Characteristics of the Yakut horse breed, care, maintenance and breeding

Some farmers raise horses. People who live in the northern regions are recommended to breed Yakut horses. The fact is that this breed is adapted to harsh climates where low temperatures prevail. Before raising such animals, it is necessary to become more familiar with their characteristic features.

History of the origin of the breed

Many historians consider the Yakut breed to be one of the most ancient. The remains of such animals have been repeatedly discovered during archaeological excavations in the permafrost layer. According to archaeologists, these horses existed back in the thirtieth millennium BC. Some scientists are confident that the ancestors of these animals were ancient tundra horses. This breed has managed to survive to this day thanks to a well-developed musculoskeletal system, as well as increased endurance and the ability to adapt to any climatic conditions.

Content region

Most often, such horses are found in winter and summer on the territory of the real tundra. The number of animals began to increase in 1988, when a herd of horses was released into one of the tundra areas. During the first few years, the animals managed to colonize an area of ​​more than 150 square kilometers.

Until today, three varieties of Yakut horse breeds. The first type includes the Middle Kolyma and Verkhoyansk horses. The second type is considered more thermophilic, and therefore many call it southern. Such horses are smaller and are not crossed with other horse breeds. The third type is called factory. Animals belonging to this group are distinguished by their large size and resistance to low temperatures. Most Yakut horses live in valleys located near the Lena River. Sometimes they are found in the Kolyma basins.

Characteristics and description

To become more familiar with this breed, you need to understand its description and characteristics.

Yakut horse

Exterior and color

To predict the performance qualities of a horse, it is necessary to evaluate the exterior. The animals have a rather unusual appearance and large dimensions. However, there are other exterior features worth mentioning:

  • strong physique with a lot of muscles;
  • large chest;
  • wide back;
  • thickened skin;
  • thick wool;
  • strong hooves;
  • big head.

Adult horses grow up to one and a half meters in height. The average body weight is 550-600 kilograms. At the same time, the chest circumference sometimes reaches 185 centimeters.

Yakut horse

Speaking about physical characteristics, we should also mention the suit. There are several color manifestations that are considered distinctive features of Yakut horses:

  • thick and black mane;
  • dark markings on fur;
  • grayish-ashy color.

Trainability and character

According to most horse breeders, Yakut horses are very smart and obedient. Adults do not show signs of aggression and are therefore considered absolutely safe. Their main difference is their intelligence. They can also independently predict the further development of certain events. Horses are very emotional, they have a great sense of human character and are able to remember people’s voices. Over time, they get used to their owners and the animals that live next to them.

Yakut horse

Productive qualities and use of the animal

There are two main ways to use such unusual horses:

  • Horse riding lessons. This is considered the main purpose of such animals. Yakut horses are hardy and very stocky, which allows them to be used for movement even on snowy roads. Riding horses are used only as a means of transportation. They are completely unsuitable for other jobs.
  • Meat and dairy production. Some people raise horses to produce fresh meat products. Their meat is considered a real delicacy, from which many national Yakut dishes are prepared. They are also used for milk production. It has healing properties and is used in folk medicine.

a beautiful horse

Advantages and disadvantages

Some people prefer to look at different horse breeds, analyzing their main disadvantages and advantages. It is worth noting that this breed has many advantages. Among the main ones are the following:

  • ease of care;
  • hard work;
  • non-aggressive behavior;
  • increased endurance;
  • learning ability;
  • survivability.

However, there are some disadvantages that people may encounter when breeding the Yakut horse breed. Among the disadvantages are their unattractive exterior and the fact that such animals are considered not fully domesticated.

Care and maintenance of the Yakut horse

Every person who is going to raise horses should become familiar with the features of caring for them.

beautiful Yakut horse


First you need to figure out which stables are best for keeping such horses. Experienced farmers do not recommend keeping them in completely enclosed sheds. These animals are considered freedom-loving, as they are accustomed to living in open spaces. Therefore, closed stables can have a negative impact on them. If it is not possible to keep them outside, you will have to often let them out for a walk.

The best option is a farm with a lot of fenced space. In such areas, horses will be able to run freely and will not feel limited in anything.

Feeding and watering

Such horses are considered unpretentious in the selection of food. They can even eat defective food.However, when raised on farms, they should be fed feed that contains vitamins. This diet helps strengthen the immune system. Experienced farmers who have been raising the Yakut breed for many years advise adding more grain and hay to their diet. In summer, horses are given more fresh grass. You can also add ripe apples, potatoes, carrots and beets to your daily diet. Young horses are given crushed feed to make it easier to chew. They need to be watered daily from a ten-liter bucket in the morning and evening.

horse and man

Hygiene and horse care

When carrying out hygienic care for a horse, the following procedures are carried out:

  • regular combing of the horses' tail and mane with a special comb;
  • daily inspection of hooves and cleaning them using a horse hook;
  • cleaning the back, head and neck with soft and hard fiber brushes;
  • veterinary examination, which should be carried out once or twice a year;
  • brushing your teeth with a sponge, which is carried out once every six months;
  • washing eyes with warm water;
  • daily rinsing of the genitals, where fatty effusion may remain.


Whenever possible, animals are released into the wild so they can graze outside and eat fresh grass. This is done at the end of spring and in the first half of summer, when there is most green grass. In the middle and second half of summer, there are fewer places for natural grazing. In this case, the animals will have to be given feed and hay again.

horse grazing


Under natural conditions, horses live in areas with soft soil. It contributes to slight abrasion of the surface of the feet. At the same time, the regenerative processes in the animal are quite active, which allows the hooves to recover on their own.Animals raised on private property have to move around a lot on harder surfaces. In such conditions, the hooves wear out much faster and therefore they have to be shoed. This will protect the hooves from damage and prevent excessive wear and tear. Horseshoeing should not be done on your own. It is better to entrust such work to a professional.

Vaccinations and disease prevention

To prevent horses on the farm from getting sick, it is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and get vaccinated. Also, to maintain the health of horses, you need to do the following:

  • installation of a separate feeder and drinking bowl for each animal;
  • drawing up a diet that will include food with a sufficient amount of vitamins and other useful microelements;
  • regular cleaning of used equipment;
  • cleaning the stables at least 1-2 times a month;
  • disinfection of premises where horses are kept.

cleaning the stables


To breed horses, you need to become familiar with the peculiarities of their mating, since without this it will not be possible to get new offspring. It is recommended to engage in mating when the animal is two and a half years old. If you do this earlier, the horse will have problems with pregnancy.

A pregnant female needs to be looked after more carefully. She needs more frequent and high-quality feeding. It is also necessary for the veterinarian to periodically examine her and monitor the progress of the pregnancy. It is not necessary to carefully care for a newborn mare. For example, in the first months of life, the cub will feed only on mother's milk. They begin to introduce him to solid food two months after birth.

Horse cost

People who have seriously decided to breed Yakut horses are interested in the cost of the animals. The price directly depends on the age of the horse. For example, an adult mare costs about fifty thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of a small horse is 20-30 thousand.

a beautiful horse

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts that are associated with Yakut horses:

  • Such animals are considered long-lived. Their endurance allows them to remain operational for 20-30 years.
  • Unpretentious in nutrition. You can feed mares not only with fresh grass, but also with pasture.
  • The meat of Yakut horses is considered healing. It contains many nutritional components that help strengthen the immune system.


Some owners of private plots are planning to start breeding Yakut horses. However, before this you need to familiarize yourself with the description of such animals and the features of caring for them.
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