Naturally, meat and egg indicators are the main characteristics of chickens that breeders pay attention to. However, birds that stand out for their extraordinary exterior and plumage with original shades are also in demand. The Andalusian blue hybrid always arouses interest. The breed is becoming a real decoration for private households and poultry farms.
- History of origin
- Description and characteristics of the breed
- Exterior and color of chickens
- Sexual maturity and productive qualities of the Andalusian blue
- Character of birds
- Main advantages and disadvantages
- Maintenance and care
- Poultry house features
- Lighting and ventilation in the chicken coop
- Walking yard
- Feeders and drinkers
- What to feed the birds?
- Chicken breeding
- Diseases of the breed
History of origin
Thanks to the work of Spanish breeders, poultry farmers received Andalusian blue birds for breeding. This is the result of crossing the Blue Fighting and Minorka Black and White breeds of chickens. The result of the work is amazing: the chickens stand out with their exotic plumage and good productivity. The decorative appearance of the bird is its main advantage, so laying hens are mainly used to decorate the poultry house.
Description and characteristics of the breed
To truly appreciate a chicken breed, you need to take into account their breeding conditions and productive qualities.
Exterior and color of chickens
The general appearance of the Andalusian blue bird: a long and strong body of graceful shape, an elongated wide head with a large single, erect crest (in chickens the crest falls slightly to one side). The long wings fit tightly to the sides. The body has a wide, full, rounded chest.
The unusual color of the plumage is a special advantage of the breed. The color of the feathers is black and blue (in roosters on the mane, back and lower back the feathers are darker than the general background). Approximate division of plumage by color palette: 50% blue feathers and 25% each black and off-white. The contrasting combination of a crest, deep red earrings and black and gray plumage looks very bright and elegant.
The disadvantages of the breed are the lack of a pattern on the plumage and an unusually jagged comb. A change in plumage color (feathers that are too dark or light) is also a deviation from the standard. An obvious defect is a red coating on the plumage, the presence of bright white feathers on the wings and tail.
Sexual maturity and productive qualities of the Andalusian blue
Andalusian chickens begin to lay eggs at the age of 5-6 months (approximately 160 eggs per year, egg weight - 55-60 g).The meat quality of the individuals is average - the chicken weighs 2-2.2 kg, the rooster - 2.5-2.6 kg.
Character of birds
When breeding the Andalusian blue, you need to take into account its quarrelsome disposition, especially when other birds appear. Chickens react quite calmly to their owners, but show aggression towards birds of other breeds. Stressful situations negatively affect the egg production of chickens, so it is recommended to keep different breeds in separate fenced areas.
Main advantages and disadvantages
Like any breed of bird, the Andalusian Blue chicken has positive and negative qualities. Main advantages:
- extraordinary appearance and original color of plumage;
- earlier maturation;
- grow and develop well in free conditions;
- unpretentiousness in food.
Several disadvantages deserve attention:
- black whales are not inclined to hatch eggs;
- the bird flies well, so the areas are fenced with high nets/fences;
- noisy and somewhat aggressive behavior in the presence of other breeds of chickens;
- does not tolerate low temperatures well; in frosty weather, the combs and earrings quickly freeze.
Maintenance and care
Like any poultry, Andalusian Blue chickens need a warm, enclosed chicken coop and a walking area. It is strictly not recommended to constantly keep individuals in a closed space. In such conditions, without long walks and time in the fresh air, chickens lose weight and egg production, and diseases appear.
Poultry house features
The place where the poultry is kept must meet certain requirements. Key points:
- absence of cracks, since drafts provoke the occurrence of diseases;
- sufficient area of the room (at the rate of 3-4 birds per square meter).If the number is smaller, the chickens may freeze. And high density leads to poor ventilation and the emergence of diseases;
- It is recommended to protect the floor from rodents, so use tin flooring. Peat, straw or hay are suitable as bedding;
- small containers with wood ash or sand will allow the bird to comfortably clean its feathers at any time.
Important! The bedding in the room is changed regularly, and the floor is treated with special disinfectants.
Perches are installed indoors. The perches are not fixed higher than 50 cm to prevent injury to the birds in case of a fall. It is not recommended to keep the Andalusian Blue breed without perches, as the birds' plumage and figure will be deformed.
Lighting and ventilation in the chicken coop
Chickens require dim lighting for 11-12 hours. Therefore, the room is equipped with appropriate lighting. It’s easier to install “smart” lamps that turn on automatically.
Advice! The poultry house is equipped with a ventilation system (built into the roof). Or the building is supplemented with window openings.
Walking yard
The presence of a specially equipped walking area is an ideal option for keeping Andalusian blues. The optimal solution is to install a manhole door from the chicken coop to the platform. To provide the bird with protection from scorching sunlight or precipitation, a canopy is installed on the site.
Chickens easily fly over low fences. Therefore, the site is fenced with a fence or mesh 2-2.5 m high. In order for the walking area to be properly ventilated and illuminated, the area is delimited with a chain-link mesh or nylon mesh. The canvases are carefully secured to supports.
Feeders and drinkers
Dry food can be poured into wooden containers - the volume of the container is important. The container is selected for the daily portion of food.Attach the feeders to the walls (at a level no higher than 0.5 m). If wet or mixed food is used, then choose metal or plastic containers, since feeders must be thoroughly cleaned and periodically disinfected.
Drinking bowls must be installed near feeders, on the walking area. Birds drink a lot of water, especially young hens and chicks. You can buy factory-made feeding structures - bunker-type devices. Or, breeders make devices with their own hands from auxiliary materials (plastic pipes, buckets, bottles).
What to feed the birds?
The Andalusian Blue breed is unpretentious in nutrition. Feed must contain fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins for the birds to fully develop. When preparing a diet, it is recommended to take into account the age of the chickens.
Chickens are fed feed based on millet, barley and other finely ground grains. Be sure to supplement the diet with cottage cheese, chopped boiled eggs, and ground herbs. By the age of one month, the chicken should increase its weight by 250-300 g. Chickens older than two months are transferred to coarse feed mixtures intended for adult birds. For adult chickens, prepare a wet mash based on cereals (oats, barley, peas, millet), with the addition of boiled vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots). The summer diet must be enriched with chopped greens 25-30 g per day. In winter, chalk, fish oil, and bone meal are added to the feed mixtures.
Chicken breeding
Independent breeding of the breed is a troublesome task, since laying hens show little maternal instinct. If there is no incubator, then look for hens that can hatch eggs. Nesting is arranged in a warm, dark place.At the same time, there should be free and easy access to the drinking bowl and feeder. Nests are made for a clutch of 4-6 eggs.
Diseases of the breed
Under proper breeding conditions, blue chickens grow up with strong immunity from disease. The main danger for poultry is colds that occur in drafts and in damp and cold conditions. A suitable preventive measure is vaccination of young animals.
An unpleasant moment can be vitamin deficiency, which manifests itself during molting. A balanced diet with vitamin supplements will prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency.
Most poultry farmers breed Andalusian blue chickens solely because of the exotic species of birds. But at the same time, breeders note the pleasant taste of eggs and meat. Experienced farmers advise novice poultry farmers to purchase already grown young animals.