When a rabbit sneezes frequently, this is an unconditioned reflex to the influence of an irritating factor. Many owners immediately suspect a cold or an infectious respiratory pathology, but sneezing can also be a consequence of a reaction to allergens, stress, unsuitable food, dry air, dirt and dust. Sneezing is said to be of a cold or infectious origin when the animal’s health deteriorates and mucous discharge comes from the nose.
Why does a rabbit sneeze many times in a row and what should be done?
To properly treat a rabbit, you need to find out why it is sneezing. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the symptoms, assess the animal’s well-being and the environment. A sick rabbit should be immediately separated from its relatives and consult a veterinarian. If the disease turns out to be infectious, an unisolated rabbit can infect its neighbors. The sick pet is fed well and given a large percentage of vitamin-rich fresh greens.
It is not uncommon for rabbits to sneeze due to a stressful situation. Moreover, in this case, the symptoms are supplemented by nasal discharge and lacrimation. The danger is that the pet can smear the discharge over its face, which will become a substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and provoke an infectious disease.
You just need to watch the animal and find out why exactly it is sneezing. This could be, for example, moving to another cage or being close to aggressive animals. It is enough to eliminate the stress factor, and if this is not possible, then wait until the pet gets used to the new conditions. And then the animal’s well-being gradually returns to normal.
Poor living conditions
Rabbits are quite sensitive to environmental conditions and constantly sneeze if not properly cared for and maintained. Factors that cause sneezing:
- increased air humidity;
- dustiness of the rabbitry;
- dirt, sewage, rotting food particles in the cage;
- irritating odors;
- irregular change of water, food and bedding;
- too intense illumination of the rabbitry.
In order for a rabbit to stop sneezing, the provoking factor must be eliminated.Improper care can lead to the development of serious infectious pathologies in rabbits, so cages must be cleaned regularly and the living conditions maintained in normal conditions.
Dry air
Rabbits sneeze not only because the air is too humid, but also because the air is dry, which has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. An inflammatory process begins in the mucous tissues, accompanied by sneezing, but without snot.
Rabbits usually sneeze in the summer heat or in the winter months when the heating device is running in the rabbitry. You have to increase the air humidity by placing bowls of water, hanging wet rags, and regularly ventilating the room.
Wrong diet
Rabbits rarely sneeze from unsuitable food, but if such a problem occurs, a runny nose and symptoms of poisoning are observed. The food is not toxic to your pet, it’s just how the body reacts to it. To fix the problem, you just need to return to the previous diet.
The allergen that causes your pet to sneeze can be anything:
- litter;
- feed;
- means for cleaning and disinfecting cells;
- aerosols to eliminate unpleasant odors in the rabbitry.
It is necessary to find out what negatively affects the animal through experimentation. To do this, new food is gradually added, partially replacing the used one. Monitor whether the allergic reaction in the rabbit persists or disappears. A similar manipulation is done with other potential allergens.
Anti-allergy medications are prescribed by a veterinarian. And the owner must carry out a thorough cleaning of the rabbitry, remove all sources of unpleasant odors, and place aerosols and cleaning agents further away from the cages.
Nose injury
When a rabbit breathes heavily, sneezes, or snorts, there is a possibility that he has injured his nose, or that a foreign object is stuck in his nasal cavity. In this case, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. It is unacceptable to treat on your own; this can lead to a worsening of the animal’s condition.
Infectious diseases
When a rabbit sneezes due to an infectious disease, the owner observes many specific symptoms:
- loss of appetite;
- lethargy, weakness;
- dullness and ruffled fur;
- temperature increase;
- profuse lacrimation;
- runny nose, discharge of clear or purulent mucus;
- heavy and hoarse breathing, cough.
Viral and bacterial diseases are treated with medications prescribed by a veterinarian.
Independent selection of treatment is unacceptable. Incorrectly chosen medications can be useless and even harmful to the animal.
When a pet sneezes from infectious rhinitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed that will act on any possible pathogen. Common medications:
- "Baytril" (0.3 ml per 1 kg of weight);
- "Marbocil" 2% (0.1 ml per 1 kg);
- "Veracin" (0.1 ml per 1 kg);
- "Chloramphenicol" (2-5 mg per 1 kg).
The duration of the course is determined by the veterinarian. The drugs are administered intramuscularly, sometimes they are additionally instilled into the nasal passages.
To help your rabbit stop sneezing and coughing, it is recommended to do inhalations using essential oils of fennel, eucalyptus, sage, and mint. To do this, pour 2 liters of hot water into a container and add 5-6 drops of oil. The liquid is taken to the rabbitry when the intense ethereal odor dissipates. The container is placed next to the animal.She and the rabbit are covered with a large towel so that the healing vapors do not dissipate, leaving a gap for air to penetrate.
Inhalations are carried out no longer than a week, otherwise the mucous tissues of the rabbit respiratory tract will dry out. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. In the first days of treatment, the pet usually sneezes more often, and his snot flows even more profusely. There is no need to worry: by the end of the week, rhinitis should disappear.
How to prevent a problem from occurring
To prevent diseases that cause rabbits to sneeze, you must follow these rules:
- promptly clean the cage from uneaten food, dust and dirt;
- change the water in the drinking bowl daily;
- regularly change the bedding in the cages;
- avoid drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations in the rabbitry;
- monitor the level of air humidity;
- buy high-quality food that does not contain questionable ingredients and impurities;
- introduce new food gradually, observing the animals’ reaction;
- eliminate all possible allergens;
- Vaccinate pets every six months;
- periodically give animals herbal decoctions to strengthen the immune system.
The decorative rabbit sneezes for the same reasons as its meat counterparts. Therefore, treatment measures should be similar.
If your rabbit is sneezing frequently, it should not be ignored. Sneezing can be a sign of both minor and dangerous changes in the body. Therefore, a pet who is sneezing should be taken to the vet immediately. Proper treatment prescribed by a specialist will avoid complications.