Instructions for use of Enroflon for chickens, contraindications and analogues

Many poultry diseases are caused by disorders of the digestive tract, excretory organs and reduced immunity. If you follow the instructions for using Enroflon for chickens, you can prevent and cure many diseases. Because it is a broad-spectrum drug. To use it effectively, it is recommended to prepare a fresh solution every day.

Release form, composition and packaging of the drug

The drug is sold in glass or plastic bottles of various volumes (5-1000 ml). Enroflon is a 5 or 10% solution intended for oral use. Enrofloxacin is the active ingredient. And the auxiliary ones are benzyl alcohol, potassium hydrochloride, purified water.

Each bottle contains the following information: manufacturer's name, name of the drug and its contents in the bottle, date of manufacture and batch number, expiration date.

Pharmacological properties and effects of Enroflon

The antimicrobial drug belongs to the fluoroquinolone group, has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action, and has an inhibitory effect on microorganisms. The maximum concentration of Enroflon is observed 1.5-2 hours after application, persists for 5.5-6 hours. The drug belongs to the group of low-hazard substances.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for medicinal purposes in diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of fluoroquinolones. Also in cases of diagnosing enteritis, atrophic rhinitis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, and bronchopneumonia in poultry. The therapeutic and prophylactic value of Enroflon is to improve digestion in birds, increase immunity and prevent the occurrence of dangerous infections.

enroflon instructions

Instructions for use and dosage

In poultry farming, Enroflon solution is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in both chickens and adults.

For chickens

Chickens in the first month of life do not have strong immunity; they still have problems with thermoregulation. The body reacts sharply to drafts, hypothermia or overheating. For prophylactic use, the drug solution is diluted with drinking water (0.5 ml of the substance is taken per liter of water).During treatment, the dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian. Typically, courses of prevention and treatment last the same period - 3-5 days.

Important! As a preventive measure, Enroflon is given to chicks from the first days of life. The most sensitive periods of life are considered to be from 1-5 days, 20-25 and 35-40.

For broilers

The solution is of particular preventive importance when raising broilers, since during breeding experiments the birds practically lost their immunity and became very susceptible to bacterial infections.

chicken injection

The success of treatment depends on the speed of use of the drug after the first symptoms of the disease appear:

  • sluggish, inhibited behavior of the bird;
  • lacrimation and purulence of the eyes;
  • mucous discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • hoarse sounds when breathing.

For treatment, use a 10% solution of Enroflon, which is diluted in drinking water (at the rate of 1 ml per liter of water). A double dose is used to treat salmonellosis. As a rule, one course (3-5 days) of taking the drug is enough to restore the bird’s health.

For laying hens

As a rule, the immunity of an adult bird is stronger than that of chickens. However, poor living conditions (overcrowding, poor nutrition, poor ventilation or drafts) provoke the emergence and spread of infections.

enroflon instructions

For the treatment of laying hens, Enroflon is prescribed according to the same scheme as for broilers. It is important to take into account that you should not eat eggs from laying hens that are sick or undergoing treatment, since the medicinal drug is excreted not only with urine and bile, but also with the eggs.

Consequences of overdosing

Enroflon solution belongs to group B of medicinal substances, the storage and administration of which is not carried out without medical supervision.Exceeding the dosage is fraught with upset of the digestive system and slow weight gain.

Possible side effects

If you follow the instructions for using Enroflon, then the birds do not experience any complications or side effects. Allergic reactions can occur due to individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones by the bird's body. In this case, the administration of Enroflon solution for oral use is stopped and antihistamines are prescribed.

enroflon instructions

Contraindications for use

The use of the drug for the treatment of poultry with severe damage to the kidneys and liver is prohibited. Individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones in animals is also a contraindication.

special instructions

During the treatment period, the bird is not allowed to be in open areas under direct sunlight (the effectiveness of the drug decreases). There is no particular effect of Enroflon upon first use or withdrawal. It is not allowed to use poultry for slaughter for which the drug was used earlier than 11 days after stopping the administration of the drug.

Storage periods and rules

Dry places protected from sunlight are the recommended option for storing Enroflon solution. Suitable storage temperature is 5-25 °C. In original packaging, solutions of 5 and 10% can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Enroflon's analogs

Common drugs whose main active ingredient is enrofloxacin include: Enrosept (also contains cyclopropyl), Baytril, Enroxil. Enroflon is an effective anti-infective drug that also has an antibacterial effect. Low toxicity is an important advantage of the drug.But when using it, it is important to follow the dosage and take into account the compatibility of Enroflon with other medications.
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