Why do rabbits bite and how can they be weaned, what to do after a bite

At first glance, rabbits seem like cute enough creatures that simply cannot bite. However, despite their appearance, the animals can be very capricious. The behavior of animals directly depends on their character. To determine your pet's temperament, it is worth analyzing its behavior. Sometimes pet owners have a question: why does a rabbit bite?

Why does a decorative rabbit bite and growl at its owner?

The appearance of aggression in a pet causes serious concern among people. Moreover, in 99% of cases it is associated with the influence of external factors, which can be influenced.

Living space

If a rabbit bites, it is most likely trying to defend its territory. In such a situation, the owner needs to show a little patience. First you need to open the door and wait for the rabbit to come out on its own. Then you can clean the cage or play with the animal.

It is important to avoid loud sounds and sudden movements. It is recommended to call the animal by name. You should not hang over the animal - it is better to go down to the same level with it.


The cause of aggression may be thirst. Most often it appears when there is a lack of moisture in the feed. It is important to ensure that there is clean water in the drinking bowl.

rabbit bites

How does food affect

A rabbit's daily diet should include branches, rough vegetables and hay. If you constantly use only granulated food, the animal will try to chew something. In this case, it can bite the owner’s hands.

Sexual activity

During sexual heat, the female shows anxiety and concern. She may refuse to eat and become aggressive. The male who is nearby acts similarly. Mature rabbits begin to bite at 4 months - it is at this age that sex hormones act on them.

To reduce the excitability of animals, it is recommended to castrate them or keep them in pairs.

Crowding in the cage

The reason for aggressive behavior may be the small size of the cage. In cramped conditions the animal feels vulnerable. Due to psychological discomfort, the animal may bite its owner.

rabbit bites

Also, the behavior of the animal is affected by bright light in the room or exposure of the cage to direct rays of the sun.The pet feels best in solitude, away from light sources.

Removal of waste products

It is permissible to clean the cage when the animal is not in it. Otherwise, the rabbit feels like its space is being encroached upon and attacks its owner. During cleaning, the animal should be placed in a carrier and let out to run around.

Microclimate in cells

Under natural conditions, animals spend a lot of time in underground burrows. There, optimal humidity and suitable temperature conditions are maintained - +14-22 degrees. When keeping animals in an apartment, it is important to ensure that the cage is not located near radiators or in a draft.

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Rabbits have difficulty withstanding heat and dry air. At temperatures above +30 degrees there is a risk of heat stroke. If there is no air conditioner, you need to put cold bottles in the cage and spray it with cool water.


If the rabbit has become aggressive, the development of diseases can be suspected. In such a situation, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian. The development of pathologies is indicated by symptoms such as general weakness, loss of appetite, and colds.

Sometimes rabbits are attacked by parasites. As a result, the animals experience pain and encounter a sensation of itching, which makes them aggressive. Another factor is a lack of vitamins. To prevent problems, it is important to provide animals with a varied diet.

How to stop a rabbit from biting

To prevent your rabbit from biting, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not create stress for the animal. It transforms into fear and can cause aggression. It is prohibited to forcibly remove an animal from its cage. You should not catch a rabbit or forcefully hold it in your hands.
  2. Talk to your pet if you want to get closer to the cage. It is better to sit with the animal on the same level and call it by name.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to kick, hit or forcefully pet the rabbit. This provokes an increase in his fears.
  4. If sexual aggression occurs, use medical methods to eliminate problems. These include sterilization or castration.
  5. Instill trust in the animal. You need to pick him up, give him a treat, and pet him. Under the influence of positive emotions, the animal will begin to trust its owner more.
  6. Immediately after purchase, put it in a cage and do not touch it for several days. The animal must adapt to unusual sounds and smells. After a few days you can try to establish contact.
  7. If your rabbit is rushing around the cage and throwing everything around, you need to let him calm down. After which it is recommended to feed him carrots. A tasty herb would also work.
  8. If a rabbit bites you, you need to scream loudly. This will let the animal know that it did something wrong. After this, it is recommended to clearly say the word “no” several times and put him in a cage. After some time, the pet will stop biting.

 rabbit bites

You need to behave as calmly as possible with the rabbit and not do anything against its will - this will help avoid the appearance of aggression.

What to do if a rabbit bites until it bleeds?

Bites from domestic rabbits are not always safe for humans. Severe fear in a pet can lead to serious injury. Children are mostly affected by animal bites. If your pet is vaccinated against rabies, there is no need to worry. In this case, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Treat the wound with an antiseptic. Alcohol, brilliant green or iodine are suitable for this purpose.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide will help stop bleeding.The concentration of the solution should be 3%.
  3. Dress the wound with a sterile bandage.

There are dangerous bacteria in the animal's mouth. However, there are much fewer of them than in pets that eat animal food. Therefore, after rabbit bites, the risk of inflammation is much less, especially with timely treatment of the wound with a disinfectant.

bite on finger

In rare situations, the bite area becomes inflamed. This situation often occurs in children due to a weakened immune system. If the area around the wound is swollen or red, you should consult a doctor. Most often, specialists prescribe ointments and tablets that have antibacterial properties.

It is worth considering that bites from animals that have not been vaccinated against rabies pose a threat to life. If a rabbit that has not been vaccinated has had contact with wild animals, the rabies virus may be present in its saliva. It poses a threat to humans.

In such a situation, after a bite, you should immediately wash the wound with an antiseptic and immediately visit a doctor. The specialist will draw up a vaccination schedule for the bitten person. It is important to strictly follow the vaccination schedule. Otherwise, the treatment will not give results.

Decorative rabbits, as a rule, do not demonstrate aggression. However, fear can cause them to bite. From the first days it is recommended to accustom your pet to handling. This will help instill in him trust in the owner and avoid undesirable consequences for all family members.

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