Growing and caring for walnuts in Siberia, rules for preparing for winter

The intensive work of breeders to develop zoned frost-resistant varieties of various trees and shrubs contributes to the massive spread of previously exotic plants around the globe. So the heat-loving walnut has reached Siberia: its planting and cultivation in these regions is already often perceived as the norm. However, there is a long road ahead for pioneer gardeners to get their first harvests.

Is it possible to grow walnuts in Siberia?

The main danger preventing the cultivation of walnuts in cold regions is severe frosts. As a result of long-term exposure to negative temperatures, the above-ground elements of the plant freeze, the growing season is disrupted, and the ripening of the crop is delayed. For successful cultivation and production of fruits in such conditions, zoned varieties with a short ripening period are chosen.

Suitable varieties

Breeders are working hard every day to develop winter-hardy varieties of various crops for distribution and successful cultivation in any climatic zone. They did not ignore the walnut. Among all the varietal diversity today, if desired, you can find early ripening varieties with good tolerance to low temperatures and a short growing season. The following winter-hardy varieties are particularly successful in Siberia:

  • Kaczynski;
  • Sturdy
  • Ideal.

They can withstand low temperatures down to -30 °C and manage to set fruit. However, due to late frosts, which cause irreparable damage to low-growing skeletal branches and nascent flower buds, the fruits do not always have the opportunity to ripen.

Siberians have to make a lot of efforts to protect trees from late frosts during the flowering period.


How to grow crops correctly

In the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia, growing healthy walnuts and getting high yields every year is quite problematic. However, careful attention to the tree from the first days after planting and throughout its life will protect it from freezing and ensure the formation and ripening of the crop.

Where to plant walnuts on the plot

Walnuts are planted on the south side of the site. For it, choose a clearing well lit by the sun, reliably protected from draft winds. A dense wall or fence on the north side will provide reliable protection for the growing seedling from freezing and drying out the bark by strong winds. However, you should not plant this mighty tree near permanent buildings. A powerful, growing root goes deep into the ground and can destroy a building.

A walnut planted in a dark area or in a low area is doomed to death. It does not tolerate marshy and clayey soil. Otherwise the plant is unpretentious. Feels good on soils with any composition and acidity. Grows and bears fruit well on hills or slopes.

nut patch

Preparation of planting material

One of the most common options for growing walnuts on your own plot is to plant them with seeds. The seeds produce strong trees that are resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and guarantee possible fruiting.

For planting, select newly ripened seeds with intact shells, without visible damage or mold. You should not use purchased nuts, as their freshness and germination are questionable.

It is advisable to plant seeds in the fall. The probability of germination in this case is much higher than when planting seeds in the spring. Having received the necessary hardening in natural winter conditions, adapted strong plants grow as a result. Non-viable shoots are immediately eliminated.

It is best to plant the seeds immediately in a permanent place. This will avoid the replanting process and contribute to the formation of a stronger and more stable root system.

tree seedlings

Planting scheme and process

Walnut has a spreading crown and requires a lot of free space. This must be taken into account when placing the tree on the site. The recommended planting pattern is 6 x 6 meters.

Walnut is unpretentious to the soil, so preliminary addition of humus and ash to the ground will be quite sufficient. The seed placement depth is usually three times its size. The seeds are placed in prepared grooves on the edge, sprinkled with earth and watered thoroughly.

The main danger to fresh seedlings in Siberia is birds. A thick mesh or covering material well fixed to the surface will help protect seedlings from invasion by birds.

The walnut is self-fertile. However, experienced gardeners practice planting two seedlings at the same time and note an interesting fact: if trees grow in pairs, the yield of each of them is significantly higher than the yield of similar varieties growing separately.

planted according to the system

Further care of the nut

Siberia is not ideal for growing walnuts. It will take a lot of effort before a healthy tree grows and the first harvest ripens.

Watering and fertilizing

In the first few years, young walnuts are not fertilized. This is especially true for nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulate accelerated cell division and rapid growth of seedlings. Rapid growth weakens the young tree, and in harsh weather conditions there is a high probability of its death. Natural growth in stable conditions without stimulants occurs slowly. However, the result is a strong tree that is resistant to bad weather.

To stimulate fruiting, an adult tree is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the fall.

watering at the root

Walnuts need moisture. A young tree requires periodic heavy watering during dry periods.An old tree with overgrown roots is already on its own and can get the required amount of moisture from the soil. It is watered much less often. After shedding its leaves, the adult tree is fed and thoroughly saturated with moisture before wintering.

Trimming and shaping

In the harsh conditions of Siberia, severe tree pruning is not practiced. In spring, frozen and damaged shoots are removed. The cut site is carefully treated with garden varnish.

The formation of a creeping crown will help prevent branches from freezing and make it easier to insulate the tree in winter.

trimming with scissors


When the air temperature drops to 3-4 C° in autumn, they begin to whitewash adult fruit trees. Whitewashing helps protect the tree from parasites looking for reliable shelter during this period for wintering. In addition, as a result of thaws and subsequent drops in temperature, the bark icing and cracking occurs. Whitewashing will prevent the appearance of ice and protect the bark from damage.

Small animals common in the vast expanses of Siberia do not like whitened trunks. In spring, at an air temperature of 2-3 ° C, the whitewash is renewed. Young trees, as a rule, are not whitened.

Preparing for winter

Walnuts require careful preparation for wintering. It consists of several stages:

  1. In a dry autumn with little precipitation after the leaves have fallen, the tree is carefully shed with a large volume of water, saturating the root system with moisture before wintering.
  2. The tree trunk circle is mulched with a thick layer of straw, sawdust, and dry leaves. Mulch helps retain moisture and heat and protects roots from freezing.
  3. Some varieties of walnuts take root well in Siberian conditions and produce powerful shoots.However, the unprotected above-ground part freezes out in some severe winters. The young tree has a very flexible stem. To prevent freezing, in the fall the tree is bent to the ground and carefully covered with dry grass, hay or covering material. The plant remains in this form until spring. It is reliably protected from frost and thaw.
  4. It may be impossible to completely protect a tall tree from frost. It is covered with snow at least until the beginning of the skeletal branches.

The above measures will protect the walnut from severe frosts, preserve the integrity and health of the tree, and its level of fruiting.

tree mulch

Tree diseases and pests

Carrying out preventive measures will help prevent the development of diseases, grow a healthy tree and harvest a crop undamaged by pests.

Spraying Bordeaux mixture in early spring and autumn will help protect walnuts from powdery mildew. The solution is prepared in accordance with the consumption rates indicated on the packaging. Spraying is carried out in the evening after sunset.

Spraying the tree with insecticides will help prevent the appearance of nut beetles, weevils and other pests on leaves and fruits, as well as maintain productivity at a high level.

appearance of the disease

Collection and storage of nuts

Determining the readiness of a nut for consumption is very simple. The green pericarps have begun to crack, which means it’s time to harvest. After harvesting, the crop is placed in a cool place for one week. Here the pericarp darkens and softens. These nuts are much easier to peel. After removing the shell, the fruits are thoroughly dried in the sun or in another warm place.

For storage, nuts are placed in a dry place with an air temperature no higher than 10 °C. In this form they can be stored for many years.

The harsh climate is not suitable for growing heat-loving walnuts. It can be difficult for enthusiasts to choose a low-growing and early-ripening variety suitable for given conditions. Walnuts require close attention and work throughout their lives. Despite all these obstacles, this majestic tree is increasingly appearing and bearing fruit in garden plots in Siberia.
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