Dead bees are called bee death. At the same time, their bodies, chitin, poison and dietary fiber contain a large number of useful components. Therefore, this beekeeping product can be used for medicinal purposes. It helps to cope with many diseases and significantly improve the functioning of the body. To prevent the substance from causing harm, it is important to use it correctly, strictly following the instructions.
The chemical composition of the dead
Dead bees are the bodies of insects that have died due to natural aging. Working individuals live 3-5 weeks. They fall to the bottom of the hive, where beekeepers collect them throughout the season. In the fallen bodies of bees, valuable components such as propolis, honey, and pollen are preserved. They also include royal jelly and bee chitin. Dead insects have long been used to restore health.
The healing properties of dead meat are associated with the unique composition of the product. It includes the following:
- Amine compounds are protein components and organic acids that have a positive effect on the body and normalize sleep processes.
- Melanins are coloring pigments that determine the color of hair and skin. They provide UV protection.
- Heparin – this substance inhibits any inflammatory processes in the body and has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
- Bee venom is stored in the bodies of bees in minimal quantities. Thanks to this, it has a positive effect on the human body.
- Vitamins of group B, A.
- Chitin is a biopolymer that produces a restorative effect on the body and copes with pathogenic bacteria.
- Bee fat – strengthens the immune system and normalizes blood pressure.
- Macro- and microelements are responsible for the vital processes of the human body.
Dead bees are commonly used to treat many people in different countries of the world. However, before using it, it is important to consult a doctor.
Benefits for the human body
Podmore is considered a unique product that brings great benefits to people.Melanin is considered one of the most valuable components of the substance. It is one of the most powerful natural sorbents. With the help of this component it is possible to restore the intestinal microflora.
The substance also helps remove poisons and toxins from the body. When used in a timely manner, the composition has an effect on hazardous substances before they enter the systemic bloodstream. This property turns the substance into a powerful antidote.
Another valuable component is chitosan. It is a polysaccharide and absorbent. Like melanin, this substance successfully cleanses the body of toxic substances. Also in the bodies of dead bees there is poison, which has pronounced medicinal properties.
In addition, dead bees include many amino acids, valuable minerals, and enzyme components. The product also contains substances that act on the human body, like hormones.
The use of dead bees helps to obtain the following results:
- Cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful components, including heavy metals.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Protect the body from bacteria.
- Prevent blood clots by reducing blood clotting.
- Reduce pain syndrome.
- Achieve a diuretic effect.
- Improve the flow of bile.
- Suspend the development of benign and malignant formations.
- Cope with cramps.
- Protect yourself from dangerous radiation.
- Stabilize blood pressure.
- Cope with a number of dermatological pathologies – in particular, eczema and psoriasis.
- Improve metabolic processes in the body and all its work.
The beekeeping product is recommended for use in the following situations:
- increased blood glucose levels;
- inflammation;
- diseases of the male genital organs;
- decrease or increase in blood pressure;
- skin diseases;
- pathologies of the visual organs - in particular, myopia;
- kidney damage;
- brain diseases;
- circulatory disorders;
- problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
For children
The beneficial properties of Podmor can be used for children. The beekeeping product is used when the natural resistance of the body is reduced. After prolonged use of antiviral drugs or antibiotics, the child's immunity may decrease significantly. In such a situation, it is recommended to use a sub-mortem. This product helps strengthen the growing body.
For men
The product is very useful for men with the development of diseases of the genital organs. The product helps get rid of sexual dysfunctions, eliminates prostate adenoma, and increases potency.
For women
The active components of deadwood include chitin and melanin. These substances ensure the resorption of scar tissue. After this feature was identified, bee dead products began to be actively used to combat diseases of the mammary glands.
For mastitis and mastopathy, the beekeeping product should be used in the form of a decoction. It helps to cope with signs of inflammation, reduce pain, and get rid of tissue swelling.
Cooking recipes
Today there are many recipes based on dead bees that can be used for medicinal purposes. It is important to use the product correctly. To achieve the desired results, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Do not increase the duration of the treatment course and do not exceed the dosage. Otherwise, there is a risk of side effects.
- To improve the taste of the decoction, you can add a small amount of honey to it. In addition, this will help make the drink more healthy.
- It is worth starting using products based on beekeeping products with a minimum dosage. At the same time, it is important that the body adapts to new substances and allergies do not occur. If the recipe says to drink 1 tablespoon of the product, you should start with 1 teaspoon. In this case, the dose should be gradually increased.
- If you are not sure about the correct preparation of the tincture, it is better to purchase a ready-made drug at the pharmacy.
- Use alcohol tincture in a minimal amount - drops or teaspoons.
- You should not combine dead bees with medications, since many drugs cannot be used with the substance.
A medicinal decoction made from dried or frozen bees helps get rid of prostate adenoma and diseases of the genitourinary system. It can also be used as part of a comprehensive treatment for obesity.
To make a healing remedy, you will need the following components:
- 50 grams of dry or frozen bees;
- 500 milliliters of drinking water;
- container for making a decoction.
The ingredients should be placed in a saucepan, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat with a lid. It is recommended to do this within 1.5-2 hours. The finished drink should be covered with a blanket or blanket and left to steep until completely cooled. Then it must be strained and stored in the refrigerator. You need to take the product twice a day, 25-30 milliliters. The shelf life is a maximum of 3 days.
If you regularly make a hot compress from dead meat, you will be able to get rid of joint pain. It can also be used to combat mastitis and vein lesions. However, the composition should not be taken internally.
To obtain the remedy, it is recommended to take the following components:
- 100 grams of dry or frozen bees;
- 500 milliliters of hot water;
- container with a lid.
Insects need to be filled with hot liquid and the container covered. It is recommended to infuse the healing decoction for 15-20 minutes, and then strain it through cheesecloth. The remaining bees must be wrapped in several layers of gauze and applied to the affected area. You should place special paper or film on top. After complete cooling, the compress must be removed.
To make the powder, you need to take the bodies of bees and fry them in vegetable oil. It is recommended to do this for 5 minutes. Then the dry bees should be cooled and crushed. Take 1 small spoon before meals. To make the powder more effective, it can be filled with goat's milk.
Dry bee corpses can be used to prepare a medicinal ointment. It will help cope with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. To make a medicinal product, you should take the following:
- 10 grams of crushed dried dead meat;
- 100 milliliters of any vegetable oil;
- 1 small spoon of propolis;
- 1 tablespoon beeswax.
The container with oil must be heated in a water bath. Then you need to add propolis and wax, mix until the substances dissolve and pour out the bee powder.Cook for another 40-50 minutes over low heat, then cool in a container with cold water. Keep the finished composition in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months.
It is important that the finished ointment has a uniform consistency. Therefore, when cooling, the medicinal product must be constantly stirred.
Bee dead tinctures are made using water or alcohol. The first type of remedy should be treated for children and people who, for various reasons, are contraindicated to use alcohol. The second group is made on the basis of alcohol, vodka or moonshine. In order for the medicinal composition to be beneficial, it is important to drink it correctly.
To make an infusion of dead water in water, you will need to take the following components:
- 500-550 milliliters of hot water;
- 2 tablespoons of chopped dead meat.
To make the product, you need to pour dead fish into boiling water, stirring it thoroughly. Then cook over moderate heat for 2 hours. The finished product must be cooled and strained through a fine sieve. The composition must be kept in a cool place. For preventive purposes, you should take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.
In addition, you can take the same amount of ingredients, place in a thermos and leave to infuse for 12-14 hours. After this, the composition must be filtered. It is recommended to drink the water infusion with honey. For 200 milliliters of product you should use 0.5-1 teaspoon of beekeeping product.
To prepare a vodka tincture, it is recommended to take the following:
- 450-500 milliliters of vodka;
- 25 grams of dead meat.
To begin with, the dead fruit needs to be crushed, although some people use it in its whole form. Then place the raw materials in a glass container and fill with vodka. Cover the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 20 days.When using the product in uncrushed form, the infusion time is 3 months. In this case, the container must be shaken at intervals of 3 days.
The finished mixture must be filtered, poured into a dark container and stored in the refrigerator. To make a more concentrated product, it is recommended to use not 500 milliliters of vodka, but half as much.
To prepare a tincture with alcohol, you should use a product with a concentration of 70%. In this case, the dead bees need to be poured into a glass container and filled with alcohol so that it covers the mass by 2-3 centimeters. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Then you need to strain the mass and squeeze out the cake. Keep the composition in a dark container in the refrigerator.
A tincture of dead bees can also be made using moonshine. In this case, the alcoholic drink must be of high quality. To achieve this, the distillate must be distilled at least 2 times. You need to prepare the tincture in the same way as with alcohol. In this case, the liquid should cover the dry raw material by at least 2 centimeters. It takes 21 days to infuse the mixture. To make the tincture as healthy as possible, it is best to use moonshine made with honey.
To make the main drops from dead bees, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dead bees and burn it. Grind the raw materials until ash is obtained. Then add 1 small spoon of honey to the mixture and dissolve the mixture in 100 milliliters of boiled water. All components must be thoroughly mixed and used for eye drops.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Products based on dead bees should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation. They can provoke serious allergic reactions.
Collection and preparation
To obtain a useful product, it is important to properly prepare raw materials. It is recommended to do the following:
- Sift the insect corpses through a sieve or colander. This helps clean the components from debris.
- Dry the bees in the oven or on a radiator. It is recommended to do this at a temperature of +40-50 degrees.
- Pour the raw materials into fabric bags for storage.
- Keep the composition in a room with good ventilation and low humidity. Sometimes dead meat is frozen.
- For internal use, it is worth using raw materials that have not been treated with chemicals.
- It is important to ensure that the bee corpses are dry. There should be no mold or foreign odors on them.
It is quite difficult to prepare raw materials yourself, which is why many people buy them ready-made. This can be done in a specialized store or from beekeepers.
Depending on the time of collection, they are classified as spring, summer or autumn death. The latter variety is considered the most valuable, since by autumn the insects gain excellent shape. Spring deadhead is more suitable for outdoor use as the bees weaken during the winter.
It is important to consider that high-quality dead bees have a sweetish aroma. There should be no smell of mold or other unpleasant notes.
Expiration date and storage rules
If the storage conditions are violated, dead bees become moldy, become damp and acquire an unpleasant odor. It is strictly forbidden to use such a product for the preparation of medicinal products, since they will only harm the body. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to follow a number of storage recommendations. So, the following options are possible:
- Dry.Raw materials must be placed in fabric or cardboard boxes and stored in a cool and dry place. It must have good ventilation. During storage, it is important to periodically inspect deadstock for mold. The shelf life of the substance in this form does not exceed 1.5 years.
- Conservation. This option is considered the most suitable. It allows you to preserve the properties of the product for 2-3 years. To do this, you need to warm up the treated bees at a temperature of +40 degrees in the oven, then put them in sterilized jars and roll them up.
- Freezing. After processing the bees, the raw materials must be placed in plastic containers, tightly closed and put in the freezer. The shelf life of dead meat using this method is 1 year. Once defrosted, the substance cannot be frozen again. It should be used immediately to prepare the tincture.
When storing deadstock using a dry method, you should not place foods that have a strong smell near it. They will quickly absorb into the bee material. Alcohol tinctures based on beekeeping products can be stored for up to 3 years, decoctions - no more than 2 weeks, but 5-7 days are considered the best option.
Contraindications and harm
Podmor is prohibited from being used in the following situations:
- individual intolerance to bee products - allergic reactions to honey are very common;
- liver failure;
- certain pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- some kidney diseases;
- thrombophlebitis and other diseases that are accompanied by the formation of blood clots;
- mental disorders;
- age less than 5 years;
- alcoholism - in this case it is prohibited to use alcohol tinctures;
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If there are contraindications or dosage rules are violated, side effects may occur. Typically, bee death leads to the following problems:
- allergic reactions - manifested in the form of skin rashes, urticaria, hyperemia, anaphylactic shock;
- excessive blood thinning - this causes bleeding;
- spasms of muscle tissue;
- a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
- increased body temperature;
- sleep disorders;
- dermatitis;
- stimulating the movement of kidney stones.
Dead bees are a unique product that contains many valuable components. This substance brings great benefits to the body and helps get rid of many pathologies.