Breeding chickens requires special attention to the health of the birds. Infectious diseases are observed in chickens in most cases of possible deviations. Experienced farmers use an effective medicinal product for chickens - ASD 2. It has established itself as one of the most effective stimulants that has a restorative effect. Let us describe the drug in detail.
Composition and dosage form of the drug ASD fraction 2
ASD fraction 2 is a generally recognized veterinary drug that is widely used for the treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases in farm animals.
The medicine is made from animal waste (meat and bones ground into flour). The final product is obtained by dry distillation of raw materials.
The resulting aqueous solution of active adaptogens is of greatest value. They provoke the cell to produce substances necessary to protect against negative factors. The final fraction contains the following components:
- choline;
- ammonia salts;
- salts of carboxylic acids;
- peptides;
- esters of carboxylic acids;
- primary and secondary amines.
The substance is released in sealed glass bottles of various packaging (up to 5 liters). The yellow liquid is easily recognized by its characteristic pungent odor. It is used both externally and orally.
Small volume bottles are sold in cardboard boxes. Containers larger than one liter are supplied to the consumer without any additional protection.
Pharmacological properties of the product
ASD-2 exhibits antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects in the body. Oral use of the substance will cause the bird:
- improving the functioning of the nervous system;
- stimulation of gastrointestinal motility;
- increased secretion of digestive glands and main food enzymes;
- accelerating the production of enzymes of ion and transport exchange between the body and the external environment.
As a result, the animal experiences an increase in the cellular activity of internal organs and their systems.
The consequence of this is an acceleration of metabolism, increased endurance and tolerance to negative influences.
External use has the following effects:
- healing of the damaged area;
- relieving inflammation;
- normalization of cell function;
- tissue restoration;
- strengthening the immune system and the ability of tissues to regenerate.
A qualitative advantage of ASD-2 is the absence of a cumulative effect, that is, the animal does not become addicted. This allows you to maintain the effectiveness of the drug throughout the entire period of use.
Indications for use
ASD for chickens is prescribed to:
- increase metabolism, which affects the weight of the bird;
- develop strong immunity;
- prevent the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (infections, poisoning, organ failures);
- carry out prevention against parasites;
- increase the egg production of laying hens.
In addition, the drug is applicable in the complex therapy of viral and bacterial infections. In chickens it stimulates active growth.
Oral course
The product gets inside the bird in two ways: either through drinking or through feed. The simplest option is to add two milliliters of the drug to a liter of water for feeding the bird. Here you need to take into account that one chicken consumes about half a liter of liquid per day.
Outdoor course
As a topical application, the product is used to heal damaged tissue. A weak solution of the drug is applied to the damaged area. Tissue regeneration accelerates, and the bird quickly recovers.
Instructions for use
The effectiveness of the therapy directly depends on the correctly calculated dosage. For each case we apply our own course of treatment. To improve the health of the bird, it is necessary to learn how to work with the drug.
For chickens
In a limited dosage, the product helps chickens adapt to irritating environmental factors. The product also helps with apteriosis (lack of feathers).The optimal ratio is 3 milliliters of ASD per 10 liters of water. The course lasts two weeks, then the bird rests.
The product is administered orally to the chicken through drinking. With breaks, the course can be repeated 3-4 times until the desired result is achieved.
For broilers
Constant use of the drug accelerates growth and allows you to achieve weight gain after two weeks of drinking. This is especially important for broiler chickens. An adult chicken easily gains five kilograms of weight under the influence of ASD.
For laying hens
The action of the product increases resistance to negative environmental irritants.
This means that the chicken's egg production is less dependent on light, temperature and stress. The medicine also helps with salpingo-oophoritis of laying hens (inflammation of the oviductal tract).
Consequences of overdose
An overdose of ASD-2 for chickens has not been observed. It is easily excreted from the body, and sediment accumulation does not occur. Excessive use of ASD will only scare away the bird with its pungent odor.
Possible side effects
Side effects are only possible in humans. These include an allergic reaction, toxicosis or a slight burn (if a large amount of the substance comes into contact with the skin).
Chickens take the drug very well. It can be used at any age and in any condition of the bird. It will not cause any complications in animals.
Contraindications for use
ASD-2 is classified as a toxic class 3 compound. Of course, according to GOST there is a standard for the critical concentration of a substance, but you should not be afraid of this. If you follow all the described instructions, there are no contraindications.
Terms and conditions of storage
ASD fraction 2 is stored in a place protected from direct sunlight. Acceptable temperature is +4…+35 °C.
In a closed package, the medicine can be stored for two years.
Once opened, the liquid must be used within two weeks. Sometimes a sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. This phenomenon does not in any way affect the quality and characteristics of the medicinal product.