, fertilizer composition it is recommended to add superphosphate, wood ash. Care must also be taken when applying fertilizer. This is due to the fact that an excess of phosphorus and potassium can also cause changes in the taste of the vegetable.

apply mullein

Storage conditions for zucchini

Sometimes the taste of zucchini changes after harvesting. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly store the harvest. Storage of milk-ripe zucchini should be carried out at temperatures of 0–2 degrees. In this case, the shelf life of the vegetable is 12–15 days. If you store the crop longer, you need to be prepared for the pulp to wither and rot to appear.

Fully ripened fruits can be stored for 4–5 months. They need to be placed in a cool, ventilated room. The best option is to place the crop on the veranda or attic. To eliminate the risk of a bitter taste, as well as the spread of rot, the crop should not be stored in the cellar.

storage conditions

If a summer resident lives in an apartment, you can put the harvest on a warm balcony or in a dark place. Zucchini retains its taste best under the bed, in the closet.

During storage, pay attention to the ambient temperature. This is due to the fact that when it increases, earlier germination of seeds inside the fruit occurs, which provokes the appearance of a nasty bitter taste.

preserve zucchini

Zucchini diseases

Diseases and pests also affect the taste of zucchini. Therefore, when growing crops, it is necessary to prevent their occurrence. Most often, bitterness appears under the influence of fungal infections. Anthracnose is considered one of the most common pathologies. The presence of this disease can be recognized by the appearance of round spots that have a yellowish-brown tint. These spots are located on the leaves.

Gradually, the leaf plate fades, dries out, and becomes covered with holes. The disease spreads in hot weather accompanied by frequent rains.

Another pathology that causes bitterness is fusarium. The disease can be identified by the presence of yellowing, drying lower leaves. Another symptom of fusarium is that the base of the stem turns pinkish.

affected by diseases

How to get rid of bitterness?

What to do if bitter zucchini grows in the garden? To improve the situation and improve the taste of the vegetable, there are several proven methods. So, to get rid of bitterness:

  • soaking zucchini in cold water before canning;
  • boiling the vegetable in boiling water for several minutes;
  • soaking sliced ​​vegetables in salt water.

get rid of bitterness

Under the influence of these factors, all bitter substances are destroyed, which is why the taste of zucchini improves. If the housewife wants to cook fried or stewed zucchini, it is best to get rid of the bitterness by soaking the pulp in salt water.The vegetable is cut into several slices and placed in a container with liquid for 3 hours. After this, the slices are removed and used to prepare the dish.

Many housewives recommend against re-salting dishes, since the vegetable pulp absorbs salt well from the liquid in which it was soaked.

When growing zucchini, you should carefully monitor the growth and development of the crop. This will help identify the factors why zucchini is bitter. Their timely elimination will allow you to cope with the deterioration of taste even before the problem arises and preserve a tasty harvest. If trouble does occur, the summer resident should not be upset, since there is an opportunity to save the harvest. To do this, you need to use one of the above methods.

bitter substances

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