What to do with goat dandruff and causes, treatment and prevention

White flakes can sometimes begin to fall off the head of not only humans, but also pets and livestock. Therefore, the question of what to do if a goat has dandruff is not so rare. It is necessary to understand for what reasons the disorder develops, whether it is safe or can cause complications, how to properly treat and prevent the appearance of dandruff in goats.

Causes of dandruff in goats

It has been established that any warm-blooded organisms can suffer from the appearance of dandruff, and goats are no exception. Dandruff itself is pieces of the upper layer of skin (epidermis), which is regularly renewed.Normally, an animal’s skin change should occur imperceptibly, but if the process is too rapid, owners notice seborrhea in goats (most often in downy breeds).

The main causes of dandruff in livestock are:

  • skin damage from ticks, fleas and other parasites;
  • sunburn - occurs more often during the molting period, when the goat's hair becomes thinner, and the animal itself is grazed outside from morning until late evening, in hot weather;
  • insufficient air humidity, leading to drying out of the epidermis;
  • hormonal and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • poor quality feeding when the goat’s diet lacks vitamins and nutrients;
  • excess weight;
  • stress – despite the fact that goats are considered cocky and brave animals, they can be very timid and experience nervous tension when treated roughly by their owners.

The most dangerous cause of dandruff is skin diseases. Often these are pathologies of fungal etiology, for example, trichophytosis (trichopytosis). Trichophytosis is a disease caused by the fungus Trichophyton, affecting domestic animals (dogs, cats), rodents, pigs, goats. Individuals with sensitive skin are most prone to pathology. The source of spread is sick animals.

goat dandruff

Signs and symptoms

Dandruff is white flakes that can be found inside the goat's fur or fall on the floor of the stall. Seborrhea caused by vitamin deficiency or stress can be easily treated by adjusting the diet and improving the maintenance of the animal. It does not manifest itself as strongly as those caused by diseases of fungal etiology. With trichophytosis, areas with rough, flaky skin covered with a crust appear on the goat's body. The fur may fall out profusely or break off, the skin looks inflamed, and serous contents may ooze from cracks.

The spots reach a size of 1-5 centimeters in diameter, and larger in the advanced form. During palpation, small tubercles are felt.

The goat appears agitated due to itching, and may experience decreased appetite and weight loss. The skin is tight and dry, so the animal tries to scratch itself against walls and nearby objects.

How to treat dandruff on the back of goats

The choice of treatment method depends on the cause of dandruff. If seborrhea appears as a result of stress, improper feeding or care, it is recommended:

  • balance the animal’s diet - if the goat is on free grazing, it is necessary to select pasture rich in clover, alfalfa, chicory, legumes, shrubs, and young trees. Do not feed goats potatoes, cabbage and tomato leaves. It is important to have hay, fruits, combined feeds with added vitamins, wheat and soy flour, corn, oats in the diet;
  • introduce feed yeast into the menu - it is rich in protein, protein, fiber, fats, vitamins B, E, D, K;
  • keep animals in a room with normal humidity levels (at least 50%);
  • relieve the goat of stress.

Dandruff that appears as a result of skin diseases, in particular fungal ones, is treated differently. A high-quality diagnosis with the participation of a veterinarian is necessary.

goat treatment

If you suspect a disease transmitted from already infected animals, you need to take a scraping from the surface of the skin, examine the secretions of the sebaceous glands, and examine the hair for the presence of parasites in the hair follicles. To destroy the fungus, regular treatment of the skin and hair with the following compounds is necessary:

  • green soap;
  • warm alkaline solution;
  • 10% tincture of iodine - after softening and removing crusts from the surface of the skin;
  • 5% solution of copper sulfate in Lysol;
  • formalin-kerosene emulsion;
  • 25% bleach solution.

The LTF-130 vaccine is used intramuscularly. Griseofulvin tablets have a good antifungal effect - they have an antimycotic effect on a wide range of fungi. The tablets can be crushed and given with food or water. Antimycotic ointments “Amorolfine”, “Ciclopirox”, “Flucytosine” are prescribed externally.

Severe skin lesions with a fungus are fraught with the addition of a bacterial infection, for which antibiotics Amoxicillin, Zinaprim, Interflox, Kanamycin and others are prescribed, at the choice of a veterinarian.

If dandruff appears due to fleas, ticks and other parasites, be sure to treat with insecticides for 1-2 weeks.

Could there be any consequences?

If dandruff appears in a goat as a result of vitamin deficiency, stress or poor quality care, the provoking factor must be immediately eliminated. In this case, there will be no negative consequences for the health of the animal.

In a situation where seborrhea occurs due to skin diseases, the risk of a secondary infection increases. This is fraught with deterioration in the goat’s well-being, loss of appetite, and decreased absorption of nutrients from the feed. The animal may lose a lot of weight and produce little milk. Quality is decreasing wool from downy goat breeds.

After a course of treatment for fungal skin lesions, it is recommended to carry out therapy with immunomodulators. This will help the animal restore its immunity and its own defenses, as well as minimize the risk of infection in the future.

a lot of goats

Preventive actions

To prevent skin problems in goats, it is recommended:

  • provide a balanced diet on the farm with the presence of fresh juicy grass, fruits, vitamins and minerals;
  • keep animals clean, regularly remove manure, inspect the skin for tangles in the fur, stuck together lumps of dirt;
  • do not give goats a lot of sweet fruits, since the increase in blood sugar makes the body vulnerable to fungal infections;
  • monitor the humidity level in the pen;
  • do not leave goats in the sun for a long time, especially during the molting period;
  • Avoid stress in animals.

At the first signs of skin lesions, it is recommended to call a veterinarian, because only a specialist will determine whether dandruff is caused by fungal diseases, mites, parasites or errors in care.

Healthy skin is an indicator that goats are well cared for and provided with a nutritious diet. If dandruff appears in small amounts, especially during the shedding period, do not worry right away. In case of excessive separation of skin scales, disturbances in the secretion of sebum, the appearance of wounds and flaky surfaces on the skin, it is recommended to invite a specialist, identify the cause of the problems and select a competent treatment regimen.

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