Varieties of strawberries with a dessert taste, which can be grown in garden beds and in greenhouses, are known to many culture lovers. Let's consider the characteristics of the Deroyal strawberry, its advantages and disadvantages, how to grow and care for plants, features of the technology: how to choose a place and prepare the soil, how to plant. How to properly propagate strawberries, collect and store berries.
Description and characteristics
Deroyal was bred in France, the variety is characterized by a dessert taste and strong aroma.The berries have a classic shape - conical, bright red, after full ripening they darken and acquire shine, average weight - 20 g. The pulp is red-orange. In terms of ripening time, the variety is classified as mid-early. The plant can produce many flower stalks, the yield is up to 1-2 kg per bush. The leaves are dark green, erect, and grow quickly.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The Deroyal variety has the following advantages:
- fast growth;
- compactness and neatness of the bush;
- productivity;
- resistance to freezing;
- disease resistance;
- strong peduncles;
- strong aroma and bright taste of the fruit.
Disadvantages of Deroyal strawberries:
- short shelf life - 3-5 days;
- unsuitable for transportation;
- requirement for moisture.
Strawberries of the Deroyal variety grow well both in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions.
Growing and caring for the Deroyal variety
Strawberry seedlings can be planted in garden beds in the fall or spring; many gardeners still prefer spring, since bushes planted in the fall may not have time to take root, so they are at risk of freezing in winter. In the spring there is no such problem; if you plant strawberries in warm and still damp soil, they are more likely to take root.
Site selection and soil preparation
Deroyal seedlings suitable for planting should have approximately 5 leaves, a growth point, fibrous roots at least 8 cm long. The root collar of the seedling should be 6 mm. Before planting, strawberries should be in the shade, with the roots moistened with water.
For the culture, it is best to choose a place illuminated by the sun, without stagnant water. The soil reaction should be neutral; acidic is absolutely not suitable.
Preparation of the beds comes down to the following: remove the remains of the previous crop and weeds along with the roots, dig with a shovel. Add rotted organic matter (1 bucket per sq. m.) and ash (1 kg per sq. m.), level the surface with a rake.
Deroyal strawberry seedling bushes are planted at a distance of 0.3 m from each other. Make holes as deep as the roots, and bury each seedling down to the root collar. You need to make sure that the growing points are not covered with soil. If the soil is dry, water each hole with at least 0.5 liters of water.
If it is still cold outside, especially at night, it is worth covering the beds with film, placing it on low arches that would cover the plants on all sides.
Watering and fertilizers
Despite the powerful root system, Deroyal strawberries need moisture because the plant is small and its roots do not penetrate deeply into the soil. Until the seedlings are completely rooted, they need to be watered frequently, from 1 to 2-3 times a week. For watering, you need to take warm, settled water and water it at the root. When berries appear on the bushes, it is not advisable for water to get on them, otherwise they may rot.
After watering, you should loosen the soil, but not deeply, so as not to touch the roots. Loosening allows roots to breathe and removes weeds.
Removing a mustache
If you plan to harvest Deroyal strawberries, all tendrils must be removed so that the plants do not waste nutrients on their growth. They need to be cut off when they reach 5 cm; they can be carefully cut with scissors.
Diseases and pests
Most often, strawberries are subject to rot, and diseases especially begin to appear after heavy rains. To prevent rotting of berries, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with a broad-spectrum fungicidal agent. You need to choose a drug with a short waiting period that will end before the day of harvest.
Features of plant propagation
A new bed should be planted after 3-4 years; by this time, old plants reduce productivity. To provide yourself with strawberries for each season, you need to make new beds every year to replace the old ones. The Deroyal strawberry propagates by means of tendrils, which need to be rooted during the season. The mustache is transplanted to a new location in early autumn. In order for the plants from the mustache to be strong, the ovary of the mother specimens must be removed.
Harvest and storage
Deroyal strawberries are harvested after they have acquired their characteristic color and aroma, but have not yet become soft. Ripe berries can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days; juicy berries cannot be stored longer. Strawberries that are slightly unripe and have dense pulp are allowed to be transported.
Growing Deroyal strawberries in a summer cottage is no more difficult than growing any other variety. Planting and care technologies are standard. But you need to pay attention to the fact that the plants are moisture-loving, so you should pay special attention to watering.And when the berries ripen, don’t forget to collect the harvest on time and process it or eat it. Strawberries of this variety make excellent sweet preparations for the winter.