Beneficial and medicinal properties of walnuts for the body, contraindications

Many people know about the benefits of walnuts, although few people understand the medicinal qualities of the fruit. Regular consumption of tasty treats can improve your health and even cope with certain diseases. The main rule that you need to remember when pampering yourself with sweet kernels is not to overuse them; too much eating can cause undesirable consequences.

Composition and beneficial components of walnuts

Before you start improving your health by eating fruits, it is recommended to understand the beneficial qualities, composition, and effects on the body. This will allow you to prevent unwanted mistakes and determine your daily dose of treats.

Calorie content

The fruits have a fairly high calorie content, so people who are overweight should avoid eating them. Per 100 g of product - 655 kcal.


The peculiarity of walnuts is their high content of vitamins. The B group predominates, but vitamins K, E, and A are also present here.


The range of microelements is amazing; many vegetables and fruits cannot boast of such an abundance. Nuts contain:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.


Regular consumption of fruits completely replaces the use of certain medications that enhance immunity and saturate the body with microelements.

Healing qualities of unripe nuts

It is not necessary to wait for the fruits to ripen - no less medicinal qualities are contained in unripe nuts. What is the benefit of using an unripe product in treatment? Regular use of prepared infusions allows you to improve the body's defenses, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, and cope with headaches and thyroid pathologies.

Medicinal properties of ripe nuts

Eating ripened kernels improves heart function, strengthens blood vessels, and cleanses organs of the accumulation of toxins and waste. If you have vision problems, it is also recommended to include this delicacy in your diet.


The nut can also cope with headaches, sleep problems, and general malaise.

The nuances of eating nut kernels

The kernels can be consumed in their pure form, used for baking and cooking. Home remedies made from the fruit are considered especially useful.

The main thing is to follow the norm, consume no more than 100 g of product per day.

During pregnancy

How is the product useful for pregnant women? Pregnant women are not prohibited from consuming treats that help compensate for the lack of nutritional and beneficial elements. Be sure to monitor your health and your body’s reaction to the product.


If rashes, malaise, nausea or upset stool appear, it is better to give up nuts.

When breastfeeding

It is not prohibited to consume fruits during lactation. Together with breast milk, the baby will receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements. The main thing is to monitor how the small body reacts to the product; if an undesirable reaction occurs, it is better to hold off on eating nuts.

Benefits for children

The fruit contains Omega-3 and magnesium, which are necessary for a small organism. The elements improve brain function, increase physical activity, and strengthen the nervous system. The daily norm for a child is only 20-30 g of product.


Features of use in folk medicine

In alternative medicine, the use of walnuts is quite popular. Based on the product, various tinctures, healing ointments, and lotions are prepared. The main requirement for home treatment is to make sure that the products are safe; if undesirable reactions appear after use, stop the procedures immediately.

Spiced tincture

To prepare a tincture with a spicy taste, you will need good homemade vodka and spices (cinnamon, cloves). Usually a healthy drink is prepared from the partitions.


  1. Pour fruit membranes (50 g) into a container.
  2. Fill with homemade pervach (1 l).
  3. Put cinnamon (10 g), cloves (5 pcs.).
  4. Leave for two weeks.


Take 15 drops three times a day for diseases of the digestive organs, thyroid gland, and frequent migraines.

Vodka tincture of nuts

The easiest way to prepare homemade medicine is to infuse green nuts with vodka. First chop the fruits (200 g), pour in alcohol (1 l). Leave for two weeks, during which time shake the container vigorously several times. Take 20 ml, dilute with water (50 ml). The number of doses per day is no more than once.

Tincture of green nuts in alcohol with Cahors, aloe and honey

The use of home medicine is recommended for problems with digestion, heart function, and blood vessels.


  1. Chop green fruits (100 g) into a pulp.
  2. Add juice squeezed from 5 aloe leaves, 100 g of honey.
  3. Stir, pour Cahors (300 ml).
  4. Add vodka (500 ml), leave for a week.


After filtration, drink 15-20 ml daily. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach.

Recipe for green nut tincture with alcohol and honey

The combination of beneficial substances from nuts and honey allows you to cope with many diseases. A tasty drink will boost your immunity, get rid of colds, and normalize your blood pressure. Regular use of the product improves heart function and reduces the risk of heart attack.


  1. Turn green fruits (200 g) into fine pulp.
  2. Mix with honey (100 g) heated in a water bath and leave for 2-4 hours.
  3. Pour vodka (700 ml) into the honey-nut butter and stir.
  4. Leave to infuse (3-4 weeks).
  5. Be sure to stir the mixture regularly.
  6. After filtering, pour into a dark glass container, seal tightly, and place in the refrigerator.


Take 30 ml daily. The course of treatment is a month. After this, take a break for 1-2 months and continue treatment if necessary.

Use in cosmetology

It is useful to wipe the skin with decoctions from the partitions of fruits or green nuts. Regular procedures will remove inflammation from the dermis, get rid of rashes, and eliminate small cracks. Compresses from the decoction will help even out the skin tone, remove pigment spots, and whiten freckles.

To prepare the decoction you will need 100 g of green fruits or 50 g of partitions. Water - up to 500 ml. There is no need to boil, just bring to a boil and leave covered. After filtration, store the product in the refrigerator and wipe the skin up to 3 times a day.



Eating walnuts does not always bring benefits to the human body; in some cases, the fruits can cause harm. The use of fruits is not recommended in the following cases:

  • obesity;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • allergic reaction to some components;
  • serious diseases of the dermis;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Even if there are no health problems, active consumption of fruits can provoke trouble. To prevent unwanted complications, it is better not to overuse and strictly adhere to medical recommendations.

Walnuts are a healthy product that, when used correctly, can affect many problems in the body.The main thing is to remember a sense of proportion; even an abundance of vitamins often becomes harmful if you absorb them in excessive quantities. It is better not to engage in experiments and not find out how stable the body is; strict adherence to medical requirements and the advice of traditional medicine will prevent unwanted consequences and receive only benefits from nuts.
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