Description and characteristics of Tori breed horses, maintenance rules

Draft breeds are widely used in horse breeding to perform various jobs; they are also used in sports. Let's consider the history of creation, description and characteristics of the Tori horse breed, advantages and disadvantages, features of keeping animals, their nutrition and care. How to properly breed purebred animals, how to prevent and treat diseases.

History of breed transformation

The Tory breed was registered in 1950, but its ancestor is considered to be the Polish stallion Getman, born in 1886, whose descendants were widely used to work with the breed.The Tory breed was bred in Estonia, at the Tory factory; local mares and stallions of the English, Arabian, Oryol, Trakehner, East Frisian, Norfolk Roadster and French Postier-Breton breeds were used for crossing.

Description and characteristics of the animal

The Tory horse has a harmonious build and a strong constitution. The animals have an elongated, rounded body, a deep chest, short but strong legs, a short muscular neck, a long muscular croup, and medium-sized hooves.

Height at the withers is on average 155 cm, weight is 550-600 kg. The color is often red or brown, but often it is nightingale, bay, game, black, and roan.

The animals are unpretentious in keeping, hardy and energetic. By temperament they are calm and good-natured. The combination of performance and balance made Tory horses almost universal. They are used in agriculture, they carry cargo, they are taken for sports, shows, tourism, for horse riding and walking.

Pros and cons of Tori horses

Advantages of the breed:

  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • excellent working qualities;
  • good character;
  • versatility in use.

Disadvantages of the breed: it is not widespread; horses are raised at the main stud - “Tori”, and some breeding farms.

Features of maintenance, care and nutrition

A Tori horse can live in a standard stall measuring 4 by 4 m. It should be warm, ventilated, and light. Humidity in the room should be maintained at 60%. You cannot keep the animal indoors permanently; If the horse is not working, he should spend time outside every day, in a paddock next to the stable, except in frosty weather.

If it is cold in the stable, you need to cover the animal with a warm blanket.

Tori horses, like other breeds, require daily brushing of their coat, tail and mane. At least once a month, the hooves need to be tidied up, cleaned, trimmed and reshod. Systematically remove and change bedding, for which you can use straw or sawdust.

The animals are fed with fresh pasture grass, hay, whole and crushed grains of various types, root vegetables, and fruits. Vitamin and mineral supplements are added to the food, especially in winter, when the level of vitamins in foods decreases. You can feed them with mixed feed for horses or combine combined feeds with natural food. After each feeding you need to give water, warmed in winter.

Breeding rules

Tori horses are bred as purebreds, and the breed is still being improved. For sport, animals are combined with riding horses, for example, Hanoverian and Trakehner. Tories are also used as improvers of work horses on farms in Russia and other countries. The resulting foals inherit the best characteristics of their parents. The scheme of purebred or local breeding depends on what work the animal will perform and what qualities it should have.

Frequent illnesses

Horses can have gastrointestinal problems, which are often caused by improper feeding or insufficient care. Diseases of the legs and hooves are also common; this is the result of frequent or prolonged use, overload, improper shoeing, poor or insufficient hoof care, and being kept on dirty, wet bedding.

Tories can suffer from respiratory diseases if they stand in a cold stable; many diseases are contagious and are transmitted to animals from sick relatives. To prevent common infections, annual vaccinations are required.

The Tori breed is a draft breed, which means that horses are used as working horses, but they have qualities that allow them to be put under saddle. These are quite powerful, strong, hardy animals with a harmonious exterior, which can be kept for household needs or just for horseback riding.
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