Cattle diseases
Cattle, like other domestic animals, are susceptible to certain diseases. Some of them are specific, found only in bulls and cows. And some cattle diseases can even be transmitted to humans. To understand the features of foot and mouth disease and brucellosis, and the difference between smallpox and rabies, you need to take an external course in veterinary medicine.
There is an easier way: to gain the required knowledge from a specially created section on our website. This way you will save time and be 100% confident in the error-free and accurate information received. All answers are reviewed by livestock experts before publication.
Insectoacaricides are indispensable when treating animals and poultry against ticks, flies, midges and other skin diseases.
The cow is the nurse of the family, providing milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheeses and other products useful for
An ovarian cyst in a cow is one of the most common diseases, which may well lead to
The inflammatory process in the hoof rim and adjacent skin, accompanied by the formation of pus, is called phlegmon.
Milk is a valuable and healthy product that is an important element of the human diet. It
Dermatological diseases often cause a decrease in the productivity of cows and the development of severe systemic pathologies. Psoroptosis
Suppurative mastitis is one of the most difficult problems a livestock farmer can face. Adults
Keeping a cow on an individual farm or farm is not only profitable, but also
Clostridia bacteria are dangerous microorganisms that survive in an oxygen-free environment. They cause the development of emphysematous
Inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of cattle, especially in advanced form, have a detrimental effect
Many farmers periodically encounter various diseases in cattle. These pathologies provoke a decrease
In itself, the malpresentation of the fetus in calving cows during childbirth is not