Instructions for using the drug Colorado against the Colorado potato beetle

Effective products from modern manufacturers amaze summer residents with their results. Effects on insects occur over a period of time. Colorado is a drug that summer residents choose for its high effectiveness in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae in potatoes.

Composition and effects

The drug contains the potent neonicotinoid imidacloprid.In an amount of 200 g per 1 liter, therefore spraying with this product completely destroys insects and larvae for a long time.

Has a triple effect:

  • Contact.
  • Intestinal.
  • Systemic.

After the Colorado potato beetle enters the body, the pest begins to experience paralysis and convulsions. He dies quickly, within a few hours. The effect of the drug lasts 25-30 days.

Release form and storage

Available in liquid form in ampoules and bottles. The volume varies from 1 to 20 mg.

colorado forte

Storage of the product is the same as for other chemicals. Keep it separate from food products, out of the reach of children and animals. Storage temperature +5—35 ⁰С. The diluted solution cannot be stored. Unopened packaging is stored for 3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Colorado

This remedy for the Colorado potato beetle has a number of positive and negative properties, taking into account which the summer resident decides whether to use it or not.


  • High degree of efficiency.
  • Oily consistency that is not washed off from plants during rain.
  • Destroys all insects, including larvae.
  • Effects in 1 time, without repeated spraying.
  • As the temperature rises, the effect of the drug increases.
  • Used sparingly. For 1 hundred square meters 1 ml of substance is consumed.
  • Restores plants.
  • Stimulates growth and increases productivity.
  • Does not cause addiction to the pest.

beetle on a branch


  • High toxicity.
  • Lethal to bee colonies from the apiary.
  • Ineffective when combined with other drugs.

Any pest control product is harmful to insects and humans. Therefore, summer residents choose them based on their effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle.

How to dilute Colorado for planting treatment?

It is important to follow safety precautions and consumption standards.This is necessary so that the drug shows maximum effectiveness and does not cause harm. First of all, the volume of substance required to treat the entire area is calculated.

1 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 ml of water, which should not be ice-cold, preferably at room temperature. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours. To reduce harm to humans and animals.

beetle children

Vapors during treatment may enter the respiratory tract and lead to poisoning by the active substance.

Before use, you should carefully study the instructions for the Colorado drug against the Colorado potato beetle.

Harm to humans and insects

The toxicity of the drug is grade 3. Although the level of danger is low, precautions and rules of use are still observed.

colorado remedy

Rules for working with this tool:

  1. Be sure to wear gloves, a protective suit, a mask and a respirator.
  2. When diluting, use only water.
  3. Spray in calm weather.
  4. Do not apply before rain.
  5. Prepare in advance the inventory and tools necessary for the processing process.
  6. Do not pour any remaining diluted substance down the drain.
  7. Treat without children or pets nearby.
  8. Drink activated carbon in order to avoid poisoning as a result of accidental ingestion of the drug.

The containers used for breeding are not subsequently used for food products.


  • Drink.
  • Smoking.
  • Eating.

In case of contact with skin, wash with soap and running water. Protect your eyes from accidental contact, but if the drug gets in, rinse with cold water for 10 minutes. In case of accidental ingestion, drink a large amount of water, induce vomiting and consult a doctor immediately.

The years of bees in the apiary must be limited, otherwise the death of the entire family will occur. It is best not to process the crop during flowering.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Uncertain movements.
  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Vomiting.

If these signs appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Colorado beetle

After completing the spraying, you need to wash your face and hands with warm water and soap, and wash your clothes.

Use for other crops on the site

Not only potatoes, but also other plants are treated with Colorado. Dilute it, taking into account the crop that needs to be sprayed.

Used for spraying

  • Tomatoes.
  • Ogurtsov.
  • Cabbages.
  • Strawberries.
  • Fruit trees and shrubs.

cabbage and pests

In addition to the Colorado potato beetle, the product actively fights cutworms, aphids, mites, fleas and other insects. All necessary information on consumption rates is contained in the instructions for use. Strict compliance with all regulations is required.

Opinion of summer residents who used Colorado when processing plants on the site

Numerous positive reviews about the drug indicate its high effectiveness. A novice vegetable grower will receive a lot of useful information by studying them.

Marina: “Colorado is a drug that does not require constant search for a replacement; the Colorado potato beetle does not get used to it. I've been using it for several years now. I also like the fact that it restores damaged plants and has a growth-stimulating effect on bushes. There is no need to collect the beetle yourself anymore.”

potatoes in the ground

Peter: “I don’t particularly suffer with the beetle, since I treat the planting material before planting it in the ground. But if a problem does arise, then I use Colorado. The product is effective and lasts for a long time.I use it only once a season and the results are excellent.”

Elena: “The drug is relatively inexpensive and effective, it is suitable for many vegetable growers. I always buy Colorado when I notice the Colorado potato beetle on the bushes. Helps get rid of insects in just 2 days. In the first few treatments, I carefully measured the dose and diluted it strictly according to the instructions. Now that I already know everything by sight, I do it without much difficulty. Summer residents and the manufacturer advise not to spray the bushes again. But we do it anyway. Since the product stops working after 3 weeks, Colorado beetles immediately fly from neighboring areas and everything starts again. Therefore, we decided to process it a second time. And the problem of insects reappearing was avoided. I definitely recommend it to everyone, the effect is lasting, the insects fight on the spot.”

Instructions for using the drug Colorado against the Colorado potato beetle

Alexey: “Friends recommended Colorado, but I didn’t agree for a long time because I don’t use chemicals on the site. But still I decided to try. I didn't regret it. Previously, it took a lot of time and effort to fight the Colorado potato beetle, now more time is spent caring for other plants on the site. The product saves and helps out. I advise everyone".

A summer resident has been looking for an effective way to control insects for years, some find it very quickly, some search for years. Colorado is an effective drug that does not require a lot of money and effort to process.
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