Instructions for using feed sulfur for chickens and why it is needed

Feed sulfur for chickens and chickens is a completely safe food product if it is given to birds without exceeding the prescribed dosage. This fine lemon-colored powder is mixed into food or sprinkled into water. The drug improves the functioning of the digestive system, accelerates the growth of feathers, and increases the immunity of birds. Healthy chickens gain weight faster and lay eggs better.

Why do you need feed sulfur?

In veterinary pharmacies and pet stores you can find such a drug as feed sulfur. It is a lemon yellow powder. In appearance it resembles cornmeal.It is added to bird feed or water and ash baths are made from it to get rid of parasites. Sulfur is taken for preventive purposes to improve digestion, cleanse the respiratory system, and increase the tone of the nervous system.

The powder helps get rid of toxins and helminths. The beneficial substances present in the feed are better absorbed after taking the drug. The bird begins to eat less, but gains weight faster. The egg production of laying hens increases. Sulfur is prescribed for the treatment of aperiosis, that is, in the absence or during loss of feathers.

This powder is poorly soluble in water. In the presence of liquid or organic matter, sulfur forms sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen and sulfur alkalis. Once inside, it is transformed into a number of elements and irritates the receptors of the digestive tract, producing a mild laxative effect. Hydrogen sulfide is partially absorbed from the intestines, and then released through the lungs and acts as an expectorant.

 feed sulfur

Feed properties

Fine sulfur powder can be used as a flavor enhancer and added to feed. In microdoses it is completely safe for birds. This substance does not have any negative effect on the body of laying hens, but individual intolerance to sulfur may occur in birds.

Exceeding the dosage always leads to poisoning. This must be remembered when adding sulfur to feed. It is useful to give the powder to chickens in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency, to avoid lethargy, loss of appetite, and feather loss.

The drug has a neutral taste, laying hens will eat it with pleasure. This substance is usually added to premixes and vitamin supplements for chickens. After using sulfur, the taste of eggs and poultry meat improves.

yellow powder

Benefits for chickens

Sulfur activates metabolism and increases appetite. In laying hens, egg production increases. After taking the drug, birds grow faster and their feather quality improves. It is advisable to give the powder to chickens in the fall, during the molting period, so that they do not lose all their feathers. In cold weather, taking the drug ensures normal thermoregulation.

Sulfur in small quantities triggers cleansing processes in the liver, ridding the body of harmful toxins and poisons. Removes parasites from the intestines. In microdoses, this substance helps birds recover faster from illness.

chickens eat

How to give it to chickens

Sulfur can be given to chickens starting from the 7th day of life, although in microdoses. A new additive must be introduced into the diet carefully, in small quantities, to avoid poisoning. The powder is mixed into the feed or poured into the drinking bowl.

It is best to give sulfur to birds during morning feeding. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than one month.

The powder can be added to any food.

Symptoms indicating that there is not enough sulfur in the bird’s body:

  • feather loss;
  • decreased appetite;
  • exhaustion;
  • lethargy;
  • low egg production.

bird feeders

Instructions for using the powder internally:

  • per 100 chickens aged 7-15 days - 0.5 grams once a day;
  • per 100 chickens aged 15-30 days - 1 gram once a day;
  • per 100 chickens aged 30-60 days - 2.5 grams once a day;
  • for 10 adult laying hens - 1 gram once a day.

Important! When adding sulfur to bird feed, you need to follow the exact dosage.

Excessive amounts of powder can lead to poisoning of chickens. It is better to measure the substance on an electronic scale. Usually the drug is given based on the entire herd.

Sulfur can be used to get rid of feather mites and parasites. Birds are given baths from ash and sand. The components are taken in equal proportions.Add 100 grams of sulfur to a bucket of ash mixture.

healthy food

Storage rules

Feed sulfur is sold in sachets of 5-10 grams or in plastic bags weighing 0.5-1 kilograms. It looks like a fine lemon-colored powder. Inside the package there are instructions for using this drug with the exact dosage.

Sulfur must be used within 3 years from the date of manufacture or until the expiration date indicated on the label. Store the powder at room temperature, away from sunlight and heating devices. The room must be protected from moisture, precipitation, and wind. The drug should be kept out of the reach of children. Sulfur should not be stored near food.
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