How much fishmeal to give laying hens, benefits and rules for using different types

For the rapid growth and development of poultry on a farm or backyard, its diet is of paramount importance. It should be rich and balanced. You should know the benefits of feeds of different compositions, how much fish meal to give laying hens to replenish a number of important microelements. This knowledge helps not only in raising poultry, but also in increasing its productivity and strengthening the immune system.

What is fishmeal made from and its composition?

The raw materials for the additive are tissues and bones, fish waste. Any fish and crustaceans are used. Flour is produced both at sea, on fishing vessels, and on the shore. To do this, the fish is boiled, dried, dried and crushed. The result is a product - fatty or dry flour. Depending on the manufacturer, it contains different components. The main ones are:

  • 65% protein - necessary for the formation of eggs, acceleration of bird growth, and elasticity of plumage;
  • 14% fat - needed to strengthen the immune system, reduce the mortality rate of chickens, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • 14% ash - a source of calcium;
  • 8% polyunsaturated acids - strengthens the immunity of laying hens.

Fish meal contains vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Benefits for chickens

The use of the additive in the diet of chickens contributes to many positive changes:

  • the bird's immune system is strengthened;
  • egg production increases significantly;
  • nutrients are absorbed better;
  • the plumage of young animals passes faster;
  • chickens become more active and energetic;
  • young animals quickly gain weight;
  • production profitability increases;
  • product quality improves.

How much fishmeal can you give?

Despite the obvious benefits of using fish concentrate, the dosage should be strictly adhered to in order to obtain the maximum effect on the health of chickens. Flour can make up between 3% and 10% of a bird's diet.

If the feed is not balanced in amino acids, then its use is especially important.

eat flour

It should be remembered that two weeks before slaughter it is necessary to exclude fishmeal from the birds’ diet, since the meat may have an aftertaste. Exceeding the dose leads to the formation of stomach ulcers due to an increase in the concentration of cadaverine and histamine.

Laying hens

According to the recommendations of experts, each laying hen can receive at least 10 g of fishmeal per day. However, it should not exceed 7% of the total daily feed of chickens. As a result of adding it to the diet, the birds' digestion improves, eggs are more nutritious, their quantity increases significantly, and chickens get sick less often.


When raising broilers, breeders must introduce fishmeal into their diet. The material costs of the additive are more than compensated by the increase in poultry meat yield. Broilers grow quickly. Their digestion is normalized and obesity does not develop. Regular use of fish additives results in poultry meat acquiring a rich taste, becoming soft and juicy.

food in a bag

Broilers have their own scheme for using the additive. The dose of use increases gradually:

  • in the first 5 days no fishmeal is added;
  • in the next 5 days, the consumption rate is from 0.5 to 1 g per individual;
  • from 11 to 20 days - from 1.5 to 2 g per broiler;
  • from 21 to 30 days the dose increases to 3 g per 1 bird;
  • in the second month of life, the dose is 5 g per individual.

Exceeding the dose is unacceptable, since gout and protein metabolism may develop.


With regular use of fishmeal as an additive to chicken feed, the productive characteristics of young animals are significantly increased:

  • the growth and development of the bird accelerates, it enters puberty faster;
  • immunity is strengthened and the survival rate of chickens increases;
  • young animals rapidly gain weight and quickly reach the required slaughter weight.

From the 15th day of life, fishmeal is included in the diet of chickens in the amount of 2% of the total volume of feed provided, from the 20th day - 5%. The average weight of feeding is 2 g per day per chicken.

chickens in a box

In what cases should you refuse?

Despite the fact that the instructions for using flour indicate that there are no contraindications for use, in some cases it is worth refusing to use it:

  • if the fat content is very high (more than 18%);
  • if the rules for its storage are not followed;
  • before slaughtering the bird, so as not to get meat with the smell and taste of fish.

Flour should be stored in a dry, dark room with good ventilation, humidity up to 75% and at an air temperature not exceeding 30 ⁰C. The shelf life in original packaging is 1 year.

yellow powder

Is it possible to feed raw fish to chickens?

For laying hens, fish is a valuable product enriched with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. You need to know what breed and in what form should be fed to chickens, and what should be discarded.

River fish is good for poultry, but it is often infected with helminths, since many pathogenic organisms develop in fresh water. When parasites enter the digestive tract of a bird, they can quickly develop and infect the entire flock.

Inhabitants of salty sea water are much less likely to be affected by coelenterates, so sea fish are often fed to chickens (sprat, blue whiting, pollock, herring).

raw fish

Salted fish

This type of fish product is one of the most undesirable for poultry, since salt should enter its body in strictly limited quantities - no more than 0.3% of the daily feed ration.

Salted fish can be given to chickens only after soaking it for a long time.Most often, poultry farmers do not risk using such a product for feeding, so as not to exceed the salt intake rate.

If the product has been soaked for a long time, it is given to the bird in the amount of 70 g per bird per week.

salty product

Raw fish

The rules for feeding raw fish depend on the age and characteristics of the bird. Many farmers and homestead owners do not allow laying hens to be fed this product because they believe that the eggs acquire an unpleasant taste and smell.

When feeding raw poultry, it is worth considering the following rules:

  • commercial sea fish are added to chicken feed in the form of minced meat;
  • fresh river fish must be cooked before feeding;
  • Chickens are not fed raw fish.


Most often, poultry farmers use boiled fish - a completely safe product if it is brought to the state of softened bones. For this purpose, it is cooked in boiling water for at least 20 minutes. The decoction can be used for wet mash. Next, it is ground in a meat grinder or, divided into pieces, given to the bird. Consumption rates are 70 g per chicken per week.

fish in a bucket


An alternative to a fresh product is flour, which is obtained by processing waste from fishing enterprises. Low-fat (2-3%), which is well stored, is valued higher. The advantages of the product include:

  • high content of protein, minerals;
  • calcium affects the quality of the shell and the shelf life of eggs;
  • protein promotes the rapid growth of the broilers’ skeletal system and their muscle mass;
  • the supplement is easy to store and use;
  • The use of bone meal reduces the cost of raising poultry and obtaining eggs.
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