How to use Deltsid for chickens according to the instructions, its composition and dosage

Caring and conscientious farmers pay maximum attention to preventive measures to protect poultry from diseases and parasites. The manufacturer of veterinary preparations provides precise instructions on how to use Deltsid to treat chickens in order to protect the birds from harmful insects. Since this is a toxic substance, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for its use and storage.

Composition and release form of the product

"Deltsid" refers to insectoacaricidal drugs. Concentrated emulsion helps rid chickens of parasites.The product is produced in glass or plastic ampoules with a volume of 2 ml, bottles with a capacity of 1-1.3 liters. For disinsection and decontamination of premises it is advisableIt is advisable to use the emulsion packaged in canisters with volumes of 3, 5, 20 liters.

Nefrax, Tween 80, Neonol are included in the drug. Pyrethroid deltamethrin is an active substance that promotes rapid damage to the nervous system and the death of harmful insects and mites.

Indications for use

Often the drug is used for prophylactic purposes. Thanks to the active substance deltamethrin, it is possible to rid chickens of various parasites:

  • mites;
  • fleas;
  • lice.

The appearance of harmful insects cannot be ignored, since their presence weakens the health of laying hens or can even cause the death of chickens. Therefore, the emulsion solution is also used to treat premises to prevent the spread of harmful insects.

deltsid for chickens how to use

Instructions for use

It is advisable to use Deltsid at the first signs of the appearance of fleas and ticks. To treat poultry, prepare an aqueous solution of concentrate based on the type of parasites (dosage in the table):

Type of parasite Solution concentration (ml per 10 liters of water)
Lice, fleas, lice 6,2
Ticks (ixodida) 9.5
Scabies mites 12,5

If there are few chickens on the farm, they are bathed in a bath filled with Delcid solution. When there are large numbers of birds, spraying is used. For prevention purposes, a single treatment of chickens is sufficient. If the destruction of parasites is carried out, then the procedure is repeated after a week.

deltsid for chickens how to use

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

To ensure normal tolerability of the drug, it is recommended to conduct a test treatment of several chickens.It is not recommended to use Deltsid for bathing or spraying recently ill birds. Since a solution of even a slight concentration can provoke a nervous system disorder in chickens weakened after illness.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes there are cases of individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects of hypersensitivity to components in chickens may include: lack of appetite, swelling, gait disturbances and disorientation in space.

Compatibility with other substances

When treating poultry against parasites, the manufacturer does not recommend combining Deltsid with other insectoacaricidal drugs. Since there is a risk of increased toxicity of the active substances.

The manufacturer has not made observations regarding the interaction of the emulsion with other drugs. However, it does not recommend using the product to treat recently ill birds. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using Deltsid while treating chickens for other diseases.

Storage and shelf life of "Deltsid"

Requirements for storage conditions and periods are indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Standard rules: the concentrate is stored in closed original packaging at a temperature of 0-30 ° C, in a place protected from sunlight. Shelf life: two years. An expired product should not be used for spraying or bathing birds.

Do not store the drug solution. The concentrate is diluted immediately before processing the poultry and used completely. Toxic products should not be stored near food.

deltsid for chickens how to use

What other analogues exist?

"Deltsid" refers to inexpensive, effective drugs for combating parasites.If it is not available, you can use substitutes with a similar principle of operation:

  • "Neogard";
  • "Biofly";
  • "Ektosan";
  • "Butoxcept";
  • "Ektosan";
  • "Butox 50".

As a rule, all substitutes can also be used for treating premises. When choosing analogues, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of the products for the health of people and other animals. Because Deltsid cannot be sprayed near apiaries, ponds, or near food.

The drug "Deltsid" helps to quickly and reliably solve the problem of harmful insects. Before using the product, you need to read the instructions and consult with your veterinarian about the correct proportion of dilution of the concentrate with water. If you adhere to the requirements, the solution does not cause allergic reactions in birds and kills parasites.
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