What should you put in the hole when planting strawberries - what is the best fertilizer and fertilizer?

Proper planting of strawberries in open ground is not considered such a simple task. There are a large number of nuances that are associated with timing, preparatory work and the landing process. If we talk about caring for plantings, novice gardeners should study all the features in advance. In particular, the question often arises of what should be put in the hole when planting strawberries.

Soil requirements for growing strawberries

Garden strawberries are an undemanding plant that grows well in any soil. However, the size of the fruit and its taste directly depend on the quality of the substrate. In unsuitable conditions, there is a high probability of obtaining small or sour berries. Strawberries grow well and bear fruit in loam and sandy loam soil. This substrate allows air to pass through perfectly and does not retain excess moisture. In addition, it contains many useful substances and macroelements.

However, the following types of soil should not be used for growing this crop:

  1. Clay – retains a lot of moisture and does not allow sufficient oxygen to pass through. In addition, this soil does not protect well from temperature fluctuations.
  2. Sandy - dries out quickly and gets very hot in the sun. However, it contains few nutrients.
  3. Peat - contains useful substances that inhibit the development and formation of fruits.

When growing strawberries in moisture-intensive and breathable soil with neutral acidity parameters, it is possible to obtain large and sweet fruits.

The need to add components to the soil when planting

Some varieties of garden strawberries develop normally in any substrate. At the same time, strawberries need a nutrient medium. To obtain high-quality berries, the soil should be fertilized before planting.

It is worth preparing the beds in advance.First of all, you need to dig them up with a garden shovel. This should be done 3 weeks before planting. For full development, strawberries need organic and mineral fertilizers. The first category includes peat, humus, and compost. As for mineral supplements, it is worth using complex formulations. They contain a maximum of useful microelements.

It is worth considering that this plant does not tolerate excess soil moisture. Therefore, to plant it, it is worth using high beds and ensuring proper drainage.

If, when forming a hill in the beds, you combine the soil with manure or humus and add wood ash to the composition, the plants will receive good organic and mineral nutrition. To prevent stagnation of water from below, it is necessary to provide a layer of sand.

What to put in the hole when planting strawberries

Composition of the transplant hole

Before planting, it is worth adding a complex preparation to the hole. If this procedure is planned in the spring, it is recommended to prepare the bed in the fall. For 1 square meter of beds you should use 30 grams of potassium sulfate, 5-7 kilograms of humus and 1 glass of ash.

Before planting, a composition based on potassium sulfate and superphosphate should be added to the recess. For 1 square meter it is worth using 25 grams of these components. When planting crops in high beds, it is recommended to use a composition based on garden soil and peat. Dolomite flour and wood ash should be added to it.

Soil disinfection methods

To get a healthy bush that produces a bountiful harvest, it is worth protecting it from pathologies and parasites. Soil disinfection is considered a simple but effective procedure. It should be carried out before disembarking. To disinfect, do the following:

  1. Artificially heat the substrate to high temperature parameters.This helps to cope with parasite larvae and bacterial microorganisms. To achieve such results, you should pour boiling water over the bed. You can also cover the soil with film for several days.
  2. Use infusions of pine needles, tobacco or wormwood. This is true for those involved in organic farming. Such compositions are distinguished by bactericidal characteristics.
  3. Use microorganisms. EM preparations, which include beneficial strains of bacterial microorganisms, allow you to cope with pathogens or remove them from the garden.
  4. Treat with chemicals. This is considered an effective and fast-acting defense. However, in addition to harmful bacteria, such products destroy valuable microflora. In addition, hazardous substances accumulate in the soil and in plant tissues.

What to put in the hole when planting strawberries photo

Cases when soil deoxidation is necessary

Strawberries require a neutral or slightly alkaline substrate. High acidity provokes suppression of the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms and prevents the full absorption of microelements.

Growing bushes in such soil does not respond well to fertilizing. At the same time, the berries turn out to be small and unsweetened. To deoxidize the soil, summer residents use the following means:

  1. Lime - added in the fall. After this, the area needs to be dug up.
  2. Wood ash – helps deoxidize and feed the soil.
  3. Dolomite flour - it can be used in the spring, immediately before planting bushes. Dolomite also helps loosen heavy clay soil. With its help you can successfully deal with wireworms.
  4. Gypsum – has a long-lasting effect. After a single application, the substance will produce an effect with each acidity violation.
  5. Chalk – it is recommended to apply before the start of winter. The composition is added crushed.

Types of fertilizers to use during planting

The type and quantity of fertilizing depends on the quality of the substrate. For the area where you plan to make holes, you should use 2 cups of wood ash and 1 bucket of rotted manure. It is recommended to use the following substances as fertilizer:

  1. Ammonium sulfate - to prepare the solution you need to take 1 tablespoon of solution per 10 liters of water.
  2. Superphosphate - should be added in advance so that the substance can dissolve well.
  3. Potassium humate - it must be added before mulching. This procedure is carried out using straw, humus or peat.
  4. Ammophoska - easily mixed with water and does not contain nitrates. This remedy is comprehensive.
  5. Ammonium nitrate - a solution is used to moisten the entire bed on which it is planned to plant strawberries.

What to put in the hole when planting strawberries

Organic fertilizers to add to the hole when planting

Such fertilizers are considered very useful for the crop itself and for the soil. So, when planting strawberries, you should use the following organic matter:

  1. Manure - when applying a substance to the root, it is important to ensure that it is well rotted. The fresh mass should be scattered between the rows and lightly sprinkled with soil.
  2. Peat - should be added to sandy or clay soil. In its pure form, the composition is suitable for mulching the substrate.
  3. Humus – ensures rapid development of the crop. Rotted organic matter from compost is a valuable source of nutrition and protects against external factors. This substance loosens the soil and increases permeability to water and air.
  4. Sapropel is a bottom sediment of lakes. It contains many valuable substances and has antibacterial characteristics.
  5. Bone meal is considered a source of microelements that help enrich the soil.

Traditional feeding methods

To fertilize the plant, it is permissible to use a number of folk remedies. They are accessible and safe.

Using onion peels as fertilizer

Onions have bactericidal characteristics and contain many vitamins. To make a useful solution, you should take a handful of husks and mix with boiling water, then leave for a day. The solution should be diluted with water and used for watering.

What to put in the hole when planting strawberries photo

Using eggshells as fertilizer

This product contains more than 20 valuable components. The shells should be crushed, filled with water and left for 10-14 days. When using, it is recommended to mix the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Using bird droppings as fertilizer

This product is an effective fertilizer for strawberries. In this case, the droppings should be filled with water and left for 2-5 days. The composition should be mixed systematically. Before use, it is combined with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Use of nutritional yeast as fertilizer

This product contains many valuable substances. To fertilize strawberries, you should use a dough based on sugar and yeast. The finished composition is mixed with water and used for irrigation.

Recommendations for the composition of the hole when planting strawberries in the spring

When planting crops in spring, it is recommended to add ash and compost to the hole. It is also permissible to use a combined mineral fertilizer. It is useful to treat bushes with a growth activator.

What to put in the hole when planting strawberries

Recommendations for the composition of the hole when planting strawberries in the fall

If the crop is planted in the fall, it is worth applying fertilizing, which helps the crop to overwinter.The best option would be to use chicken manure.

Common mistakes when growing strawberries

Beginner gardeners make a number of mistakes when planting a plant:

  • inconsistency of the plant variety with the climate of the region;
  • long-term cultivation of crops in one place;
  • deepening of the growth point;
  • improper trimming of the mustache;
  • shading of plantings;
  • use of poor soil of high density;
  • lack of watering at the ripening stage.

Growing strawberries has a number of characteristic features. To get a bountiful harvest, you should add nutrients to the hole.

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