Instructions for using the poison Executioner for the Colorado potato beetle

Recently, gardeners are increasingly faced with an invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. This dangerous pest was previously found only in the southern regions, but now its distribution area has expanded. Summer residents use all known methods to fight the beetle, including folk remedies. However, they achieve the greatest effect when using the special drug Executioner. The chemical remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Executioner helps to effectively combat the pest and, when used correctly, is safe for humans.

If timely measures are not taken, the Colorado potato beetle destroys most of the crop.The executioner is characterized by the fact that it can be used at any stage of crop cultivation.

Description of the drug

The drug Executioner is sold in ampoules. Each ampoule contains white-gray granules that dissolve in water. The package contains five ampoules weighing 2 g. The packaging is easy to recognize by the terrifying picture - an ax kills the Colorado potato beetle. This effective pest control product belongs to the third generation drugs.

Preparations that are used to control garden pests are divided into three groups depending on the method of exposure:

  • Contact - insects die when any part of the body comes into contact with the drug.
  • Systemic - insects die when they eat a plant poisoned by the poison of the drug.
  • Intestinal - kill pests when they enter the intestines along with food.

Executioner is a combination remedy. The drug has both contact, systemic and intestinal effects, which greatly increases its effectiveness compared to other drugs.

The executioner not only kills garden pests, but also prevents the appearance of late blight and macrosporiosis on potato bushes. The drug also has excellent fungicidal properties that accelerate the growth of tubers.

Chemical composition

Each component in the drug actively affects the problem. Thiamethoxam penetrates into plants. Insects eat leaves and branches soaked in a toxic substance and soon die. This substance effectively destroys pests that settle on the underside of leaves in entire colonies.

Poteytin prevents the accumulation of poisons in potato tubers and reduces the harmful effects of other components. In addition, it increases the plant’s immunity and its resistance to weather anomalies.

Operating principle

The Colorado potato beetle has several stages of development.The executioner acts comprehensively and helps get rid of insects at any stage. It is effective against both larvae and adults.

The drug, together with the poisoned part of the plant, enters the insect’s digestive tract, causing a malfunction. Then his nervous and respiratory systems are affected. Paralysis sets in, and blockage of breathing leads to the death of the pest.

executioner's action

The effectiveness of the product is maintained in all weather conditions. The executioner is not afraid of either wind or rain.

Instructions for use

The executioner against the Colorado potato beetle can be used after the appearance of pests on the bushes, and for prevention. It is not difficult to prepare the product. To treat potato bushes, carefully pour the contents of 1 ampoule into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. The dosage is the same for the destruction of larvae and adults.

The solution prepared in this way is enough to treat 100 square meters. The solution cannot be stored; it must be used immediately after preparation.

executioner means

The protective effect of the drug lasts for a month, which is beneficial for gardeners. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug or increase the frequency of treatments. This negatively affects the plants and the quality of the tubers. In addition, it is harmful to the health of the person himself.

Precautionary measures

When using the Executioner against the Colorado potato beetle, you should not neglect the instructions for its use. To avoid burns or allergic reactions, when processing the area, you must wear a special gown, gloves, hat, use a respirator and goggles.

Processing time should not exceed 60 minutes.The longer a person sprays a crop with the product, the higher the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyes, skin or mucous surfaces of the mouth and nose. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your skin with running water and consult a doctor.

After completion of the treatment, all clothing is washed, the face and hands are washed thoroughly. It is best to shower using laundry soap. The container and tools that were used are washed and put away out of the reach of children and animals.

The drug should be stored in a dark and dry place, away from food. It cannot be used after the expiration date. Both the expired product and the product remaining after use must be disposed of by digging a hole in a vacant lot.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Compared to other means, the Executioner has the following advantages:

hangman's advantage

  • quick results in any weather;
  • equal effectiveness in destroying larvae and adult insects;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • effective against other pests: aphids, cicadas, mites, whiteflies;
  • increasing the plant’s immunity and resistance to various diseases;
  • low price.

To some drugs, pests develop a strong immunity, and they lose susceptibility to the poison. This occurs as a result of constant use of the same product. However, insects do not get used to the poison Executioner, and this is another advantage.

The disadvantage of the product is its increased toxicity to bees. The poison of the drug kills bees, so it is prohibited to use it near apiaries.

pest control


Among the many pesticides, summer residents prefer the insecticide Executioner.They note its high efficiency, which allows you to quickly get rid of pests. Gardeners choose this product because, unlike others (Punisher and others), it destroys beetles in just one treatment.

The advantage of the drug is its universal use: it can be used to treat not only potato bushes, but also tomatoes, eggplants, fruit trees, and flowers.

Some other chemicals have a detrimental effect not only on insects, but also on the plant itself. After spraying them, burns appear on the leaves, and the growth of the bushes slows down. Executioner is harmless to plants, it stimulates their growth and increases immunity to disease.

Gardeners also note the ease of preparing and spraying the solutionA.

Every gardener is familiar with the striped Colorado potato beetle. This voracious insect can destroy the entire crop of potatoes and other crops. The drug Executioner will help preserve every bush on the site without much effort and danger to health.
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