Producing meat and soft skins is the main task of rabbit breeding. Therefore, farmers are especially interested in rabbits called giants - animals that have a lot of weight and large skins. The animals are valued not only for their productivity, but also for their phlegmatic nature. The giants include breeds for meat and fur-meat purposes. Let's consider popular breeds of large rabbits, features of keeping and breeding animals.
general description
The main difference between the giant and its fellows is its impressive body size and weight.The average weight of giants is 5-6 kilograms, the largest specimens reach 10-12 kilograms. Breeders purposefully created large breeds. The first species was bred in Flanders; information about the Flemish rabbit is found in documents from 1860. The full standard of the Flanders breed was formed in 1893, the giant was included in the Register.
Now the list of giants has expanded. Representatives of the breeds differ in appearance, coat color, some are bred only for meat, others are bred for meat and fur.
Common characteristics of giants are:
- strong, strong bones;
- long body;
- rapid weight gain;
- fertility (up to 8-10 per litter);
- resistance to low temperatures.
Some farmers believe that giants eat too much, but in terms of weight, this figure is within the average for ordinary rabbits.
What breeds can be classified as giants?
Some of the most popular and beloved giant breeds by rabbit breeders include:
- Gray giant. Bred by Ukrainian breeders, one of the best breeds of rabbits for cold regions. The usual weight is 5 kilograms, often growing up to 7. The usual color is gray, but now other colors are allowed. Has excellent health.
- White giant. The rabbit was bred in the USSR and belongs to the skin breeds. Elongated body, snow-white skin with dense, even fur. Fur takes dye well; millions of children grew up wearing fur coats and hats made of rabbit fur. Albino with red eyes, the giant's weight is 5.5 kilograms.
- German Risen. Weight – 8-10 kilograms, some individuals – 14 kilograms. The colors are varied - from white to black. Meat and fur look with high quality of both products.
- Flandre (Belgian giant). True giants among their brothers. Weight reaches a record 9-12 kilograms.This species is considered a meat species; the fur does not shine with any special quality.
- Soviet chinchillas. Large rabbits grow up to 8-9 kilograms. They have a beautiful silver skin interspersed with white and black. Fur of excellent quality, meat of average category. They mature at 4-5 months, females are fertile.
- Giant Angora. A white fluffy miracle with fur up to 15 centimeters long. Rabbits weigh 5-6 kilograms. These beauties are cut every 3 months, getting up to 200 grams of high-quality fluff. The contents are complex; the fur requires special care so that it does not mat.
- French ram. It got its name from the shape of its skull, similar to that of a sheep. Pleasant to the touch skin and lop ears give rabbits a cute appearance. They are often used as pets. Weight – 6-7 kilograms, gray, blue, black, spotted fur color.
- Russian ermine. Not the largest of the giants (4-5 kilograms) has the coloring of Siamese cats - dark paws and head. Bred for its high-quality fur, similar to ermine.
- Butterfly. White and black spotted skin is the main difference between medium-sized giants (5 kilograms).
Other well-known breeds include Alaskan, Viennese black, silver, and German ram.
Interesting: the record holder for size and weight is a giant of the Flanders breed; Ralph the rabbit has grown up to a meter in length and weighs 22 kilograms.
The advantages of such rabbits
Farmers raising giant rabbits note the following positive aspects of the breeds:
- large carcasses, meat product yield – 55-60%;
- accommodating, non-aggressive character;
- high quality skin and meat;
- the female rabbit gives up to 6 litters per year, high fertility;
- females do not abandon their rabbits, they feed them all for up to a month;
- early maturity - rabbits can be slaughtered at 3-4 months;
- grow well even in cold regions.
Rabbit breeders raising ordinary breeds need to be prepared to arrange special larger cages and organize the space correctly.
Features of maintenance and care
Giants are usually kept in individual cages, where the animal will feel free and can rise on its hind legs. Recommended size – 100-120x80x60 centimeters. The house for the female mother is made larger - with an area of 120-170x100 centimeters.
Basic rules of care when raising giants:
- The cages are kept in a ventilated area, but without drafts or direct sunlight.
- Rabbits of large breeds love to lie down; for exercise, it is useful to send them to an enclosure where the animals can run around.
- The floor in the cage is covered with hay and sawdust. Cellular materials, which are considered hygienic, are not used. Due to their heavy weight, rabbits injure the soft parts of their paws on the mesh.
- During the winter in cold regions, barns are heated to prevent colds. Note that giants also do not tolerate heat well. Many giant breeds adapted to Russia are kept in unheated barns; the animals must be protected from frostbite.
- The bedding is regularly changed, the feeders and drinking bowls are washed, and the barn where the animals live is cleaned. Once every six months, cells and equipment are disinfected (slaked lime solution, bleach). In case of infections, disinfect more often.
Vaccination of livestock helps eliminate infectious diseases. From a month old, young animals begin to receive vaccinations.
What to feed giant rabbits
Many breeds of giants tend to chew constantly, which is why they suffer from obesity. This reduces sexual function. Select a balanced diet and dose portions.
For feeding use:
- From the beginning of spring, they produce herbs - burdock, clover, plantain, nettle, alfalfa. The cut grass is left to rest and fed dried.
- Hay is given when there is no fresh grass.
- Tree branches.
- From grains - barley, oats.
- In winter, the animals are fortified with spruce and pine needles.
- Legumes are a source of protein needed by large breeds.
- Vegetables, fruits, melons - root vegetables, apples, vegetable mash.
- Special feed, cake, bran.
To maintain health and strengthen the immune system, especially in winter, vitamin supplements and bone meal are included in the diet. It is not recommended to feed giants wheat and products made from it.
Rabbits are fed 2-3 times a day, preferably at the same time. This stabilizes digestion and helps avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Rotten and stale feed is not used. When feeding premixes and other finished products, the expiration date is taken into account.
In winter, make sure that water and succulent feed do not freeze and are without ice. Clean water should always be in the drinking bowls. Heavy rabbits often knock over light dishes; it is better to choose heavy feeders or attach them to the wall or floor.
Breeding technique
Puberty of giants occurs somewhat later than that of small breeds. Rabbits are capable of mating at 6-7 months, but it is better to wait until the female is 8 months old for the animal to reach full condition. The female rabbit, in anticipation of the babies, sets up a nest; she is transferred to a larger cage in advance. The average litter size is 7-8 rabbits, but sometimes 10-12 babies appear.
Female giants do not eat children, despite their large size, do not trample them, and handle the young carefully. Up to 90% of the litter survive.
The weight of baby rabbits at birth is 80-95 grams, they grow quickly, and at two weeks of age the most developed babies leave the nest.The rabbit feeds the babies for 30-45 days, then the young animals are transferred to separate cages. By 4 months, active growth ends; they become sexually mature by 7-8 months.
Giants live 6-8 years; decorative pets usually live to this age. On farms, most of the livestock is slaughtered at 3-4 months, leaving only the producers.
Diseases and their treatment
Most breeds of giants have average immunity levels and do not get sick more often than other types of rabbits.
Information: vaccinations, proper care and living conditions prevent the development of diseases.
The most common infectious and parasitic (contagious) diseases of giants include:
- myxomatosis - there is no treatment, rabbits are slaughtered, premises and equipment are disinfected;
- spirochetosis, pasteurellosis - antibiotics;
- infectious rhinitis, stomatitis, mastitis - rinsing the mucous membranes and skin, antibiotics;
- helminthic infestations – removal of parasites from rabbits with special preparations, disinfection;
- ringworm – antifungal agents, ointments;
- fleas, scabies - antiparasitic treatment for rabbits.
Non-infectious diseases arise due to nutritional errors and injury. Rabbits catch colds in drafts, lack of heating in winter, due to wet, cold bedding. It is necessary to insulate the premises, include fresh vegetables in the diet, and carry out fortification.
For constipation, diarrhea, colic, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the rabbits are switched to high-quality food, the diet is carefully controlled, and they are put on a diet.
Selection and acquisition
It is better to purchase giants from trusted breeders, in breeding farms. Otherwise, the rabbit may turn out to be an ordinary medium-sized fluffy ear.When choosing, take into account the characteristics of the breed - meat, fur, decorative. Most farmers prefer meat and fur species that have high quality skin and meat. Rabbits from purebred parents will cost more, but will demonstrate the best characteristics of the species.
After checking for compliance with the breed requirements, the rabbits are examined, taking into account the following parameters:
- smooth fur without bald spots or matting;
- size and weight by age;
- mobility;
- condition of the upper teeth;
- healthy eyes, no mucus from the nose and drooling.
Check the cleanliness of the ears and the absence of parasites. Before joining the livestock, new rabbits are quarantined.
Their outstanding size and good-natured nature make giants easy to breed. The meat of such animals is tasty and nutritious, the skins are larger than normal sizes. High productivity ensures profit in rabbit farms; their non-aggressive disposition and friendliness often turn giants into favorite pets.