Mount Everest strawberries are considered a popular garden crop. It was bred by British breeders in 1998. The author of the variety was breeder Edward Vinson. As a result of crossing Evita and Irwin, it was possible to obtain a day-neutral variety. It is characterized by high yield parameters and excellent taste of the fruit. At the same time, the crop needs to be properly cared for.
Description and brief characteristics of strawberry Everest
The culture is considered to be very high-yielding.From 1 bush it produces 800-900 grams of fruit. Experienced gardeners can get 2 harvests during the season. The first stage begins in late June or early July, and the second occurs in late August and early September.
The fruits, on average, weigh 20-50 grams. It is worth considering that small berries do not appear on the bushes of this variety. They are characterized by the following features:
- cone-shaped;
- bright red shade with a shiny finish;
- juicy and dense pulp;
- sweet intense taste;
- high yield - from 1 square meter you can get 1.5 kilograms of fruit.
The bushes are small in size, but have a spreading structure. This is a key advantage when choosing this variety. In this case, the bushes can easily be covered with snow. Therefore, they are considered quite resistant to frost.
Pros and cons of the variety
Features of cultivation and care
For the cultivation of a crop to be successful, it needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care.
Strawberries of this variety are susceptible to dry weather. Therefore, the bushes need to be watered in a timely manner. The roots of the plant are on the surface. They are not able to provide the plant with water from deep layers of soil.Therefore, in dry weather, the beds have to be moistened 2-3 times a week.
Loosening, weed control
Strawberry beds need to be systematically weeded. If there is a large amount of weeds, you should not count on a good harvest. At the same time, the bushes’ immunity to diseases decreases.
To reduce the need for loosening the soil, it is worth covering the bed with black agrospan. It is recommended to do this immediately upon landing. If this is not possible, you should use sawdust, straw, and leaves. It is recommended to update this coating periodically.
Removing a mustache
The small amount of whiskers that appears on the bushes does not disrupt the development of the mother plant. In addition, it is also permissible to collect fruits from rosettes. However, in this case it is necessary to control the soil fertility and place bushes less often. Otherwise, the mustache needs to be cut off. To avoid damaging the socket, it is recommended to carry out the procedure with pruners or a knife. You can't pull out the antennae.
Top dressing
In spring, it is recommended to feed the crop with humus. Fertilizer should be applied immediately after removing the cover. This will send the bushes into active growth. In the absence of humus, it is permissible to use urea. For 10 liters of water you should take 1 tablespoon of the composition. It is also permissible to feed the bushes with a mixture based on 1 small spoon of chicken manure and a quarter cup of ash. This amount is enough for 1 bush.
During the flowering period, it is recommended to fertilize strawberries with a combined mineral product.To do this, you should use 10-15 grams of the drug per 10 liters. In August it is worth preparing a complex composition. To do this, it is recommended to take 300 grams of ash, 40 grams of nitroammophosphate, and 20 grams of potassium preparations per bucket of water. 500 milliliters of the composition is enough for 1 bush.
Preparing for winter
When growing strawberries in the southern regions, they do not need to be covered. In cold and little snowy winters, plants are insulated with coniferous spruce branches. This natural material retains heat and does not interfere with air exchange. To insulate strawberries, you can use spunbond. It should be pulled over low arches.
Pest and disease control
To avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks, it is recommended to follow these rules:
- after each rain, treat the plantings with a pale solution of potassium permanganate;
- Scatter crushed tobacco leaves between the rows;
- if there is a threat of infection, treat the bushes with a decoction of onion peels - 100 grams of raw materials are required for 2 liters of water;
- You can plant marigolds and nasturtiums around the bed - they will repel parasites;
- Treating the leaves with an infusion of hot pepper will help prevent slug attacks.
If infectious pathologies develop, it is worth using Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%. This can be done before flowering or after harvesting.
Subtleties of reproduction
The largest number of whiskers on strawberries appears in the first year after planting. After this, their number decreases. This feature should be taken into account and the plantings should be updated every 3 years. To develop tendrils and rosettes in mother plants, it is worth systematically picking off the flowers.
Cleaning and storage
The first fruits ripen in June. The second wave of fruiting begins in August, and the third in September. In the southern regions, 1 bush can produce 900 grams of berries.The fruits can be consumed fresh or used for various preparations. They can easily withstand deep freezing.
Mount Everest strawberries are considered a popular garden crop with high yields. In order for the plant to develop normally and bear fruit abundantly, it requires high-quality care.