The illness of a beloved pet is not easy to cope with. Trouble takes the owners by surprise and requires the mobilization of strength and knowledge. Casual disease in thoroughbred horses is difficult to diagnose and can cause colossal damage to any farm. In this situation, it is important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and begin adequate treatment. By following the veterinarian's instructions and the rules of prevention, you can hope for a successful outcome.
What is stray disease
Incidental disease is a dangerous and unpleasant sexually transmitted disease. The first information about a previously unprecedented disease appeared in the second half of the 19th century. Puzzled veterinarians had to puzzle over the cause of the disease for a long time. The most incredible assumptions were used. According to experts, the cause of the misfortune could be poor-quality food, lack of vitamins, excess weight, an unlimited number of matings, or even chronic colds.
Only in 1894 did scientists manage to find the cause of the random disease. This protozoan organism attacks the horse's genitourinary system and parasitizes the mucous membrane of the internal organs for several months. The disease is accompanied by focal inflammation of internal organs, paralysis of certain parts of the body and damage to the central nervous system of the horse. Breeding disease inevitably leads to the loss of offspring in a pregnant mare.
When a disease is diagnosed, the animal is removed from subsequent matings for at least a year. Horses kept in herd conditions suffer a mild form of the disease. As a rule, they show only some symptoms of illness. A quarter of the total number of herd horses suffers the disease asymptomatically.
Pedigree, high-breed horses experience the disease extremely hard. Their disease is acute. Foals become infected in rare cases. The parasite enters the body of babies along with mother's milk.
In the 40s of the 20th century, the disease was practically eliminated on the territory of the USSR. The All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine has developed a strategy to combat this insidious disease. A set of measures recommended by scientists helped save thousands of animals from forced destruction.
Today, outbreaks of the disease occur in Africa, Asia and South America. No cases of disease have been registered in Russia. However, the risk of accidental introduction of the disease from abroad cannot be discounted.
The causative agent of the disease
The culprit of the trouble is the parasite Trypanosoma equiperdum. It is easily transmitted through the reproductive tract of animals during mating. Experts learned about the existence of the blood parasite in 1894. Trypanosome is dangerous only for donkeys, horses and hybrids. Other domestic animals are not susceptible to the pathogen. Translated from Latin, the name of the parasite sounds like “trypanosome that spoils horses.”
Trypanosoma equiperdum enters the animal's body through sexual contact. The bulk of pathogens are concentrated in the reproductive organs, but sometimes they enter the circulatory system. Blood parasites secrete toxic substances, so the animal’s body is subject to general intoxication. Trypanosomes are perfectly adapted to survival. They reproduce instantly and are not afraid of the cold, but die in low humidity conditions.
Routes of infection
A horse can acquire the disease naturally, becoming infected from an infected animal during mating. The parasite enters the body through seminal fluid and other secretions. Particularly dangerous are infected horses that carry the disease without obvious symptoms. Another way of possible infection is mechanical. Trouble happens due to human negligence. The source of infection can be infected bandages, instruments and other items used for artificial insemination of animals.
Symptoms of the disease
Incidental disease develops gradually. The incubation period usually lasts 60-90 days.In cold climates, the symptoms of the disease are mild, so outbreaks of infection are usually not recorded.
The period of development of breeding disease can be divided into 3 stages. They can take place in different sequences. Sometimes a sick horse exhibits only 1-2 symptoms characteristic of this disease. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the animal experiences symptoms characteristic of each of the 3 stages of the disease.
Edema period
During this period, pets experience swelling of the genital organs. The udder and lower abdominal wall of mares increase in size. When palpating the swollen tissues, the animal does not experience any painful sensations. Sores and small nodules appear on the skin of the genital organs. After the formations disappear, light spots remain. The mucous membrane of the genital organs is subject to the same changes. A yellowish-bloody substance is released from the genital tract of infected animals. The pet's health remains normal, but sometimes signs of a slight fever appear.
Stage of skin manifestations
The occurrence of skin formations is more typical for horses kept at stables. Swellings in the form of a ring appear on the surface of the animal's body. They are known to specialists as “taler plaques”. Often the animal's skin is covered with a rash. The appearance of the rash is similar to urticaria.
The affected parts of the body become very sensitive, so the pet avoids touching. The horse is tormented by a frequent urge to urinate. The animal rapidly loses weight, becomes nervous and irritable. A pregnant mare usually loses the fetus.
Period of paralysis
Symptoms characteristic of period 3 signal a sharp deterioration in the pet’s condition.The animal is subjected to paresis and paralysis of muscles and motor nerves. The horse may have drooping ears, curled lips, or a deformed eyelid.
When the nerve of the lumbar region is damaged, the muscles of the hind limbs and croup atrophy. The horse is limping and makes crouching movements when walking. Due to the weakness of the hindquarters, the horse is constantly in a lying position and is no longer able to rise. As a result, bedsores appear on the animal's body. An exhausted horse is overtaken by general paralysis and, as a natural result, death.
Diagnostic methods
Already at the stage of the appearance of swelling of the genital organs, the animal must be carefully examined to eliminate the possibility of a dangerous disease. To establish a diagnosis, specialists carry out a number of activities:
- Clinical researches.
- Serological research method.
- Microscopic analysis.
To detect parasites in infected individuals, scrapings from the mucous membrane of the genital organs are taken for analysis. Affected horses have low red blood cell and hemoglobin levels, while white blood cell levels are elevated.
In addition to the diagnostic methods described, specialists find out how the animal was infected and check records of matings. Horses that have previously been in contact with infected animals are examined three times. At intervals of 30 days, pets undergo clinical, microscopic and serological tests.
The examined animals are divided into groups:
- sick;
- individuals suspected of being infected;
- completely healthy.
Treatment of casual disease
The drug Naganin is used to treat horses. Before starting therapy, the animal is weighed.The instructions for use of the drug contain information on the method of preparing a solution for intravenous administration. The dosage is calculated from the ratio of 0.01-0.15 per 1 kg of horse weight. Sovarsen, Antimozan, Fuadin are used as new generation drugs.
The main treatment is supplemented with cardiac and supportive medications. Sick pets are transferred to enhanced nutrition.
Preventive actions
To prevent random illness, specialists adhere to the following rules:
- Before mating, animals are carefully examined using the method of serological analysis. Stallions are examined again after the end of the breeding period.
- Healthy stallions are given a prophylactic injection with Naganin.
- They create points for artificial insemination of mares.
- Stallions not suitable for breeding are castrated.
- Adult stallions are kept separately from mares of fertile age. Restrictions also apply to recently neutered animals.