Castration of bulls using rubber rings or other methods has a number of features. They must be taken into account when choosing a method of operation. It is important to consult a veterinarian. For the procedure to be successful, you must strictly follow the technique. Caring for the animal after castration is completed is of no small importance.
Why are bulls castrated?
Before performing castration, it is worth analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.This operation affects the body structure of the bulls, but does not provide a large difference in weight. The main difference is the quality of the meat. In bulls that have been castrated, it is more fatty and high in calories. When growing for meat, this feature should definitely be taken into account. If you plan to get lean beef, and slaughter is planned at the age of 18-20 months, you should not perform the procedure.
Another purpose of castration is behavior correction. When raising a bull on an individual farm and keeping it in a stall, there is no special need for castration. Moreover, after the procedure, the bulls become calmer and cannot impregnate cows. This is important when keeping large livestock. The meat obtained after the slaughter of such animals has excellent taste. In industrial animal breeding, castration is considered one of the methods for increasing profitability.
Contraindications to the procedure
Before carrying out the operation, it is worth analyzing the condition of the animals, establishing the degree of development of the testicles and their location. It is forbidden to castrate sick, emaciated, weakened males. Contraindications also include being too young or very mature.
Castration methods
There are quite a few castration methods, each of which has certain pros and cons.
Ligature technique
To carry out the procedure, do the following:
- put the bull on his left side and fix it;
- pull back the skin on the scrotum so that it becomes smooth;
- cut off the upper part with a scalpel by 3 centimeters;
- take turns to grab and remove the protruding testes;
- move the skin to the abdominal wall and apply a ligature to the spermatic cord;
- remove the testes one by one.
After surgery, the bull requires observation. For faster healing, you should use ointments with creolin or Lysol.
Castration forceps
This procedure is usually performed on young animals. To castrate cattle, you should do the following:
- Grasp the scrotum with your left hand and stretch the skin so that the folds straighten out;
- make an incision on the side and bring the testes out;
- Use special forceps to squeeze the spermatic cord and manually unscrew the testis.
Rewrapped technique
This procedure is considered bloodless. To carry it out you should do the following:
- wipe the neck of the scrotum with alcohol, then place a ligature on it, which forms a castration loop;
- bandage tightly - therefore the ligature should be pulled together using sticks tied to the ends.
Sometimes tissue compression with forceps is used. This lasts for a maximum of 5 minutes, and then a ligature is applied. As a result, the flow of blood into the tissue stops. After a few days they die off.The scrotum falls off with the testes and ligature.
Open way
This method is considered the fastest. To castrate bulls, it is recommended to do the following:
- secure the bull well;
- use a scalpel to make a longitudinal incision in all layers of the scrotum, including the vaginal membrane;
- remove the testis with the cord and cut the thickened fragment of the transitional ligament;
- apply a ligature to the cord - this should be done 10 centimeters from the testis;
- retreat 2 centimeters from the ligature and cut the cord;
- Lubricate the formed stump with iodine and sprinkle with antiseptic.
When is the best time to carry out
For the operation to be successful, it is important to choose the right time. You should not perform the manipulation in hot weather. This will cause problems with wound healing and may even cause blood poisoning.
In addition, it is important to choose the right age of the animal. If the bull is raised for fattening, the operation should be performed at 8 months. Open castration later will result in weight loss. When raising an animal for meat, it is best to carry out the procedure within 2-3 months. If a female bull is raised, it is castrated at 1.5-2 years.
Fixation methods
Before the operation, the bull must be fixed in such a position so that it does not harm itself and the veterinarians. To do this, it is recommended to knock him down or stand motionless. It is important that the veterinarian can perform all necessary procedures with the animal. The success of the intervention depends on this.
To secure the bull in a standing position, it is recommended to tie it. In villages, a strong fence is used for this. In this case, the rope should be fixed short to immobilize the bull. The method of fixation in a supine position is considered more popular. It is often used for castration in a bloody way. To do this, you need to take a strong, long rope and tighten it on the animal’s horns. This procedure will require several people. Then the bull should be laid on the ground and secured well.
How is the operation performed?
The technique of the operation depends on its technique - bloody or bloodless. After completing the preparation, you need to take a scalpel and make an incision near the base. It is performed from the abdominal side. It is important to capture the skin and membrane.
After this, pull the testis out as much as possible. Carefully peel it off the shell. Finally, cut off the transitional ligament and perform a castration loop. It should be far from the testis. Beginners are not recommended to perform the procedure on their own. It should be done by an experienced veterinarian. If you do not have the required skills, you can only perform the functions of an assistant.
Further care of the animal
After castration, the bull must be placed in a well-cleaned pen. It is important to keep the stall clean and dry. It is strictly forbidden to place the animal on a dirty, wet bedding. This will lead to complications after the intervention.
Also, do not use small sawdust, which can penetrate into the damaged area. Straw bedding is best.
A veterinarian should monitor the animal for several days. To prevent purulent complications, the wound should be treated several times a day. Good nutrition is of no small importance. However, food should be given in moderation.
If there are a large number of flies in the room, it is worth using solutions to repel insects. It is recommended to keep castrated bulls separately for 2-3 weeks. To avoid infection, they should not be grazed in wetlands. Castration of bulls can be carried out using different methods. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a specific method, you need to analyze all the features.