Double superphosphate allows you to enrich the soil not only with the required amount of phosphorus, but also with other nutrients. Due to the constituent components, productivity increases and the immunity of the crop is strengthened. The drug can be purchased at a low price in granules or powder form, which is why the fertilizer is popular.
Useful properties of the product
Superphosphate fertilizer is a balanced complex of nutritional components necessary for the normal development of any crop in the garden. In addition to phosphorus, the fertilizer also contains various other microelements.They feed them on fruit trees, vegetables, berries, and flower beds.
Why do plants need a balanced complex of substances? It is needed to slow down the aging process, to develop a strong and healthy root system, including tubers, to accelerate the process of fruit formation and ripening.
The differences between fertilizer with double the amount of the main component and conventional fertilizing are the absence of calcium sulfate impurities and the content of other important elements. Why fertilize? The double type of fertilizer has a number of advantages:
- does not contain unnecessary fastening elements;
- stimulates plant growth well;
- nitrogen has a beneficial effect on increasing the number of ovaries;
- sulfur increases strength and immunity;
- The granules do not deteriorate, which is convenient for long-term storage.
The main application of diluted fertilizer occurs in the spring and late September. When applying superficially, it is necessary to dig up the soil. When planting a vegetable crop, they simply use granules, which are laid out in the holes.
Advice: to ensure that the chosen type of composition brings only benefits, dilute all components strictly according to the instructions. Each vegetable crop at a different stage of development needs certain quantities of one or another microelement.
There is a wide variety of fertilizers that contain the presented complex. To study the difference between them, a description of the most basic compositions is presented.
Types of compositions
There are several types of superphosphate fertilizer, which differ in composition. To replace one type of fertilizer with another, you need to know the composition and quality of the soil and take into account the characteristics of plant development.
Simple superphosphate contains no more than 20% phosphorus oxide, which is needed for potatoes, carrots, and beets.It was noticed that vegetable crops after the applied fertilizer differed in appearance and tasty fruits. The plant developed faster, suffered less, looked more powerful than others and produced a high yield.
It is better to use the usual composition as an additive to compost, since fertilizers do not dissolve well in water. Plant components alternate with product granules in a large container or compost pit. The prepared mixture can be used next year.
The main difference between double superphosphate and a simple composition is the content of active substances, there are many more of them. Double superphosphate is available in the form of small gray granules that quickly dissolve in liquid. It is recommended to apply it during soil cultivation in April and September.
Traditionally, fertilizer with a granular composition is used. It can be used dry or used to prepare a liquid solution. Granulated superphosphate contains a high percentage of phosphorus. Superphosphate also contains more than 30% calcium sulfate. It is well stored and distributed when applied to the ground. It is advisable that the soil is not acidic, otherwise there is a need to add wood ash.
Ammoniated superphosphate includes a large percentage of sulfur and potassium sulfate, has good solubility in water and does not change the acidity of the soil. Double ammoniated superphosphate is a concentrated fertilizer made of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.
The humated composition is distinguished by an additional component in the form of peat humate (potassium or sodium). The composition contains 20% phosphorus, about 3% is humates. After entering the soil, it is well absorbed by the plant.The use of this type of fertilizer helps to strengthen the roots and form large fruits. Humate increases disease resistance, productivity and reduces the percentage of nitrates.
How to dissolve superphosphate in water
Phosphorus fertilizers It is difficult to dissolve in water, and in a dry composition there is little benefit. But in liquid form they quickly penetrate from the soil into the plant. Superphosphate extract is easy to prepare. During the process, the granules are crushed, but do not completely decompose.
When preparing formulations, it should be borne in mind that superphosphate combines well with potassium preparations. These two components help each other to be better absorbed by the plant.
Superphosphate extract is made by dissolving the granules with boiling water. The following proportion must be observed: 100 g of granules are required for 1 liter of water. Hot water does not reduce the beneficial properties of the fertilizer. On the contrary, it becomes easily digestible and penetrates faster into the vegetable crop. The solution is moved to a warm room and left to infuse for a day. It needs to be stirred periodically. After this, the solution is filtered so that there is no sediment.
How to prepare nutritious food? The following recipe is effective and popular. First make a superphosphate solution: 65 g of fertilizer is dissolved in three liters of boiling water. After this, the working staff is prepared. All components need to be diluted in a bucket of water: 150 g of the resulting solution, 450 ml of wood ash and 25 g of nitrogen. Nitrogen is added for good and rapid absorption of phosphorus.
Using fertilizer with natural organic ingredients is an effective and cheap way to feed plants.150 granules of fertilizer are poured into a bucket of raw manure, mixed thoroughly and left to infuse for two weeks.
Another method for dissolving superphosphate involves mixing with various biobacterial solutions, for example “Fitosporin” or “Humate”. The mixture is poured with hot water and left to infuse for 22–24 hours. Only after this time has passed can the solution be used.
Processing potato beds
Instructions for use suggest applying fertilizer in early spring and autumn after harvesting. It is enough to add 45 g of superphosphate per 1 square meter to fertile soil. meter. For depleted lands, the amount increases to 65 g.
For potatoes, phosphorus is an integral element, therefore, when growing it, the use of superphosphate is mandatory. There are several ways to apply fertilizer. You can fertilize the soil when preparing it in the fall, and it is recommended to prepare a solution of superphosphate (35 g), fresh manure (7 kg) and potassium sulfate (18 g).
For potatoes, a solution is most often prepared for foliar treatment and watering. It is recommended to add superphosphate to slow down the development of tops and prevent their rapid aging. At the same time, nutrients penetrate the tubers, their growth and ripening are accelerated and the amount of starch increases. Potatoes can be stored for a long time without spoiling. It is best to process vegetable crops three weeks before harvest.
During the spring digging of soil in the garden, you will need 1 square meter. meter take 35 g of superphosphate, 18 g of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of potassium sulfate, 450 g of dolomite flour.
Double superphosphate is used for feeding during planting.150 g of manure, 45 g of ash and 6 g of superphosphate are distributed into each hole 10 cm deep. Prepared seed material is thrown on top of the fertilizer.
Feeding with superphosphate is also carried out if it has been noticed that the leaves have darkened, withered and fallen off. For seedlings, you need to take double superphosphate in the amount of 4 g. The drug is dissolved in a liter of water. It is recommended to spray each bush.
Before flowering potatoes with superphosphate, it is useful to carry out foliar spraying. There is nothing complicated about how to make fertilizer. Dilute 2 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 20 g of superphosphate and 0.1 g of copper sulfate. Fill all components with water and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Before spraying, the resulting solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Treatment should be carried out in the evening.