Varieties of garden strawberries that have an extended fruiting period are in demand not only among those who sell berries, but also among ordinary owners of personal plots. Remontant varieties that have stood the test of time delight with rich harvests throughout the summer season. Such popular varieties include strawberries called Geneva, which were developed by American breeders.
Description of the variety
Geneva garden strawberries were bred in the 90s of the last century by American breeders and belong to the remontant and large-fruited varieties. The first berries will ripen in early June. The second wave of fruiting begins a month later, after which the plant throws out tendrils, on which gardeners root rosettes.
After they have 7 leaves, they also begin to bloom and provide tasty berries until the first drop in temperature in the fall. This is precisely what is considered a characteristic feature of the variety - the formation of a harvest not only on mother plants, but also on young plants.
Brief characteristics of Geneva strawberries
The description from the breeders indicates the following characteristics of the variety:
- Garden strawberry bushes are squat, powerful and slightly spreading, so it is recommended to avoid thickening when planting. Since not many whiskers are formed (about 5-7), they do not need to be removed.
- The medium-sized leaf blades are colored light green. The flower stalks are long and inclined towards the ground, so when planting seedlings it is necessary to take this point into account and place the bushes so that the berries do not touch the ground.
- The largest berries are formed on the crop during the first wave of fruiting - their weight reaches 50 grams. In the following waves, the fruits become smaller, and in the fall they are almost 2 times smaller than in June. However, this does not affect the aroma that the berries exude - their smell is sweetish, mixed with strawberry notes and very rich.
- The berries themselves are characterized by a truncated cone shape and a bright red color. There is no sourness in the taste, but it is not cloying either.
- Productivity is stable, regardless of weather conditions.
- The genetic characteristics of the Geneva variety allow gardeners not to worry about diseases and pests affecting the plant.The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the tendency of strawberries to develop gray rot if agricultural cultivation practices are violated.
Considering the positive aspects of the Geneva variety, it is worth noting:
- long fruiting period and high yield;
- marketable appearance of the berries and good transportability, which allows you to grow garden strawberries for sale on the market;
- the possibility of independent propagation of the variety;
- strong immunity against major crop diseases and resistance to damage by insect pests.
As for the minuses, these are:
- relatively low frost resistance;
- the need to replace bushes after 3 years of growing in one place;
- competent agrotechnical care to obtain multiple harvests.
Young bushes can be planted either at the end of spring or throughout August-September; the gardener chooses the timing that suits him best. To grow Geneva, you need a sunny and level area; in the shade the berries will grow sour. Sandy and loamy soils are the ideal composition for garden strawberries. Parsley, radishes, and legumes are considered good predecessors for strawberries.
Planting algorithm for the Geneva variety:
- First, the planting site is dug up using a shovel and all weeds are removed by the roots.
- Fertilize the bed using 5 kg of peat and wood ash and 1 kg of humus per square meter.
- Seedlings are also prepared by soaking their roots in a saline solution for 10 minutes (3 tablespoons per 10 liters, you can also add a spoonful of copper sulfate). After this, take out and wash the roots under running water.
- Strawberries are planted on a cloudy day so that the young seedlings can better take root in their new location.Place two specimens in a small hole at once, trying to straighten the roots so that they do not bend.
- After planting, be sure to water the bushes and mulch the soil around them and between the rows.
Rules of care
If proper agrotechnical care is provided, American variety strawberries will bear fruit throughout the season with short breaks.
In order for the berries to ripen juicy and aromatic, garden strawberry bushes must be constantly irrigated. After planting in the beds, this is done every day, after one irrigation per week is enough. In case of severe dryness and heat and the absence of natural precipitation, moistening is carried out once every 3 days.
Loosening, weed control
Loosening the soil around the bushes is necessary after each watering or rain, otherwise a crust will form that does not allow air to pass through, which is necessary for the root system to fully develop. This is done to a shallow depth so as not to damage the roots, immediately removing the weeds along with the roots.
You can reduce labor costs for weeding and loosening by using a mulch layer, for which organic materials are used - rotted sawdust, straw, hay.
Removing a mustache
The Geneva variety does not grow a lot of mustaches, so they can not be removed, but used for propagation.
Top dressing
Garden strawberries, which bear fruit all summer, need constant addition of nutrients. Otherwise, the fruits will become small and sour, and the plant itself may die from excessive exhaustion. Both store-bought preparations and folk remedies are used to feed strawberries. It is important to add a mineral composition with a high nitrogen content in early spring.In the future, it is enough to dilute mullein or bird droppings and water the beds with this liquid, being careful not to get it on the leaves.
Disease and pest control
The main danger for strawberries of this variety is gray rot, which develops under thickened planting conditions. Such specimens are thrown away because there is no treatment. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to use Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture.
Preparing for winter
The Geneva variety does not tolerate cold well, so it needs full-fledged shelter, which is used as organic and agrotextile materials.
Features of reproduction
Geneva is grown not only with the help of mustaches, but also by seed. The last option is labor-intensive, so it is not used often.
Collection and storage
The variety's berries are collected throughout the season with short breaks. Fresh strawberries are stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, and they can also be frozen, made into jam and made into liqueur.