As you can guess from the name, the Altai horse breed was bred in the vast Altai region. This hardy animal has been helping humans perform agricultural and other tasks since ancient times. Such horses are especially valued for their ability to adapt to even the harshest climate. Why else do owners love these pets and how to properly care for them?
For many centuries, the Altai horse breed was formed in the mountains. These animals lived in Altai back in the 7th-3rd centuries. BC e.True, they were larger in size than the current Altai horses. These animals spent the whole year on pasture, feeding on pasture. Such horses amazed with their strength and endurance.
Improvement of the breed began in the 18th-19th centuries. Over the next centuries, people built endurance, the ability to work in a harness, obedience and other working qualities into these animals. In the 30-40s of the 20th century there was a surge in intensification of breeding work. Altai horses were crossed with other breeds. From “marriages” with Arab residents larger horses were born, but no less hardy than Altai ones. To increase meat and dairy production, Altaians were mated with Russian heavy trucks.
At the beginning of the new millennium, the Novo-Altai or, as it is also called, the Chumysh breed was developed.
Description and characteristics
How do Altaians differ from representatives of other breeds? And what are their main working qualities?
Exterior features
Initially, nature decreed that Altai horses were forced to live in mountainous conditions and harsh climates. Therefore, these horses are short - their height at the withers is only 148 cm. Mares are 5 cm smaller than stallions. But the chest volume of horses is approximately the same, regardless of gender - 165 cm. Altai horses, on average, weigh 300-350 kg. The weight of meat individuals can reach 630 kg.
These horses are distinguished by a strong loin, long back, slender but short legs with strong hooves. So strong that they don't need horseshoes. Their natural “shoes” were developed over years of existence on rocky mountain slopes. The long tail and magnificent mane make these horses recognizable.
As for colors, the colors of the Altai people are as follows:
- speckled;
- redhead;
- bay;
- dun;
- black.
Regarding the new branch of the breed - the Novo-Altai horse - it appeared by crossing true Altaians with Russian heavy trucks and Lithuanian horses. The Novo Altaians inherited impressive growth from heavy trucks. From the Altai animals they inherited a gentle disposition and amazing endurance. The Novo-Altais have a long body and a large body, a slightly forked croup and a wide chest. Muscle tubercles are easily visible under the skin.
Character specifics
The Altai horse is recognized as a representative of the best working breeds. Firstly, due to the minimal need for care and unpretentiousness. Such animals can work well and for a long time in the harshest conditions. Secondly, Altai horses are real brave men. Wolves who decide to attack a herd of Altai people have a hard time. These courageous creatures are able to fight off toothy predators without the help of guard dogs.
At the same time, these horses are calm, kind and hardworking. They are easy to get along with: they are attached to people, predictable and not capricious. They will be happy to give adults and little people rides on their backs. Such animals are easy to train.
Productive qualities
Altai horses are extremely hardy and hardworking creatures. They are capable of transporting heavy loads over long distances and even making their way through mountain passes. This breed is also good in terms of milk production - a mare can produce up to 10 liters per day. By the way, in the summer, milk yield increases.
Altaians are also suitable for agricultural work, for example, plowing the land. They walk well under saddle, so a person can ride long distances on this horse.
Pros and cons of the breed
Altai horses are popular due to a number of qualities:
- good health;
- endurance, performance;
- unpretentiousness;
- milkiness;
- ability to transport heavy loads;
- friendly, trusting, calm disposition.
Compared to the advantages, this breed has few disadvantages:
- risk of diseases of the skeleton, heart, joints.
- short stature (can be eliminated by crossing with other breeds).
Subtleties of content
And although the Altai horse is distinguished by its vitality and strong immunity, even these animals can be susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, hardy Altai people also need human attention and care:
- If you decide to purchase such a pet, you should take care of the stable in advance. It should be well heated (8-12 C°), dry and not subject to drafts. You can regulate the microclimate using a good exhaust system.
- The horse's bedding is changed as it gets dirty, and manure is removed daily.
- The owner must take care of the pet's fur and mane. They should be trimmed, otherwise harmful insects will appear in the hairs. In addition, a shorn horse looks neater.
- Pay attention to the musculoskeletal system of animals. The horse's joints and skeleton should be periodically inspected, looking for asymmetry or damage, if any.
An experienced veterinarian should examine the animal’s teeth once every six months or a year and carry out the necessary vaccinations and deworming.
Animal diet
One of the reasons why owners love Altaians so much is their ability to tolerate tebenevka well - staying on pasture in winter. Here horses get their food from under the snow. Some owners even keep their pets on pastures all year round, without worrying about feeding.
The horses' diet should be supplemented with concentrates (muesli, bran, oats) and hay.You need to feed a pet that is not grazing 3-4 times a day.
On a note. It is important to include salt in the Altai diet. It can be included in the menu as an independent product during each meal, having correctly calculated the dose. An alternative option is to buy licks. An intelligent animal will consume its salt quota on its own. These horses quickly become accustomed to the regime, and therefore systematic feeding should be provided on a schedule. Deviations from the usual routine can cause stress among Altai residents.
Features of breeding
In Altai, vast areas of pastures make it possible to keep horses in herds. Farms crossbreed breeds. Females become mature at 1.5 years, males later. The mating process begins when the mare is 3 years old and the stallion 4. The mare carries the foal for 11 months. Her body is very sensitive during this period. Violation of diet and routine can cause miscarriage.
By the way. Until the 7th month of pregnancy, the mare can work as usual, but from the 9th month she should be provided with rest.
In the process of breeding, foals may appear with defects, which, as a rule, do not affect the condition and working qualities of the animals. A defect is considered, for example, a curvature of the back, which resembles small humps on both sides of the spine.
Scope of use
If there is a horse that is universal in use, it is a representative of the Altai breed. This animal will be an excellent companion for humans in almost any situation. Here are a few “specializations” of these horses:
- meat and dairy;
- pack (can transport loads weighing up to 160 kg over long distances);
- worker (helps with agricultural work);
- selection and breeding.