Description of the Timo potato variety, its characteristics and yield

Potatoes are an integral part of any diet. Any housewife will appreciate potatoes that do not darken after cooking and have a short growing season, like the Timo potato variety.

Description of the variety

Potatoes of the Timo variety are early ripening varieties. The yield per 1 hectare is up to 50 centners. The collection of young potatoes begins 50 days after direct planting. This variety is a table variety. Timo potatoes are subject to all types of heat treatment and boil quickly. His homeland is Finland.

Timo potatoes

Due to its high starch content, Timo is suitable for the production of quality starch. The variety has an unlimited shelf life. It is resistant to dangerous plant diseases such as blackleg, scab, and tuberous cancer.

During growth, the Timo Khankkiyan potato forms a small spreading bush that requires hilling. The green mass of shoots is relatively low. The leaves on the shoots are light green. The inflorescences of this variety are small and come in a soft blue or light purple tone.

plant diseases

After 50 days of active development, tasty fruits ripen: light yellow tubers with a white tone, weighing from 70 to 120 g. They have increased taste and a sweetish aftertaste. The general description of the variety contains all the most important characteristics.

Landing rules

Very often, low yields of a variety are associated with improper preparation before planting. Timo seed samples are prepared about a whole month before planting in the ground. Prepare the material for planting as follows:

active development

  • Select healthy potatoes.
  • The seed is calibrated by size and weight.
  • Large tubers are cut for planting.
  • The tubers are germinated and heated.
  • Selected specimens are treated with a solution of useful microfertilizers and special means.

Also, prepared samples are treated with ash in order to increase productivity and economic efficiency.

healthy potatoes


This variety of potato is grown in the same way as all others. To get a good harvest of tasty potatoes, choose high-quality seed from trusted manufacturers.Sprouted potatoes are used as planting material; the variety is grown exclusively in open ground; depending on weather conditions, it is planted in the soil in April-May.

The embedding depth is shallow - only 5 cm, which is why hilling of the soil is required. Planting this variety is done as follows:

good harvest

  • In the fall, the site is prepared by digging up the soil and adding nutritious manure. Useful mineral compounds are introduced during the immediate planting of selected potatoes.
  • Use a shovel to form holes, keeping a distance between them of 30–40 cm. Large germinated tubers are placed one per hole, small ones – 2–3 pieces.

When planting tubers, form ridges; they are necessary for reliable protection from harmful sun rays. Unprotected potatoes from direct sun can simply turn green and bake.

digging up the soil

Features of care

When giving preference to these varieties of potatoes, remember the important rules of care, which, if followed, will result in a good harvest. The main method of watering Timo is uniform drip irrigation. This way, the plant is watered directly at the root, the consumption of irrigation water is reduced, and daily efficiency increases significantly.

Do not forget to periodically loosen the soil so that the roots breathe and develop properly. Timely spraying against dangerous pests and diseases: Colorado potato beetle, late blight will preserve the future harvest.

In order to increase productivity and accelerate growth, the plant is fed with a nutrient solution of liquid manure. To feed potatoes, stinging nettles that have rotted in water are used. For this purpose, take 10 kg of fresh nettle, chop it finely, and place it in a 100-liter barrel of water for a week. After manipulation, add a bucket of liquid manure to the composition, pour 1 liter of liquid under each bush.Timo also needs feeding at the stage of bud formation; in this case, add 1 liter of water mixed with ash. Add 1 cup of ash to 1 bucket of water. The third time the nutritional composition is applied during the active flowering of the bud in the form of liquid manure.

rules of care

Provide Timo potatoes with moderate watering as the lower leaves of the bush wither. Water with water heated to 20 degrees. During the period of active flowering it needs abundant watering.

Important! You need to water the shoots in the evening so that the moisture from the leaves has time to dry.

Periodic loosening of the soil to a depth of 2–3 cm is also required; this should be done carefully so as not to damage the tubers. To get rid of weeds, mulch the soil around the bush. Hilling is done to provide oxygen to the roots and prevent late blight.

lower leaves

Advantages and visible disadvantages

This variety has the following positive characteristics:

  • High yields.
  • Excellent taste.
  • Resistant to drought and excess moisture.
  • Cancer resistant.
  • The short period of full ripening is 50–70 days.
  • Large tubers are resistant to various mechanical damage.
  • The best option for natural growing in non-standard conditions.

positive characteristics

Despite a lot of advantages, Timo tubers have a couple of disadvantages:

  • Mature potatoes germinate quickly when stored at home.
  • Reduced resistance to common late blight and nematodes.
  • Reacts to sudden cold snaps during planting, which reduces yields.

a couple of drawbacks

Pests and diseases

This variety of potato tubers is resistant to various types of diseases provided they are properly cared for. It is resistant to cancer, scab, blackleg and dangerous rhizoctonia.But tubers are susceptible to a disease such as late blight.

Tubers have increased resistance to harmful viral diseases in the form of leaf curl and the dangerous strain of group “M”, so periodic renewal of seed material is not required. Finnish potatoes Timo practically do not degenerate.

various kinds

To prevent attacks by the Colorado potato beetle, potatoes are sprayed with a natural solution of ash. Watering the bushes with this solution will help avoid dangerous rotting in wet weather. Planting fragrant mustard, beautiful calendula, and various legumes around persistent potatoes will help protect ripened fruits from the attack of dangerous wireworms.

An infusion of garlic relieves late blight; to do this, chop 200 g of garlic, add water, leave for 2 days to make it strong, dilute it in a bucket, then water the shoots. The procedure is carried out every 10 days.

ash solution

Harvest and storage

In order for tubers to be stored as long as possible, it is important to choose the right room for it. The room should be dry, with excellent ventilation, without penetration of sunlight. Optimal temperature conditions for storing potatoes — +4–6 degrees.

Agronomists store tubers in specially prepared vegetable storage facilities, and gardeners store them in cellars or piles. When storing in the cellar, it is important that the tubers do not lie on the ground; wooden boxes or nets are made for them. To store potatoes, special depressions are made in the ground, piles filled with tubers and covered with straw, buried in earth. This method preserves the harvest for a long time.

excellent ventilation
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