Causes and symptoms of coronary phlegmon in cows, treatment and prevention

The inflammatory process in the hoof rim and adjacent skin, accompanied by the formation of pus, is called phlegmon. The disease often occurs in cattle, so it is important to take care of prevention, regularly inspect the hooves, and check their integrity. With timely treatment, the cow quickly recovers; with advanced phlegmon of the corolla, necrotic processes occur in the tissues, and the risk of blood poisoning increases.

Causes of the disease

The corolla - the area above the upper edge of the horny part of the hoof - becomes inflamed when infection occurs.Infection occurs through scratches (even small ones), fractures, and awkward position of the hoof, accompanied by compression of the nerve fibers. A cow walks through mud while grazing, is in an uncleaned stall, and as a result begins to limp.

Corolla phlegmon occurs when a cow’s immune system is weakened and the body cannot normally fight the infection that has penetrated inside. Animals often scratch the skin over their hooves, but as long as the immune system is strong, staphylococci and streptococci - the main causative agents of inflammation - are not dangerous. When the cow is weak and has poor nutrition, the inflammatory process can even begin due to a micro-scratch.

The causative agent of phlegmon may be more dangerous infections. For example, foot and mouth disease.

Symptoms and signs

The course of corolla phlegmon varies, depending on the physical condition of the animal and the degree of spread of the infection. The formation of phlegm does not depend on the breed of cows, the size and thickness of the hooves. In many cases, the growth on the crown of the hoof is an abscess. It is enough to open it, then apply drug therapy so that the cow quickly recovers. When the infection penetrates deeply, the inflammation captures the fatty tissue, skin, hoof border, and spreads to the part of the limb above the corolla and to the gap between the toes. In this case, phlegmon is severe.

phlegmon of the corolla

The development of phlegmon of the corolla is rapid. In the initial stage, the cow limps because there is pain in the affected area when walking. If you touch the sore area, the animal will shudder and moo. The following symptoms of phlegmon appear:

  • swelling of the affected area, accumulation of fluid, and then purulent exudate;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • the skin of the limb is hot to the touch;
  • detachment of hoof horn plates;
  • reducing the gap between the fingers due to swelling and filling of tissues;
  • hardening of tissues at the site of inflammation (if treatment is started, softening will begin after a few days);
  • the formation of purulent ulcers (many burst after ripening in a few days);
  • release of blood-purulent exudate, spreading infection to surrounding tissues;
  • staggering when walking, weak support on the inflamed limb;
  • lack of appetite;
  • predominantly in a supine position;
  • lethargy, depression, decreased milk yield.

Diagnosis of the disease

The examination is carried out by a veterinarian. Examines cow hooves, assesses the degree of swelling, identifies wounds and scratches that led to inflammation of the corolla. Checks how mobile the joints are. Measures the general body temperature of the animal, and also determines by touch how hot the skin of the lower part of the limb is.

phlegmon of the corolla

If the examination raises doubts about the diagnosis, the veterinarian takes blood from the cow for analysis. Cellulitis is indicated by an increased level of leukocytes in the blood. We are talking about neutrophilia, confirming the presence of extensive purulent inflammation.

In addition to a blood test, you can perform arthropuncture - pierce the joint capsule with a needle to take exudate for laboratory analysis.

Once the diagnosis is made, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. If phlegmon of the corolla is provoked by another infectious disease, then treatment will consist of two stages. First you have to cure the underlying disease.

Treatment methods for coronary phlegmon in cattle

The veterinarian determines how to treat phlegmon of the corolla, taking into account the depth of spread of the infection and the severity of the inflammation.If the infection is localized in the corolla and has not spread to neighboring tissues, then treatment should consist of extinguishing the inflammatory reaction. For this:

  • Ichthyol ointment is applied to the affected area;
  • intravenous injections of novocaine and antibiotic are given;
  • the inflamed area is treated with a solution of the drug "Furacilin".

In advanced cases, it is necessary to perform a surgical operation - to open the swollen area above the purulent bladder and remove tissue that has undergone necrosis.

Next, you need to disinfect the wound: thoroughly treat it with hydrogen peroxide, and after drying, apply Oxytetracycline and Sulfadimezin powder. “Streptocide” is also suitable for treating wounds. Bandage the wound and keep the bandage on for 4-5 days. If the cow’s condition does not improve, the symptoms persist and intensify, then you need to unwind the bandage and see what’s wrong with the wound.

It happens that repeated suppuration of the corolla occurs, which has to be opened surgically again.

In parallel with surgical measures, antibiotic therapy (penicillin blockade) and anesthetic (novocainic) are carried out. Intravenous injections are given, and a blockade is also carried out with the indicated drugs once every 2-3 days: circular (medicines are injected slightly above the inflamed area) or interdigital, less painful (injected into the subcutaneous tissue above the gap between the hooves). Antibiotic therapy should last at least 5 days.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely and proper treatment, the cow recovers in a few days.

Ignoring the problem leads to complications:

  • inflammation of the hoof joint with accumulation of pus;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • extensive pododermatitis;
  • sepsis;
  • of death.

To prevent phlegmon of the corolla, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures:

  • inspect the cow’s hooves daily, especially those coming from pasture;
  • immediately treat identified wounds with an antiseptic;
  • clean and trim hooves in a timely manner;
  • graze livestock in clean areas where it is impossible to stumble upon garbage and scrap metal;
  • do not drive livestock onto swampy pastures;
  • Change the bedding in the stall regularly.

The main conditions for the health of cattle hooves are proper care and high-quality feeding with the use of supplements and vitamins to maintain immunity. Vitamin supplementation is especially important in the winter months, when livestock's immunity decreases due to a lack of green fodder and sunlight.
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