In their natural habitat, rabbits do not emit scent, as they can easily become prey for predators. Most breeders are concerned about the question: Do decorative rabbits stink at home? This problem is important for future owners who want to buy a furry animal for their home. We will try to find the answer to the most frequently asked question of potential rabbit breeders.
Do decorative rabbits stink?
Decorative rabbits by nature are clean animals. They, like other animals, have their own scent.Young animals emit practically no aromas, with the exception of wool, which absorbs the smell of hay or feed. In adults, the smell is stronger.
The only question about a specific smell is whether it is acceptable or pungent. If a rabbit breeder feels a stench near the cage, the reasons lie in insufficient care of the rodent or problems with its health.
Herbivores eat plant foods, fruits, and vegetables that do not have a specific aroma.
Therefore, complex aromatic compounds do not accumulate in the animals’ stomachs, which, after metabolism, cause the production of liquids with a pungent odor. For this reason, fur-bearing animals cannot have an extraneous unpleasant stench, which future owners are so worried about when dreaming of having a pet at home.
Possible causes of unpleasant odor
The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a cage with an animal can be improper care or the development of infectious diseases in the pet. If the rabbit smells of more than just bedding and food, this should raise concerns for the breeder.
Insufficient care
A corrosive aroma is formed due to the appearance of dirt in the place where the pet is kept. A fur-bearing animal living in an apartment lives in a limited space. In the cage he eats, sleeps, and leaves waste products. The pet's skin is saturated with these odors. Therefore, the rabbit hutch needs to be regularly washed, cleaned, and the bedding updated.
An adult male has a physiological feature - to mark territory. During this period, the male's urine emits a more pronounced, pungent odor. Therefore, when liquid secretions accumulate in the tray, a stench spreads.
Illness and old age
Old age in a rodent can lead to urinary incontinence.As a result, an unpleasant odor is formed in the home. In this case, only disposable diapers will help, which will need to be changed several times a day.
If the decorative rabbit is not yet old, but puberty has passed, the stench in the cage does not stop, you need to pay attention to the color of the urine. Perhaps your pet has some kind of disease.
How to deal with the problem
The main rule in keeping a furry animal is regular care for it. Cleanliness not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but is also the key to the health of your pet.
Cleaning the cage and equipment
The cage needs to be cleaned every few days. It is advisable to use only high-quality materials as filler. An excellent solution would be wood litter for cat litter. Replacement is carried out as soon as it gets dirty. It is strictly forbidden to use paper from printed publications; printing ink has a detrimental effect on the health of the pet.
The tray is disinfected once or twice a week, otherwise pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms will begin to develop in it. The cell is washed with hot water and soap, a weak manganese or vinegar solution. The use of disinfectant chemicals is unacceptable. They will harm the health of the furry animal.
Dry your pet's home outdoors naturally. Wet cleaning is done every day. On hot days, the cage is cleaned more often, since at elevated temperatures, pathogenic bacteria develop faster and smell unpleasant.
Bathing your pet
An eared pet is bathed only in exceptional cases. If your pet gets dirty, it is enough to wash only the contaminated area.If the rodent is sick or has diarrhea, gently wipe the dirty area with a damp baby wipe or rinse with water. You can simply wet your hands with water, then gently brush the animal's fur.
If the rabbit's fur is very dirty, bathe it, but do not immerse the body completely in water. Fill a basin with warm water and use baby soap or a special hypoallergenic shampoo. Bathe the animal in a heated room without drafts.
The rabbit is placed in a basin of water, the wool is carefully moistened and soaped. Do not allow water to get into your pet's ears. Wash off soap or shampoo several times. Then the animal is wrapped in a towel and waited for the fur to dry. If necessary, change to a clean and dry towel.
When bathing a rodent, you need to be extremely careful. In its natural habitat, the animal does not come into contact with water. Water treatments can cause shock or hypothermia in a rabbit.
Improve hygiene and prolong lifespan of a decorative rabbit Castration will help. During puberty, the male's urine begins to smell strong. Even daily cleaning does not always help to cope with this problem. This procedure will help eliminate stench and contamination of the area. It also promotes calmer animal behavior.
Discharge accumulates in the groin area of adults. Rabbit breeders periodically clean them with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. The procedures are performed carefully, trying not to harm the long-eared pet.
Following simple sanitary rules will help get rid of the unpleasant odor in the cage of a decorative rabbit. Proper care, proper feeding, and high-quality bedding contribute to a normal and healthy lifestyle for the rodent.If the stench does not stop, then this is a reason to contact a veterinarian for help.