How much does a calf weigh on average and weight gain table by month from birth?

Farmers involved in cattle breeding need to know how much calves weigh at a certain period of life. After all, weight gain and how the baby develops directly depend on the quality of nutrition. There are not only average rates of weight gain for calves by month, but also the ability to determine the weight of a bull or cow without a scale. This is necessary when calculating the diet for a herd or purchasing a new animal.

Table of average calf weight by month

The weight of a newborn calf is approximately 10% of the weight of an adult cow, which is 30-40 kilograms. The weight of born calves depends on gender and breed. At birth, a heifer weighs less than a bull, while representatives of the meat sector of animal husbandry are heavier than their dairy counterparts.

Calf age Weight Feed
Newborn 30-40 kilograms Colostrum, whole milk
1 month 40-55 kilograms Whole milk
2 months 60-80 kilograms By the end of 2 months, oatmeal jelly, a little selected hay, the basis of nutrition is whole milk.
3 months 90-110 kilograms They give less milk, the diet includes hay and root vegetables
4 months 115-130 kilograms Hay, root vegetables, silage, bran, dried grass
5 months 135-170 kilograms Fresh grass, hay, root vegetables, bran.
6 months 150-200 kilograms Food for adult animals

A bull always eats more and gains weight faster than a heifer.

Factors affecting weight

Several factors are responsible for weight gain in animals. In addition to the health of the livestock, which must be carefully monitored, weight gain depends on:

  • genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • type of breed;
  • motor activity.

Representatives of beef cattle breeds gain weight the fastest. A little slower - meat and dairy animals. Dairy cow breeds the smallest and give less weight gain, but provide the farm with milk. In a private farmstead they usually keep animals of the meat and dairy variety; the weight of the animals is from 450 to 750 kilograms. Up to six months, babies grow rapidly, then growth slows down; by one year, the heifer has 85-90% of the weight of an adult cow.

a lot of calves

How to measure indicators

Scales are not used in private households. There are several methods for determining the mass of animals.

Using tape

Exist measuring tapes for cattle. The chest circumference behind the shoulder blades is measured with a tape. The top row of numbers on the tape are centimeters, the bottom row is weight. The tape should fit snugly to the animal's body and should not be pulled too tight. In order for the calf to stand still, it is better to take measurements together: One person measures the animal, the other treats it with something tasty and distracts it.

Important: there are 2 types of cow measuring tapes. For dairy breeds or for meat and meat and dairy breeds, you should be careful when purchasing.

If you don't have tape, you'll need a tailor's centimeter or tape measure. The calculation is made in different ways.

calf weighing

According to the Trukhanovsky and Kluwer-Strauch method

In the first method, the girth of the calf is measured behind the shoulder blades, the length of the body in a straight line, from the neck to the tail.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula:


Where, A is the girth, B is the length of the body, K is the correction. It is 2 for dairy cattle, 2.5 for meat and meat and dairy cattle.

When determining the available weight using the Kluwer-Strauch method, measure the full circumference of the calf’s chest and the oblique length of the body (from the anterior point of the protrusion of the humerus to the posterior ischial tuberosity). The mass of the cow is found in the table at the intersection of the indicators.

calf weighing

(in cm)
Oblique length of the body (in centimeters)
125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195
Live weight of cows and bulls (in kilograms)
125 164
130 180 187
135 196 203 213
140 216 223 231 241
145 232 240 250 259 268
150 247 256 266 277 286 296
155 264 274 285 295 306 317 328
160 282 290 301 313 324 334 347 356
165 310 323 334 347 358 370 381 394
170 342 355 368 380 393 404 417 431
175 374 390 403 417 429 443 457 470
180 414 428 443 452 471 486 500 515
185 449 464 478 494 508 524 540 552
190 492 506 522 538 555 572 585 602
195 531 549 566 582 600 615 633 648
200 580 597 614 634 649 667 684
205 626 644 662 680 699 717
210 678 699 716 736 754
215 734 751 773 792
220 782 804 825
225 843 863
230 905

They give approximate values ​​with an error of 5%.

By belly size

To obtain the result, measurements of the abdomen in the most voluminous part and the circumference of the chest behind the shoulder blades are necessary. Weight is calculated using the formula:

(A+B)÷2+50, where A is the abdominal circumference, B is the chest circumference.

The weight of calves up to 3 months is determined every 10 days, then it should be recorded once a month.

Feeding scheme

Intensive feeding of animals, which quickly increases their fatness and weight, is called fattening.It is not recommended to castrate bulls until they are a year old, otherwise they will build muscle mass worse, the meat will be fatty, and they will be underweight by 20-25 kilograms. When fattening animals, the following factors are taken into account:

  • age of animals;
  • breed;
  • condition before fattening;
  • farm conditions;
  • floor.

Steers and heifers are sent for fattening; costs for heifers are higher, and the slaughter yield is lower than for bulls. Animals are fed 3-4 times a day. Fattening of animals begins from the moment the calf stops receiving milk and skimmed milk and gets used to adult food.

calf weighing

The first stage of fattening is a period of weight gain up to 400 kilograms, the second - up to a weight of 600-650 kilograms.

When fattening, 3 types of feed are introduced into the animal diet, providing the greatest weight gain:

  1. The basis is the basic feed, which accounts for most of the volume. Corn silage is considered the best.
  2. Concentrate. Contains necessary additives, accelerates muscle building. Animals are given 3 kilograms of dry food per day.
  3. Minerals. Supplements improve appetite and compensate for the lack of nutrients and vitamins. Premixes containing ready-made complexes of vitamins and minerals are often used.

The livestock must have free access to water. This diet is typical for fast or intensive fattening. The stall feeding method is suitable for animals of any age. With this type of fattening, industrial waste is often used, the diet consists of:

  • from stillage and molasses;
  • silo;
  • pulp;
  • root vegetables;
  • silo

Stall fattening lasts approximately 3 months and contains 3 phases:

  1. Initial, with the highest rates of weight gain - 30 days, when an intensive gain of muscle mass occurs.
  2. The average, 40 days, when weight gain decreases, fat layers form.
  3. The final period, when the bulls receive more concentrate, is 20 days.

Animals must be given plenty of hay. If the feed does not contain mineral additives and the animals are not given premixes, chalk, salt, and bone meal are required.

When fattening, high-quality feed is used; the rate of weight gain and the taste of meat depend on it.

Sometimes, during fattening, prebiotics are introduced into the diet of animals to improve digestion and appetite, and biostimulants, which help reduce fattening time and feed costs. These supplements should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions. Adding antibiotics to feed increases the weight of animals, but worsens the quality of the product.

Fattening calves - a profitable, but complex and labor-intensive business. To increase the meat yield, you should purchase purebred animals and take care of high-quality conditions of housing and nutrition from the birth of the babies. When purchasing animals for fattening, you need to pay attention to their fatness, mobility, and the condition of their skin and hooves. It is better to purchase young animals in early spring (March, April); babies born in winter have better immunity and are more resistant to diseases.
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