Leeks are a vegetable crop that does not require special care and is therefore popular among many vegetable growers. Most often, this plant is grown for further use in the preparation of various dishes. It is also often grown for freezing and canning.
Before you start growing such a vegetable, you need to familiarize yourself with the main features of leeks and the nuances of planting them.
Benefits of leeks
Before planting leeks, you should study in more detail the beneficial properties of the plant, thanks to which it is so popular among vegetable growers.
To understand the properties and contraindications, you need to know the composition of the plant. It contains a small amount of calories, so the vegetable is added to the diet during a diet. Bulbs also contain many nutrients and other nutrients that the human body needs. In addition, the bulbs have a high content of vitamins B, K, C, A.
The upper leaves of the plant contain a fibrous structure that promotes the proliferation and development of bacteria in the intestines that reduce bloating. Therefore, doctors recommend eating pearl onions for people with impaired digestive system performance. It is also eaten for high blood pressure. Thanks to the potassium contained in the plant, regular consumption of fresh onions normalizes blood pressure.
The vegetable has no serious contraindications. However, doctors still do not advise people with serious diseases of the duodenum to eat it often.
The best varieties
Before planting, it is better to familiarize yourself with the main varieties of leeks, since each of them has its own characteristics.
The bulbs, which are early-ripening types of vegetables, fully ripen by the end of summer. If we talk about the full cycle of fruit ripening, it lasts 120–150 days. Among the early varieties of onions, several of the best varieties are distinguished:
- Vesta. The most fertile early ripening variety, which grows up to one and a half meters. It has excellent taste and shelf life.
- Columbus. It is considered the most juicy variety, which grows up to 60–70 cm.Columbus is often added to fresh vegetable salads, as it has a light aroma and delicate taste.
- Goliath. The lowest early-ripening variety, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm.
Mid-season pearl onions ripen towards the end of autumn. Such varieties are planted less often than early ripening ones, as they have lower yields. Popular mid-season bulb types include:
- Kamus. A small variety with curved green leaves, the surface of which is covered with a layer of wax. Mature plants grow up to 15–20 cm.
- Casimir. The most popular mid-season onion, resistant to insects and diseases. When grown in optimal conditions, Casimir bushes grow up to 20–25 cm.
- Jolant. This variety is considered the most productive among mid-season onions. Jolant is distinguished by narrow leaves and bushes about 35 cm high.
Landing dates and rules
Before growing leeks in open ground, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of planting this plant. It is recommended to grow the plant without seedlings in the first half of May. The end or mid-February goes well with the seedling method.
Soil preparation
Before planting a particular leek variety, select a suitable area and prepare it for planting. This vegetable grows well in an area with good light, away from tall bushes or trees that may shade the seedlings.
Before planting in open ground, the soil on the site is prepared. This is done not in the spring, but in the autumn before the onset of the first frost. First, the entire area is dug up with a shovel or pitchfork and then 50 grams of urea with Nitrophoska are added to the soil. The next stage of preparation begins in the spring.In this case, each square meter of the garden is fed with 2–3 kg of humus mixed with compost.
Seedless method
Many people do not know what to do if seedlings die before planting in open ground. In this case, you will have to sow and grow leeks from seeds. To do this, all harvested leek seeds are planted in pre-prepared soil. 2-3 rows are made on the site at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. On each row, shallow holes are made into which onion heads are planted. When all the seed is planted, the rows are thoroughly watered with water at room temperature.
Seedling method
Leeks are often planted using the seedling method. To use this method, you will have to prepare the seed in advance. To do this, all seeds are treated with aloe juice or growth stimulants. It is also recommended to soak all seeds for 20–30 minutes in heated water with manganese for disinfection.
The prepared seed is sown no earlier than March 20, so that by the end of May the grown seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. Young seedlings are grown in small pots or cups 5–7 cm in size.
Grown seedlings are transplanted when the seedlings grow to 10 cm in height. Planting germinated seedlings is no different from planting seeds using the seedless method.
Features of care
Caring for leeks is mandatory, since the yield of the planted plant depends on it.
To figure out how to grow leeks, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of watering this vegetable. It is recommended to moisten the soil at least once a week. At the same time, 5–7 liters of liquid are consumed per square meter of garden.In drought conditions, the number of waterings increases to three times a week, since the soil dries out faster in such weather. During the ripening period of the bulbs, watering is reduced.
Top dressing
When caring for leeks, the area must be fertilized. The first fertilizing is applied to the soil before planting, in mid-autumn. During this period, mineral fertilizers with a small amount of organic matter are added to the soil. If after planting the growth of leaves is slow, re-feed. In this case, mullein and urea mixed with 10 liters of water are added to the ground. Three liters of the mixture are consumed per square meter of plot with onions.
Problems during cultivation
At growing and caring for onions In the meantime, certain difficulties arise. Often leeks grow poorly and you have to think about how to feed them to improve the growth of planted seedlings. To do this, add organic fertilizers to the soil in the form of compost with rotted humus.
The second common problem is weeds. To get rid of them, you will have to figure out how to properly loosen and weed the ground. It is necessary to hill up the soil regularly. Experienced vegetable growers do this 2-3 times a month so that the weeds do not have time to grow.
Storage methods
Not everyone knows how to store grown leeks in the country. There are three common methods for storing harvested crops:
- Frozen. This method is popular among vegetable growers, since defrosted vegetables do not lose their taste. To freeze onions, just peel them, cut them into several pieces and place them in the freezer.
- In the cellar. The most suitable place to store leeks is the cellar.This room will protect the bulbs from frost and rotting.
- In the apartment. Onion heads are stored much less frequently in residential premises, since the conditions there are not always suitable for storing the crop. In order for the collected onions to be preserved in the apartment, you need to monitor the air temperature.
Popular recipes
It’s no secret that onions are often used in cooking and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the main dishes that are prepared from them:
- Onion pancakes. To prepare this popular dish, two large onions are grated on a fine grater and seasoned with salt. Then the juice is squeezed out of the grated onion heads. After this, everything is covered with flaxseeds and semolina. The result is a thick mixture that is fried in a frying pan. The pancakes are fried very carefully over low heat.
- Onions with bacon. To prepare this dish, the head of the leek is cut off and the leaves are cut into strips 1 cm wide. Then 100 grams of bacon is taken, which is sprinkled with salt to taste. Then boil water in a small saucepan and add onion heads, which are boiled for 5-10 minutes. After this, in a separate bowl, mix the grated apple with carrots, prunes and sour cream. The resulting mixture is added to the mold with bacon and onions, and then placed in the oven. The dish is baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 120–140 degrees.
Almost every gardener grows leeks. To grow this vegetable, you will have to become familiar with the peculiarities of planting it in open ground and caring for planted bushes.