Early varieties of vegetables received special attention from summer residents. With the onset of warmth, each of them strives to enjoy the harvest collected from their beds as early as possible. A worthy choice would be the Zanachka f1 cucumber. It not only produces early harvests of high-quality greens, but also bears fruit abundantly and also exhibits good resistance to major types of diseases.
Description of the variety
Zanachka f1 is an early-ripening hybrid variety whose fruits have a universal purpose. Pollination is carried out by bees. Suitable for cultivation both in open and closed ground. The first harvest is harvested 38–40 days after the appearance of the first shoots.
The stash is characterized by increased resistance to root rot and downy mildew. The yield of the variety is good; 11–12 kg of cucumbers with high marketability and taste characteristics are harvested from one square meter.
Cucumbers of the Zanachka variety have a standard cylindrical shape, their length reaches 10–12 cm. The weight of one fruit ranges from 110 to 130 grams. The surface has characteristic medium-sized tubercles and white spines. One leaf axil produces up to 3 cucumbers. The fruits of the Zanachka variety can be consumed fresh, or pickled or pickled.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Zanachka f1 variety recently began to be grown in garden plots. Reviews from summer residents suggest that it has more advantages than disadvantages.
These include:
- increased resistance to major types of diseases;
- high productivity;
- universal use of fruits;
- excellent taste characteristics;
- low maintenance requirements;
- suitability for long-distance transportation and long-term storage without loss of commercial quality;
- absence of bitterness, which is genetically determined.
Compared to the advantages, the disadvantages of this variety are insignificant. The main one is that Zanachka cucumbers require the mandatory intervention of insects for pollination. It is also not possible to prepare the seeds yourself, since the variety is a hybrid.
Even if you manage to collect your own seed and grow seedlings from it, the daughter plants will not have the same characteristics as the mother plants.
Features of cultivation
Cucumbers of the Zanachka variety are grown both by seedlings and by direct sowing of seeds in the ground. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the last ten days of April or early May. Young plants should be planted in a permanent place when they have 2-3 true leaves. At first, it is necessary to install film covers over them and protect them from direct sunlight. Direct sowing of seeds in open ground is carried out in the last ten days of May or early June.
The Zanachka variety of cucumbers is planted in beds according to a 40x40 pattern, the seeds are buried no more than 4 cm. The planting site must be sufficiently illuminated and the soil fertile. If necessary, organic fertilizers are applied before planting. The best option is rotted cow manure. Its solution is also used in a ratio of 1:5 with water. Chicken droppings dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:20 will also work. If it is not possible to add organic matter, then use complex mineral fertilizers.
You need to remember the dosage of fertilizers when applying them to Zanachka f1 cucumbers. If you add more than the prescribed dose, the excess will accumulate in the soil and can not only have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of plants, but also lead to human poisoning.
It is best to make an organic bed on cucumber beds. It will provide Stash f1 with the necessary supply of nutrients and saturate the root system with carbon dioxide.
From the reviews of summer residents, the conclusion suggests itself that it is better to sow Zanachka seeds in several stages. This will not only help protect the seedlings from unexpectedly returning frosts, but will also significantly extend the fruiting period. But you should not sow cucumbers later than mid-June.Long daylight hours and summer heat do not have the best effect on the growth and development of young plants.
In the first days after planting Stash f1 on the beds, you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture. If during the day it is noticed that the leaves have begun to fade, then in the evening, water them with water at room temperature. It is necessary to constantly loosen the soil and remove weeds until the tops are spread over the entire area of the bed. They try to distribute the lashes evenly over the entire area of the allocated area.
During the fruiting period, the amount of irrigation of Zanachka cucumbers is increased. If the weather is hot and dry, the plants are watered daily in the evening.
The Zanachka cucumber variety does not require fertilization, provided that the beds have been well-filled beforehand. In the event of a prolonged cold spell, blanching and even yellowing of the leaves is observed. You need to take 7–10 grams of any nitrogen fertilizer, dilute it in a bucket of water and spray the cucumber leaves. The procedure is carried out exclusively in the evening.
The f1 stash is popular among both summer residents and professional farmers. This unpretentious and productive early variety also deserves respect due to its increased resistance to disease and excellent taste of the fruit.