Causes and symptoms of a luteal cyst in a cow, treatment

An ovarian cyst in a cow is one of the most common diseases, which may well lead to infertility of the animal. It is cystosis that becomes the main cause of economic losses for the farm. Cysts can appear in one or both ovaries. Treatment of luteal cysts in cows can require considerable financial costs, so the disease is easier to prevent.

The appearance of the disease

An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid that forms in the place of an undeveloped follicle. A cyst can occur at the very beginning of heat, when the body is preparing for ovulation, but it does not occur.Then the follicle becomes filled with fluid and grows, increasing in size and disrupting the normal sexual cycle.

Most often, the causes of luteal cysts are considered to be hormonal disorders caused by endocrine diseases - especially the hypothalamic-pituitary complex. Often neoplasms appear after uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs or their analogues.

Factors contributing to the disease may include insufficient or unbalanced feeding, lack of essential minerals, a sharp decrease in the animal’s weight, or inflammatory processes in the uterus or ovary. It has been proven that genetic factors and predisposition may be involved in the appearance of cysts.

Cyst symptoms

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that forms at the site of a ruptured follicle. It is this that produces the female sex hormone - progesterone, which is responsible for the normal course of the reproductive cycle in a cow, heat and pregnancy. With any pathology of development, the follicle tends to degenerate into a malignant cyst filled with yellow or white liquid. Luteal cysts should be distinguished from other nonfunctional ovarian formations. The cyst appears more often in the left ovary than in the right, but it can develop in two organs at once.

Ovarian cysts are difficult to diagnose in the early stages without an ultrasound examination due to the lack of visible symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a preventive rectal examination of cows that come into heat irregularly every 6-7 days.

Common symptoms include deterioration in the quality of milk, its taste characteristics, changes in color and consistency. Small fat globules may be visible in the liquid. Pits form between the animal’s tail and the ischial cavities of the pelvis.The cow completely loses interest in the bull or, conversely, is overly active.

How is the disease diagnosed?

A cyst at a late stage can be palpated quite well through the rectum, but it can be confused with other formations due to the subjectivity of sensations. Ultrasound scanning is considered a much more reliable research method. Additionally, milk analysis is carried out. If an increased content of progesterone is detected in the fluid, this is a reason to think about the presence of neoplasms in the ovary.

a lot of cows

Treatment methods for cattle

Before treating an animal, you need to try to balance the diet, otherwise the pathology will return again after an indefinite period of time. To do this, pulp and other fatty concentrates are excluded from the herd’s diet, and more vitamins, fruits and vegetables are added. In summer there is a lot of green food. Sick cows are isolated in clean stalls with plenty of bedding, which are cleaned and treated with disinfectant every day. The temperature in the barn is not lower than 7 degrees Celsius.

Follicular cysts

With follicular formation in the blood, the concentration of estrogen sharply increases. Most often, drug treatment is used, especially if the disease has not progressed too far.

To do this, a course of hormonal drugs is prescribed in combination with fatty acids, which increase the likelihood of hunting. They are also prescribed after surgery.

"Luteostenol" acts gradually, so you cannot administer several portions of the drug at once. The average course of treatment is 7-14 days. It has biological activity and temporarily stimulates the production of sex hormones. First signs of heat in a cow will appear within a few days after the first administration of the drug.

ovarian cysts

All of the above drugs can be administered to cows only after prior consultation with a veterinarian and after an accurate diagnosis. Incorrect treatment can only aggravate the situation, and the farmer risks losing most of his livestock.

Luteal cysts

In the treatment of luteal cysts, since the beginning of the 2010s, hormonal drugs have been used, such as Gonadorelin, Surfagon and Estrofan, which promote the resorption of luteal tissue and the onset of sexual desire within 21-30 days.

All drugs are created on the basis of natural hormones, and therefore do not cause rejection by the body or an allergic reaction.

Can be used for cows of any age. Before prescribing any medicine, you should consult your doctor, because the symptoms of a cyst can easily be confused with metritis, mastitis and other disorders in the body.


Cattle luteal cysts cause enormous economic damage to the farm. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent the onset of a disease than to cure it. To do this, provide the livestock with the right conditions - a warm and clean barn, regular walking and green food in the summer.

You should not feed too much fatty food, such as cake. It is better for a livestock specialist or other farm worker to create a diet individually for each cow. Animals that are predisposed to degeneration of the ovary are not allowed for breeding, and the resulting young animals are sent to the freight train for milk production or for meat.
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