Varieties of the best varieties of cauliflower with names

Romanesco cabbage is a bright and useful decoration for the garden. It is suitable for lovers of exotic vegetables. The combination of different varieties allows you to enjoy the taste of cabbage during the summer season and enjoy the multi-colored mass of vegetables.

Features of choosing cauliflower for a summer cottage

Depending on the variety, cauliflower produces a stable harvest in different climatic conditions. Conditions for growing cauliflower varieties for the middle zone differ from the southern regions.

variety varieties

  1. Use of locally selected hybrids. Hybrids grown specifically for given conditions take root better in the region.
  2. Accounting for planting dates. If varieties and hybrids of foreign selection are used, they are adapted to local conditions.
  3. Resistant to weather changes and disease. The best growth performance is achieved by varieties that are resistant to a wide range of diseases.
  4. Use of varietal seeds. If you intend to use cauliflower seeds next year, then preference should be given to varietal species.
  5. Planting various species. To obtain a guaranteed result, from 4 to 7 species are bred on the site.

The best varieties of cauliflower for open ground in the middle zone are ultra-early or early varieties. They allow you to get the first harvest in mid-summer.

planting species

Early ripening varieties

Early ripening species and varieties are most widespread in the areas. Due to their short ripening period, they allow you to harvest before the onset of cold weather. The characteristics of early species allow them to be grown not only in closed greenhouses, but also in open beds.

early ripening varieties


Alpha is an early ripening variety with good yield. The maturity of the heads of cabbage occurs 2 months from the moment of planting in the ground. The heads are round in shape, white in color with pronounced large tubercles.

Alpha has excellent taste properties. Its advantages include long-term fruiting. The last harvest is harvested with the onset of autumn frosts.

yield of harvest


Vinson cabbage is an early-ripening hybrid characterized by high marketability. The variety forms a vertical, erect rosette. The heads of cabbage are medium in size, round in shape and have small tubercles.

A distinctive feature is its delicate texture and soft, pleasant taste.The average weight is slightly less than 2 kilograms. The largest specimens reach 3 kilograms. High taste qualities make Vinson a competitive variety. Used for salads, various dishes, freezing and canning.

early ripening hybrid

Summer resident

Dacha is an early ripening variety with a long fruiting period. The first harvest is harvested 3.5 months after seed germination. The heads of cabbage are round in shape and have medium weight. It reaches 1 kilogram.

The heads grow white, fine-grained, dense. Cream shades are allowed. The variety has gained popularity among gardeners for its excellent taste. Dachnitsa cauliflower is used fresh, for freezing and canning. It has a long shelf life. When signs of leaf deformation appear, it requires the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium.

fruiting period


Guarantee cauliflower is an ultra-early variety for exposed areas. Received good reviews due to the formation of large heads covered with protective sheet plates. The heads of cabbage have a regular spherical shape with white fine grain.

Description of the breeders characterize Guarantee as a variety with a bright, pronounced taste. The uniform ripening of the crop makes automated harvesting possible. The advantages of the variety include resistance to bacteriosis. The variety tolerates storage and transportation well.

ultra-early view

Dereza goat

Goat dereza is an early ripening variety of Russian selection. The leaves of the plant are green with a grayish waxy coating.

The heads of Goat dereza cauliflower are small and spherical in shape. Weight does not exceed 1 kilogram. The leaf covering is not expressed. It has a wide range of applications in cooking.

Russian selection

Movir 74

Hybrid Movir 74 is an early ripening variety of compact size.The rosette rarely grows more than 95 centimeters. The head has a round, slightly flattened shape. The largest specimens reach 25 centimeters. The weight of a mature head of cabbage ranges from 400 to 1400 grams.

hybrid Movir

A distinctive feature of Movir is its white color and lumpy surface. In some cases, the cabbage color has a yellow tint. The hybrid has the highest yields. Up to 4 kilograms are removed per square meter.

Movir gained popularity among gardeners for its excellent taste and versatility of use. It is used both fresh and canned. The variety is easy to care for and responds well to watering and fertilizing. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, it allows you to harvest up to 2 harvests per season.

lumpy surface

Snowball 123

Cauliflower Snowball is an ultra-early species. The first harvest ripens approximately 3 months after the first shoots appear. It is recommended to be used fresh and for freezing.

Snowball 123 produces round, dense heads of cabbage. Their average weight varies from 0.4 to 1 kilogram. The color of the head is pure, white. The surface of the cabbage is covered with covering leaves.

first harvest

Express f1

Express is an ultra-early species with small-sized heads of cabbage. Large specimens do not exceed 500 grams in weight. The color of the heads is white, sometimes there is a cream or nutty tint. The first harvest is harvested 60 days after planting in the ground.

ultra-early view

Express f1 is suitable for greenhouses and film shelters. In the southern regions it has also taken root in open ridges. Has average yields. Up to 1.5 kilograms of Express f1 cabbage are harvested from one square meter.

The advantages of the variety are resistance to bacteriosis and the best taste among analogues.Among the disadvantages, experts note the need to treat plants against pests during the season.

suitable for greenhouses

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties

The names of mid- and late-ripening cauliflower are also varied. Among them there are unusual species. Romanesco cabbage amazed gardeners with its unusual shape of inflorescences and bright light green hue. Purple balls have also found a place in many areas due to their unpretentiousness and unusual appearance.

box of cabbage


Cortez is a late-ripening large-fruited variety with heads weighing from 2 to 3 kilograms. The period of technical maturity of the crop occurs no earlier than 75 days after planting in the ground.

The main advantages of Cortez cauliflower are high yield and self-covering heads. Cortez is demanding on soil fertility and regular fertilizing. Tolerates low temperatures well and can withstand short frosts.

late-ripening large-fruited


Romanesco cabbage is an exotic variety of cabbage. Its distinctive feature is the rich green color of the inflorescences in the form of a fractal spiral. It resembles coral, which is why its other name is coral. Another feature is the number of turns in the inflorescence, equal to the Fibonacci number.

Romanesco cabbage has a spicy, delicate taste. Contains a large amount of vitamins C, B, A, K, carotene. Regular consumption of Romanesco cauliflower helps thin the blood, strengthen blood vessels, and remove cholesterol from the blood.

exotic variety

purple ball

Lilac ball is an original mid-season variety. Suitable for those who like purple cauliflower. It has high demands on moisture and soil quality. Does not produce crops at high acidity.

The lilac ball forms a rounded purple head. The weight of one head of cabbage reaches 1-1.5 kilograms. A distinctive feature is the rich purple color. The advantage of the variety is the high content of protein, vitamins and minerals in the pulp.

original variety


Parisiana is a new product with an average ripening period. The first harvest of Parisian cauliflower reaches technical maturity 75-80 days after being transferred to a permanent location. The advantage of the hybrid is its high shelf life. Can withstand storage for 2 months.

Parisian is used for fresh consumption, canning and freezing. Disadvantages include demands on moisture and soil quality. Does not tolerate high acidity well.

permanent place


Freedom cabbage is a representative of the middle ripening period. The first harvest reaches technical maturity 80 days after planting in a permanent place. The variety produces large, rounded heads. The weight of the fruit reaches 2 kilograms. The texture is medium lumpy, soft. The color of the heads of cabbage is white. The surface is protected by sheet plates. The hybrid received good reviews for its resistance to adverse climatic conditions.

The variety of types of cauliflower allows you to grow a bountiful harvest in your garden throughout the summer season. The elite variety of cabbage Romanesco or Lilac Ball deserves special attention from gardeners. Even a couple of bushes will decorate the garden.

medium lumpy, tender
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