Description and characteristics of strawberries of the Sudarushka variety, planting scheme and care

Almost everyone loves large, juicy strawberries. This is a real treat for adults and children. Hundreds of different types of garden strawberries are known; the Sudarushka variety is considered one of the most popular among gardeners.

Description of the Sudarushka strawberry and its characteristics

This variety is the result of crossing two other types of strawberries (Roxana and Festivalnaya).The fruits grow quite large - 12 g each, some can reach 30-35 g. They have an oval shape with a pointed end. The neck on the berry is practically absent. The taste is sweet and sour, the fruits have a pleasant characteristic aroma. The strawberry bush Sudarushka is semi-spreading and strong, the formation of whiskers is moderate. The variety is classified as mid-season.

Pros and cons of the variety

The advantages of this variety of strawberries include the following:

  1. It is resistant to diseases.
  2. Has high taste characteristics.
  3. Gives high yields (up to 72 centners per 1 ha).
  4. The bushes have good resistance to drought.

Unfortunately, strawberries of the Sudarushka variety can be affected by insect pests.

Features of growing a plant

The gardener needs to have an idea about the features of caring for bushes of this type of garden strawberry, which will increase its productivity.

strawberry sudrushka

Boarding time and seat selection

The strawberry variety Sudarushka loves well-lit places. Grows well in fertile chernozem soils. You can plant bushes of this type in late August - early September. It’s good to add peat to the ground first.

If the soil is poor, then it is better to prepare it in the fall by adding organic fertilizers, and plant strawberries in the spring.

Preparation of planting material

You can prepare strawberry seeds yourself by collecting them from the bush in advance or buy them in the appropriate stores. If part of the root system is to be planted, it is done immediately. It is allowed to store parts of the root or seedlings for several days. In this case, they are wrapped in a damp cloth. The seedlings should be kept cool.

strawberry sudrushka

Planting process

Before planting Sudarushka strawberries, holes 6-7 cm deep are first dug in the selected area and moistened.Then the seedlings are placed there, the roots are covered with earth and lightly pressed down.

Gardeners use 4 traditional methods of planting strawberry bushes:

  • Carpet. The tendrils of the bushes are not cut off, thereby allowing them to reproduce freely throughout the area. With this method, plants independently create a natural layer of mulch. The convenience is that you do not need to tear off the mustache, as well as mulch and loosen the soil. However, in this case, the strawberries may not be as large as with other methods.
  • Planting in rows. One of the most famous methods. The seedlings are placed in one row at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The disadvantage is the need to constantly loosen the soil and remove weeds, and you also need to pick off the strawberry tendrils.
  • Planting with bushes. With such planting, the strawberry harvest will be good, and the berries themselves will be large. The disadvantages include the same factors as with the previous method.
  • Planting in nests. It is a hexagon of seedlings, inside of which another bush grows. This method ensures high productivity.

planting strawberries

Cultivation care

Caring for strawberries is a very important point on which the final result depends.


If the soil on which strawberries grow is black soil, then the bushes will require minimal feeding. In spring, plants will additionally need fertilizer containing nitrogen. It could be a solution of chicken manure. You can also scatter 40 granules of saltpeter on 1 square meter. Dissolving in water, they penetrate the ground and feed the bushes. Before the first flowers appear, it is necessary to apply fertilizer containing potassium. To do this, 35 granules are scattered over 1 square meter.

strawberry patch


Watering strawberries should be sufficient. In hot weather, watering should be done either in the morning or after sunset to avoid burns on the plant.

Mulching the beds

This procedure will help protect the strawberry roots from drying out and will also prevent the growth of weeds. The cover also regulates evaporation while allowing sufficient oxygen to reach the roots.

This type of garden strawberry tolerates mulching well. Mulch can be:

  1. Peat.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Straw.

The layer also protects the bushes from damage by rodents.

mulching strawberries

Cleaning bushes and beds

In the spring, it is necessary to remove dried leaves and shoots from last year's strawberry bushes. You will also have to remove the layer of mulch placed on the beds in the fall. It has already fulfilled its purpose, protecting plants from frost in winter. In addition, during this time a large number of pests and their larvae have accumulated in it, so it is necessary to remove not only the mulch, but also the first 3 cm of soil. Loosening the soil around the bushes is carried out to a depth of 6-7 cm.

Preparing for winter

The strawberry variety Sudarushka tolerates winter well, but to prevent freezing, it is better to prepare the bushes for the onset of cold weather. In autumn they can be covered with a thick layer of sawdust or straw.

a lot of strawberries

Diseases and pests

Sudarushka has good resistance to most fungal diseases, however, preventive treatment should be carried out with solutions that can resist the appearance of rot. Seedlings are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or another product containing copper.

Strawberry Sudarushka is susceptible to damage by some pests. This:

  • strawberry mite;
  • weevil.

Insecticide preparations (Iskra, Akarin) will help you cope with these insects. Strawberries need to be processed twice throughout the entire season: the first time before flowering, the second time after harvesting.

foraging for strawberries

Strawberry propagation

The most famous way Strawberry propagation - using whiskers. However, to preserve varietal qualities, it is worth following several important rules. If the bush bears fruit, then its mustache will be weak, and the variety will partially lose its qualities. For propagation, you should select the strongest bushes in the spring and not allow them to bear fruit. You need to pick off the buds that are setting. Then the strawberry will direct all its forces to the growth of shoots. The resulting strong mustache is tilted to the ground and lightly sprinkled with earth. After 25 days, the plant will take root in this place and form a new rosette. Over time, it is dug up and moved to a new place.

You can use seeds for propagation. They are placed in prepared moist soil; there is no need to cover them with earth. Containers with planted seeds are covered with film. This is done in the first ten days of March; the first shoots appear in April. The seedlings are transplanted into the ground in May.

When using this method, you need to keep in mind that when pollinating sprouts, pollen from other varieties may fall on the plant.

For planting by dividing the root, select a strong plant at the age of 3-4 years. The soil is well moistened, and then the plant is dug up and divided into separate parts. You need to divide the root after fruiting is complete. To preserve varietal qualities, it is better to use propagation by mustaches or part of the root.

Cleaning and storage

The bushes will bear fruit within 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to collect berries from them together with the stalk - this significantly increases the shelf life of the fruit. If stored in a cool, dry place, they can last up to 2 weeks without damage. This berry can be considered universal in purpose. It is suitable for fresh consumption, but is also suitable for any type of canning, as well as freezing.
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