How to plant cabbage in open ground correctly

Every gardener knows how to plant cabbage. At first glance, growing vegetables is not difficult. But to obtain a stable high yield, it is important to properly plant the cabbage seedlings and then transfer them to a permanent place. Compliance with the subtleties of care is most important for northern regions where weather conditions are unstable.

How to plant seedlings correctly

A good harvest can only be obtained from seedlings that are strong and resistant to the negative effects of external factors.For this reason, special attention should be paid to sowing. It is important not only to choose high-quality seeds, but also to follow the rules for caring for young shoots.

  1. Choice of variety. There are many varieties of seeds available in the market. They differ in taste and ripening. There are early, middle and late varieties. terms Late-ripening varieties are characterized by high keeping quality. Early and mid-ripening ones are intended for salads and seasonal dishes. Which one to choose depends on the conditions on the site and the purpose of the crop.
  2. Soil preparation. The soil for cabbage is prepared in the fall. The optimal mixture is one prepared independently from turf, humus, ash and soil from the site. If it is not possible to prepare the soil yourself, then use purchased soil. It is important that it is fertile and breathable. The finished soil should be treated with an antiseptic to prevent diseases in seedlings.
  3. Seed preparation. Seed material must be sorted in advance for germination. Place suitable seeds in an antiseptic solution for 10 minutes and then harden them. It involves placing the seeds in warm water and then in cold water. The use of growth stimulants allows the germination rate to be increased and the germination of seedlings to be accelerated.
  4. Sowing seeds. When planting cabbage, the following scheme is followed: no more than 2 seeds per 1 centimeter. You can also use peat tablets. One comes with 2 seedlings. Before planting, water the soil. The seed is buried 1 centimeter. Seedling containers are covered with film. When the seeds are planted, they are placed on a warm windowsill.
  5. Temperature conditions. The first days the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 20 degrees.

quality seeds

The first shoots hatch on day 4-5. As soon as the first shoots hatch, the film should be opened.In the future, you should adhere to the rules of caring for seedlings.

How to plant cabbage: caring for seedlings

The appearance of the first shoots requires changes in the rules of care.

cabbage pick

  1. Temperature conditions. After the sprouts appear and until one true leaf forms, the seedlings should be kept at a temperature of 6-8 degrees. This helps harden the plants and prevent over-stretching. After leaf formation, the temperature is increased to 16 degrees during the daytime. At night, 8-10 degrees are considered optimal conditions. Seedlings feel best in cool loggias.
  2. Light mode. Seedling containers are kept on light windowsills. In the morning and evening hours, sprouts require additional lighting. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.
  3. Watering and loosening. Cabbage seedlings require regular watering. Stagnation of moisture provokes the development of blackleg and rot. Therefore, the top layer of soil is loosened. Loosening breaks down the resulting crust and provides oxygen access to the root system.
  4. Antiseptic treatment. A week after germination, the soil is treated with a solution of manganese or copper sulfate.
  5. Picking seedlings. If the seeds were planted in one container, then the plants require picking. It avoids thickening and provides the plants with the required amount of nutrition. When picking, seedlings are placed at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from each other.

Watering and loosening

When the time comes to plant seedlings in open ground, preparatory work should be carried out. Preparation of seedlings consists of changing the watering regime, hardening and applying fertilizers.

  1. Before planting cabbage in the ground, watering the plants is stopped 7 days. The last time water is added is 2 hours before planting.
  2. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out 2 weeks before planting cabbage seedlings.
  3. Hardening is carried out at least 2 weeks before planting cabbage. It involves taking plants outdoors. The duration starts from 20 minutes and reaches several hours by the end of hardening.

Antiseptic treatment

Planting cabbage in open ground: features of timing

The timing of planting seedlings directly depends on the selected variety. All varieties of cabbage are divided into early, middle and late. They differ in the timing of the onset of technical maturity of the crop.

  1. Early ripening varieties. They have a short ripening period. Technical maturity occurs within 2-3 months after emergence.
  2. Mid-season varieties. They have a longer ripening period. On average it takes up to 5 months from the moment the first shoots appear.
  3. Late ripening varieties. The harvest ripens only 7 months after the cabbage seed germinates.

Early ripening varieties

Based on the timing of technical maturity, gardeners choose when to plant cabbage seedlings. For early ripening varieties, this period occurs in the first ten days of March. Thus, by the end of May or the first days of June, the seedlings will reach the required size for transfer to a permanent location.

Mid-season varieties are planted from mid-March to mid-April. Late-ripening ones are sown in early April. Before the onset of autumn frosts, the crop reaches technical maturity and is suitable for long-term storage.

technical maturity

Cabbage is planted in the ground no earlier than 45 days after seed germination. Most gardeners agree that a number of signs indicate readiness for transfer to a permanent place.

You can plant cabbage seedlings in the ground if:

  • the hardening period has passed;
  • there is a formed root system;
  • there are no diseases or pests on plants;
  • from 4 to 8 true leaves have developed;
  • height reaches 20 centimeters.

hardening period

It is important to consider weather conditions. After planting cabbage seedlings in the ground, there should be no severe frosts.

Weather conditions must meet the requirements:

  • the soil has warmed up to a temperature of at least 10 degrees;
  • the air temperature at night does not drop below 8-10 degrees;
  • The bird cherry blossomed.


For most gardeners, bird cherry blossoms indicate the last night frost. This moment is the mark when active work on planting seedlings can begin. When planting cabbage in the Urals and northern regions, the dates are moved 1-2 weeks later; for the southern regions, planting is done a little earlier.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

Before planting cabbage seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It involves choosing the right place and preparing the beds.

selected area

  1. Choosing a location. It is necessary to plant cabbage in open ground in the right area. For ridges, choose a place in a lowland, without trees or buildings nearby. The area must be illuminated. Plants are planted on the same ridges for no more than 3 years in a row. The best friends for seedlings are onions, carrots, garlic, cucumbers. After them, the heads of cabbage set well, and the harvest is abundant. Cabbage grows poorly after radish, radish.
  2. Soil preparation. When talking about what kind of soil cabbage likes, gardeners give preference to loam containing humus. It retains moisture well. The beds are prepared in advance, in the autumn. In the spring, they are dug up, leveled, and mineral fertilizers are added.Growing plants in acidic soil is not recommended. It should be limed first.
  3. Disembarkation. You can plant cabbage in open ground after the last frost has passed. Seedlings are pre-prepared. Before planting seedlings, they are hardened off and watering is minimized. The time for transferring plants to a permanent place is not sunny. It could be early morning or evening, with ideal conditions being a cloudy day. When planting, sand, peat and a little wood ash are added to the hole. At what distance to plant cabbage depends on the plant variety. You should not thicken the plantings. The minimum layout should be 45 by 25 centimeters. For mid- and late-ripening varieties, the distance between plants is increased. The seedlings are buried to the lower leaves.

plant cabbage

In case of planting large volumes of seedlings, a special planter comes to the rescue. It allows you to place plants in holes in a semi-automatic mode. This method is actively used on large farms. Seeders are used to sow seeds for seedlings.

How to plant cabbage correctly: rules of agricultural technology

After cabbage is planted in the ground, it needs to be properly cared for. Plants are unpretentious. Features of agricultural technology come down to timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Mandatory measures include treating seedlings with solutions against pests and diseases. The cabbage leaf has a waxy coating, which is why water and other liquid compounds roll off it. So that the antiseptic solution remains on the sheet, you can add soap or shampoo to it. For a 10 liter bucket use no more than 1 teaspoon.

rules of agricultural technology

After planting cabbage in open ground and during the formation of heads of cabbage, it requires additional feeding. It provides plants with essential nutrients and minerals.

Feeding is carried out in 3 stages.


  1. 1 time is necessary no later than 2 weeks after the cabbage seedlings were planted in open ground. The optimal compositions are ammonium nitrate solution, mullein or bird droppings.
  2. Feed 2 times 20 days after 1 application of fertilizers. The best composition for stage 2: a mixture of ammonium nitrate with superphosphate and potassium chloride. The drugs are taken in a ratio of 1:2:1. One plant requires at least a liter of solution.
  3. 3 feeding is carried out 20 days after the second. Wood ash is used for it. The third stage can be excluded. It is necessary for poor plant development and weak head formation.

preference for loam

Most gardeners note: “We plant cabbage every year. By following simple rules of agricultural technology and taking into account the characteristics of the variety, we get an excellent harvest.” Cabbage is an undemanding crop that grows well in any region.
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